Thursday, August 6, 2020

Mailing in the Politics

The mail-in ballots of more than 84,000 New York City Democrats who sought to vote in the presidential primary were disqualified, according to new figures released by the Board of Elections.

The city BOE received 403,103 mail-in ballots for the June 23 Democratic presidential primary.

But the certified results released Wednesday revealed that only 318,995 mail-in ballots were counted.

That means 84,108 ballots were not counted or invalidated — 21 percent of the total.

One out of four mail-in ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or failing to include a voter’s signature, or other defects. The Post reported Tuesday that roughly 30,000 mail-in ballots were invalidated in Brooklyn alone.

The high invalidation rate provides more proof that election officials and the Postal Service were woefully underprepared to handle and process the avalanche of mail-in ballots that voters were encouraged to fill out to avoid having to go the polls during the coronavirus pandemic, critics said.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order to make it easier to vote by mail-in or absentee ballot. The state also footed the bill by providing pre-paid envelopes for voters to mail the ballots.

“A 26 percent invalidation rate is astounding. It’s very troubling,” said Arthur Schwartz, who represented several candidates in a federal lawsuit claiming voters were disenfranchised over the BOE and Postal Service’s handling of ballots..

A federal judge ruled Monday that thousands of voters were disenfranchised because of the tardy mailing and processing of the ballots.

The mess included votes not being counted because the prep-paid ballots were not post-marked.

Manhattan Judge Analisa Torres ordered that ballots received by June 25 be counted, though the state Board of Election said it is appealing the ruling.

Aside from tardy mailings and processing, Schwartz said scores of ballots were tossed out because the voters failed to sign the interior envelope that came with it.

But he said it wasn’t the voters’ fault.

“The envelope with directions for the signature was so poorly designed,” Schwartz said.

Doug Kellner, co-chair of the state Board of Elections, agreed with the criticism.

Meanwhile the embattled BOE found itself in hot mired in controversy again after emails obtained by The Post show the agency blew off Kellner, who proposed reforms to prevent another absentee balloting nightmare in November.

His six-page proposal urged city BOE officials to ensure proper staffing at polling places during the November election to ensure lines are no longer than 30 minutes; to tally absentee ballots more quickly than the six weeks it took to certify results from the primary; and to plan for processing “double or triple” the number of absentee applications.

“Add new capacity to process the applications in a timely manner now. Do not wait for a backlog from which you can never recover,” Kellner said.

City lawyers admitted in Manhattan federal court last week that they were still mailing absentee ballots the day before the June primary, leaving little chance they could reach voters in time.

Kellner’s memorandum even suggested that city election administrators should apologize for the mess.

“To those voters who did not have an opportunity to cast their ballots in the primary election, we should apologize for not doing more,” he wrote. “Elected officials and others warned that we were not deploying sufficient resources to mail out absentee ballots in a timely manner, and in hindsight, we could have done more to address the problem.”


  1. "Aside from tardy mailings and processing..."

    Give people more time and fix the processing issues. As opposed to deliberately working to make them worse.

    "The envelope with directions for the signature was so poorly designed".

    Fix the ballots.

  2. You're the one that has to sell the idea, not me.

  3. You're the one trying to sabotage vote by mail, not me.

  4. The truth is sabotage? That's telling...

  5. I wasn't talking about the article you posted. Why I said that, if any problems exist in limited localities, they should be fixed. I was referring to the stooge Dotard installed to slow down mail service. As well as the fact that Dotard is sowing doubt about the upcoming election and mail in voting. Truth is Dotard's enemy, not the Democrats.

  6. Absentee voting isn't "universal mail-in voting". Big difference. Trump is right about the latter.

    And nobody is slowing down the US Mail except by insisting it return to its "cost" box. It's a business, not a "free government service".

  7. Quote: President Donald Trump on Thursday tried to draw a distinction between "mail voting" and "absentee voting", but his own lawyers ... acknowledged that there is no difference between "mail-in voting" and "absentee voting" in a lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania's mail voting rules last month.

    Attorneys for the Trump campaign noted that while some states have different wording regarding the terminology, "the terms 'mail-in' and 'absentee' are used interchangeably to discuss the use of the United States Postal Service to deliver ballots to and from electors" in a lawsuit available in full on the president's website. [end quote]

    Quote: Trump's Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, admitted yesterday, in a closed-door meeting with lawmakers, that he is behind the wave of mail delays rolling across the country in recent weeks. [end quote]

  8. Delays do to reducing OT and controlling costs.

  9. Is he going to order mail be thrown in the trash to "control costs" next? If they can't pay overtime how are they ever going to catch up? You think there are going to be lots of slow days going into the voting and holiday season? You don't use the USPS? Or are you OK with your mail being delivered "eventually"?

