Saturday, August 1, 2020

60k Foreign/ Brown Children Die in Past 6 Months to Save 40 Mostly White American Children...

Just Remember Liberals, "Black Lives Matter!," but apparently only in a ratio of 1,500:1 in favour of Whites.


  1. Coronavirus could have killed 40 million people if the world had not taken action. The COVID-19 pandemic could have infected an estimated 90% of the world's population and killed 40.6 million people if no mitigation measures were put in place to combat it.

  2. lol! ALL of those people will become infected because there is NOTHING that governments can do to stop it. Whether it kills them or not will depend upon people rejecting the "scientific vaccine"/ put them all on ventilators medical approach in favour of statistically proven prophylactics like hydroxychloroquine in time to save them.

  3. ps - Flu shots only reduce America's death toll from influenza by about 22% annually... so if you're waiting for a savior vaccine to come out before returning to business, you are waiting for Godot.

  4. Face mask wearing mandates and social distancing have worked in MANY other countries. aka it has been PROVEN that we can stop it. We just need competent leadership. A "leader" who spreads disinformation only exacerbates the problem. Why coronavirus is currently out of control in the US.

  5. lol! The genie has LONG been out of America's "masks and social distancing ill work" bottle. There's no getting Covid back into THAT toothpaste tube.

  6. So, what you're saying is that covid is now far to out of control (due to Dotard's incompetent leadership) for masks and social distancing to work? I'm not sure, but I've heard some people say that. And you think that is something to laugh at? The more people die, the more you laugh?

    I thought you wanted to see Dotard reelected to a second term? Or have you accepted that he's going to lose and see this (a massive death toll) as the punishment American deserves for rejecting your cult leader?

  7. Better start taking your hydroxychloroquine now, before the rush.

  8. There won't be a rush. And it isn't available over the counter, as the "doctor" in the video you posted notes. I wouldn't take it in any case. I've heard it can have harmful side effects. If safe it would still be a waste of money.

    Are you taking it? Are members of your family taking it? Previously you guessed that you've already had covid (a mild case which you mistook for the flu). If you can't get tested to see if you have antibodies, you should be taking it. Unless you're full of shit.

  9. Quote: Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are FDA-approved to treat or prevent malaria. Hydroxychloroquine is also FDA-approved to treat autoimmune conditions such as chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus erythematosus in adults, and rheumatoid arthritis. [end quote]

    Hydroxychloroquine isn't FDA approved to treat or prevent covid. I don't have malaria. I'm not going anywhere where I might catch malaria. I don' have any of those other diseases or conditions. I'm not going to take a drug for no reason. Even if it becomes "popular" to do so (your imagined "rush").

  10. Hydroxychloroquine isn't FDA approved to treat or prevent covid.

    How long has FDA known about Covid? lol!

  11. According to Dotard they knew about it when Obama was president. Otherwise he wouldn't keep complaining about there not being a test for covid when he assumed office -- and that being Obama's fault.

  12. Excuse me, I remembered wrong. He didn't claim there wasn't a test, but that the test (for a virus that didn't exist at the time) developed under Obama was "bad".

    Dotard: "We inherited a broken test -- the whole thing was broken" (Trump on the Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends" on 3/30/2020).

    Dotard: "And remember this: We inherited -- the word is we inherited bad tests. We really inherited bad tests. These are horrible tests. (Trump at the White House briefing on 4/1/2020).

  13. If the system wasn't broken, why'd the first batch of tests have to get thrown out? Was there no quality control at CDC? And weren't those systems set up by his presidential predeccessors?

  14. CDC was stress tested by corona. It failed. Trump is still fixing it.

  15. Dotard: "We inherited a broken TEST -- the whole thing was broken" (Trump on the Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends" on 3/30/2020).

    How could he have "inherited" a test for a virus that didn't exist when Obama was president?

    And Dotard destroys. He doesn't fix anything.

  16. The CDC created the tests under the Dotard administration. Because covid-19 emerged in 2019 when Dotard was predisent. This was a failure of the Dotard administration. Not of an administration that ended three years ago. The people expect and deserve a president that solves problems, not one that CONSTANTLY blames others for problems he is responsible for (or has caused via his incompetence).

  17. Trump invented the CDC? Heck thats almost as impressive as Al Gores invention of the Internet!

  18. When you become president you're responsible for running the federal government. That's how it works. Yet you think the last president is still responsible. Despite Dotard being in office 3 years. If you want to bring back Obama (and make him responsible again) I'm all for it.

    btw, Al Gore is responsible bigly for the creation of the internet. You should thank him bigly for his role in making possible the platform you use to spew your bullshit.

  19. No, I think that the Deep State invented it.
