Thursday, July 23, 2020

The New Secular-Religious Cults...


  1. I'm more concerned about the White Supremacist Orange Turd Cult. The real threat to our nation. As opposed to a threat to your White privilege. Boohoo.

  2. The best part about the fed presence in Portland? They're gathering names....

  3. Of people they're going to send to Gitmo? These are the intimidation tactics of a fascist regime. Explaining why you applaud. The data should certainly be discarded asap after Biden assumes office. These are people who have done nothing wrong except exercise their first amendment rights. They should be able to sue.

  4. Gitmo's too good for them. What would true fascists do with them...?

  5. During the Obama administration Conservatives were worried that they'd be rounded up and placed in FEMA internment camps. Turns out that was projection. You'd likely be overjoyed if there were reports of large numbers of Liberals being disappeared. Do you have violent fantasies like Franco? I mean the ones where he fantasizes about Democrats being murdered. Or do your's only involve Black people and White Liberals being violently beaten by the police?

  6. Isn't that the current natural order, according to BLM? Fantasies? lol?

  7. It isn't quite as bad as you'd like it to be. With your wood shampoos, extrajudicial executions being just fine, whipping, branding, etc. We aren't an autocracy... yet.

  8. I said it's not as bad as you'd like it to be. That's not the same as "it's not that bad". It's plenty bad. Why people are protesting across the country.

  9. You mean nobodies getting wood shampoo's? Too bad...

  10. And you're a "somebody"? LOL. You really are one sick m f-er. Joe Biden cares. Why he will be elected our next president. People want a president who cares about their lives and works to improve them. Not the opposite.

  11. He cares about his family getting foreign kickbacks... that's one thing.

  12. If the "he" you're referring to is Dotard, then I agree 100%. Though not just foreign, domestic as well. The Dotard presidency is primarily a big money grab.

    But you think it's his right. If you don't care about Dotard's real corruption, why the f*ck should I care about Biden's imaginary corruption?

  13. I'm okay with Don. Unlike you, I don't have to live in denial of corruption. They all "wet their beaks"... but so long as they take no money from my mouth, why should I care?

  14. The attitude one would from a nihilist. But (as I pointed out previously) most people aren't nihilists. They do care. Because they aren't selfish a-holes who only care about things that effect them personally. btw, I don't live in denial of corruption. I fully acknowledge that Dotard is the most corrupt president in US history.

  15. Not as corrupt as all three term+ politicians on DC who have suckled at the government teat their entire lives.

  16. Far more corrupt. He suckled his entire life at his father's teat (as per Mary Trump Dotard stole her father's portion of her grandfather's fortune). Now he's thieving enormous amounts of money from the US taxpayer. Whereas Joe Biden is a honest man and a selfless public servant. Your Burisma delusions notwithstanding.

  17. What about Hunter Biden's $1B+ China deal? lol!
