Friday, July 17, 2020

Saving Private Biden's War on Terror and Global Police Force


  1. If this shithead isn't being paid by the Dotard campaign -- he isn't just evil, he's also stupid.

  2. Welcome to the new Biden Foreign Policy, Wars4Everyone!

  3. Dotard is on the teevee right now saying Biden will defund the military. You can't wage even more war with a defunded military.

  4. Excuse me. I forgot I was watching a recording. Dotard's bullshit about Biden defunding the military was from the 14th.

    Rep Ro Khanna: One place where Biden is pretty good -- he's talked about passing Congresswoman Barbara Lee's repeal of the 2001 AUMF. This is a war weary country, and I think the people around Biden realize that [as quoted on the 7/17/2020 airing of The Thom Hartmann Program].

  5. You can get back to me when Dotard's withdrawal from Afghanistan actually happens, he signs a repeal of the AUMF and proposes (and signs) a bill cutting the military budget. Until then I'm not buying your bullshit about Biden being the worse choice when it comes to our unending wars.

  6. How's Biden going to stay in Afghanistan AND repeal the AUMF? lol!

  7. There has been no statement from the Biden campaign that their intention is to not withdraw troops from Afghanistan. If Joe Biden decides we need to have a "residual force" in Afghanistan, why couldn't he do that and sign the AUMF? I assume a repeal of the AUMF would address the situation in Afghanistan.

    Dore: "What did Congressional Democrats do this week... they prevented president tRump from withdrawing troops from Afghanistan".

    Dore is a liar and an idiot. Since when can a House Committee pass legislation on their own? The House Armed Services committee can vote on amendments to legislation all they want. They can't amend shit unless both houses vote yes then send the bill to Dotard to sign. If Dotard signs it -- he's blocking himself from withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

  8. You want US troops in Afghanistan that can't shoot back at Afghan taliban? Wow, you really do hate Americans.

  9. Your straw man in no way represents what I want. I simply informed you that Joe Biden has spoken of leaving a residual force in Afghanistan. I didn't say whether I agreed or disagreed. btw, after a complete withdraw the Taliban could reimpose their harsh regime upon the Afghanistan citizenry. You must really hate our troops. Why were they there sacrificing for almost two decades? Then there is also the fact that you defended Dotard's inaction regarding the Russian bounties. Further proof of your hate for American soldiers.

  10. A residual force incapable of striking the enemy, should they attack. Sounds like a bad plan.

  11. If that's the plan I haven't heard Biden articulate it. Please link to an official Biden policy statement.

  12. You did not quote me. If that's the plan I haven't heard Biden articulate it. Please link to an official Biden policy statement.

  13. "If Joe Biden decides we need to have a "residual force" in Afghanistan, why couldn't he do that and sign the AUMF?"

  14. That is a quote from me. Previously you claimed that "A residual force incapable of striking the enemy, should they attack" was you quoting me. I guess you're admitting you lied?

  15. I implied that without an AUMF it was impossible to strike, you implied that it wasn't. Are you admitting that you are just dumb?

  16. Quote (me, in a prior comment): I assume a repeal of the AUMF would address the situation in Afghanistan. [end quote]

    If the AUMF was simply repealed and didn't address the situation in Afghanistan? I guess we'd have to withdraw since the war would no longer be "authorized". There would be no "residual force incapable of striking the enemy, should they attack". There would be no residual force at all. Your implication is dumb.

  17. You know what happens when you ASSume things about future Congressional activity.

  18. You're the one making moronic assumptions. That's how you determined that Biden would approve "a residual force incapable of striking the enemy, should they attack".

  19. Biden is mentally incompetent with late stage Alzheimers. The only memories he still has are from fifty years ago.

  20. LOL. Dotard is clearly in cognitive decline. Although he has always been an idiot.

  21. At least he isn'treduced to spewing inane stories about his glory days as a public swimming pool lifeguard.

  22. Biden's stories are far more believable. Remember when Dotard said he'd have run into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School UNARMED and taken on the ARMED gunman? Yeah, nobody believed that bullshit. LOL!

  23. Biden facing down "Corn Pop" with a swimming pool chain was believable? Who knew?

  24. I said MORE believable. And, yes, that story is far more believable than Dotard's story about facing down a mugger. Given that we all know Dotard is chickenshit.

  25. ...and that Joe Biden wants to win pushup contests with octogenerians.