  10. United States Postal SERVICE. Not United States Postal BUSINESS. It never should have been spun off as an entity expected to operate at a profit. Or even break even. Especially during a pandemic (when many postal workers are out with the virus). If they have to go into the red and pay overtime -- so be it.

  11. Spoken like a true tax hiking Democrat.

  12. Thank you. btw, WHY does exist? Or any other such business? This was an opportunity for the USPS to make money, yet you can only purchase (and print) priority mailing labels from And the purchase of international shipping labels (which you used to be able to buy and print at has been "unavailable" for months. I asked someone at the PO why this was (I had to make a special trip to send a package outside the US when previously I could have purchased a label online) and the guy didn't know.

    I doubt Dotard's new postmaster general is making any USEFUL changes that might actually help move them back toward profitability. He's only interested in sabotaging the PO by slowing down mail service due to Dotard's fears over mail in voting. Perhaps because mail in voting can't be hacked by Russia? Obviously Dotard is aware that he needs to up his suppression game if he's going to "beat" Joe Biden.

  13. Meanwhile, back in the real world...Washington – The U.S. Postal Service says it lost $2.2 billion in the three months that ended in June as the beleaguered agency–hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic–piles up financial losses that officials warn could top $20 billion over two years. “Our financial position is dire, stemming from substantial declines in mail volume, a broken business model and a management strategy that has not adequately addressed these issues," Louis DeJoy, the new postmaster general, said Friday in his first public remarks since taking the job in June. “Without dramatic change, there is no end in sight.

  14. The only "issue" Louis DeJoy is addressing is slowing down mail service so mail in ballots arrive late and aren't counted. If he succeeds in destroying the post office he'll likely be rewarded with a high paying job in the private sector. Perhaps in the emerging private mail delivery industry. Be prepared to pay several times more what you currently do for your letters and parcels.

  15. Small businesses that ship via the USPS = bankruptcy. republican politicians, if they were smart, would be pulling for Joe Biden to win. If Joe Biden isn't the next president how can Joe Biden be blamed for all the covid deaths, coronavirus bankruptcies, high unemployment, sharp increase in homelessness, debt explosion and tRump depression? There is a lot MORE pain coming. Apparently you're happy with Dotard taking all the blame. So long as you get your White Supremacist autocracy you'll be happy.

  16. The only white supremacists left in America are her woke liberal elite.

  17. ...the Uniparty ones bent on global corporate domination.

  18. "My advice: Ignore it, and if possible put the shoe on the other foot and reverse the accusation. See how they like it".

    The above is an admission that you don't bother with facts, you just accuse the other person of being racist. The "not me, you" strategy.

    According to you, the Bell Curve "proves" Black people generally have lower IQs. That isn't White Supremacy?

    btw, how is "global corporate domination" not Wealth Supremacy? Are Black people incapable of being in favor of unrestricted free trade? I wonder why Barack Obama supported the TPP... Maybe Joe Biden threatened his family?

  19. The Bell Curve is a study of White people.

  20. ...and low expectations are a form of racism.

  21. "The Bell Curve is a study of White people".

    Wikipedia: "...the book provided statistical data making the assertion that blacks were, on average, less intelligent than whites..."

    "and low expectations are a form of racism".

    Agreeing that "blacks [are], on average, less intelligent than whites" -- and vote to remain on the "Democrat plantation" for that reason -- isn't a low expectation? Who knew? Do you expect that Dotard will get more or less than 8% of the Black vote in November? My expectations are high that Black citizens who voted for Dotard in 2016 are smart enough to realize they made a mistake -- and that figure will be much lower in 2020.

  22. "isn't a low expectation?" Nope, it's a fact. The point is to not apply an expectation of finding group averages in specific individuals.

    And Trump will get at least double the Black percentage in 2020.

  23. :)

    A second poll cited in the Examiner story, conducted by Rasmussen, found 21 percent of black voters support President Trump's re-election.

  24. Rasmussen is full of shit. As per Nate Silver, Rasmussen as "biased and inaccurate". Dotard's Black support in 2020 will be in the single digits. If not lower than 8 percent, then it will stay at 8 percent (with only the dumb Blacks still voting for him).

  25. lol! According to the laws of affirmative action, there are no dumb blacks... just more enlightened ones like Kanye and Candace. :)

  26. Mental illness = enlightened? Who knew? I guess that would explain your admiration of Dotard.

  27. Kim Kardashian's a licensed psychotherapist? Who knew?

  28. Quote: A year after being placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold in 2016, West was formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

  29. Even psychiatry has hacks. Such explains how the disorder formerly known as homosexuality came to be removed from the DSM. :)
