Monday, July 13, 2020

Refrigerated Trucks Line up to Handle the Bodies that Never Come...





  1. Coronavirus deaths tick up in Florida, Texas, California, Arizona as states grapple with growing outbreaks (excerpt) Deaths tend to lag new cases because it can take weeks for a patient to get sick enough to be hospitalized and eventually die. [end excerpt]

    Deaths declined because the lock downs worked. Now states are reopening (even though they aren't meeting the White House guidelines for reopening). So (very predictably) deaths are now rising. Because deaths are a lagging indicator. It seems you are having a hard time understanding this for some reason.

  2. They didn't lag more than two weeks in the initial outbreak. It's been six. Where are the bodies? Or is this all just an increased testing induced scam?

  3. Cases quitupled in Texas over the last 6 weeks. Why have deaths on doubled?

  4. It's the testing that's causing people to die? And why should deaths double? From what I've heard, younger people are getting sick now. And their survival rates are better.

  5. No, the testing is merely exposing the extent of asymptomatic cases that were always there.

  6. That isn't what Dotard seems to think. According to him, if we tested less, there were be fewer cases. People get covid from the testing, apparently.

  7. You choose to deliberately misunderstand him. That's your problem, not his.

  8. ...just one of those mind ruts that keeps yours in the gutter.

  9. I listen to what Dotard says. It isn't my fault he says stupid shit. Unlike you, I don't pretend what Dotard says isn't moronic and that people "misunderstand" him. That's your mind rut. One you HAVE to continue on in to keep supporting an obvious idiot :(

  10. Right. I see your conversations with Franco on your "Farmer's Letters" blog.

  11. You clearly have no ability to recognize idiocy when you see and hear it. Unless you think it's a good thing that an idiot is in control of the executive branch. But you have argued that Dotard is indeed a "stable genius". Given that, I say your assessment of my mental capabilities has absolutely no validity. FYI (as per Mary Trump's book) Dotard cheated his way though school.

  12. Oh my, he cheated in school. For THAT he MUST be punished! Government really is your Big Other (god) and politics your religion.

  13. I don't know how he could be punished for that (many decades later). My comment mentioned no punishment. I simply mentioned it as (further) proof that Dotard is no stable genius. Also a liar and a cheat. The kind of person who shouldn't be president. Government isn't my "god". That's a truly moronic comment. I was raised a Christian and continue to consider myself one.

  14. ...a Christian who doesn't love his neighbor? That's one strange Christian.

  15. I agree. So how do you explain the hate White rightwing "Christians" have for Muslims, Hispanic refugees that cross our southern border, gay people, "Libturds", etc?

  16. They "tolerate" them instead of praising/ worshipping them as false idols as the Left does.

  17. Because you are so tolerant must be why you want the Supreme Court to overturn Lawrence v. Texas. Granted, you have indicated you do not identify as "Christian", but you surely do share the same level of "tolerance" with these people. AKA none.

    Your comment regarding false idols is total bullshit. I've never attended church to worship anyone but God.

  18. I believe in that governments have a responsibility towards preserving public health, one abdicated in Lawrence v. Texas. I don't "tolerate: life threatening diseases unless they are unavoidable, as is the case with heterosexual contact.

  19. So until your brave new world with the bottled baby factories are build, 'f off.

  20. Nobody is forcing anyone (straight or gay) to have sex. Being desirous of sex is human nature. You claim one is "unavoidable" while the other is "avoidable" because you are homophobe. They are both equally avoidable. In regards you using your concern over "public health" to justify your homophobia -- YOU can f*ck off.

  21. Lets see you create a human being w/o harvesting a female egg and male sperm. When you can, get back to me.

  22. MOST (a very percentage, I'd say) of male to female sexual contact results in NO BABY. In fact, neither of the participants WANT the result to be a baby. You said heterosexual contact was unavoidable. You added no caveat that it's unavoidable if the desired result is a baby. YOU can get back to ME when you advocate for outlawing ALL sexual contact EXCEPT in cases where the man and woman are trying to make a baby. Homophobe.

    btw, it's interesting that you bring up "harvesting". Harvesting would make ALL sexual contact (even to make a baby) 100 percent avoidable. Why "harvest" if you aren't going to combine the sperm and egg via intercourse?

    btw2, we aren't in any danger of the human race not continuing because we aren't creating enough new humans. Overpopulation isn't "necessary". In fact, it is detrimental to the planet and to the lives of those of us already here.

  23. . You added no caveat that it's unavoidable if the desired result is a baby. YOU can get back to ME when you advocate for outlawing ALL sexual contact EXCEPT in cases where the man and woman are trying to make a baby.

    THAT is exactly my position. Sex within marriage for procreative (not merely pleasurable) activity.

  24. we aren't in any danger of the human race not continuing because we aren't creating enough new humans. Nope, just extinction of certain 1st world civilizations.

  25. "Nope, just extinction of certain 1st world civilizations"... an irrational White Supremacist fear. Yet you continually deny you are one.

    "Sex within marriage for procreative (not merely pleasurable) activity"... was Dotard secretly married to Stormy Daniels? Did they have a secret baby? What about Karen McDougal? Aren't Dotard's sexual conquests one of the reasons you admire him (and believe him to be an "alpha male")?

    I don't believe you think only married people should have sex (and then only to make a baby). I say you're LYING. If not, where's your condemnation of Dotard? You KNOW he had sex outside of marriage a lot more than 2 times. He even spoke (to Howard Stern) of the public health risks he was taking.

    Dotard: "Vaginas Are Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam".

  26. Sinners need only ask forgiveness for it to be granted. :)

    It's not my job to unilaterally condemn the actions of others. I leave that to smaller minds. It's only my job to remind people who don't believe in forgiveness of their own continued hypocrisy. :)

  27. Dotard is FAR more of a threat to public health than any gay person. He started out with unprotected sex and moved on to ignoring pandemics. Now he's a mass murder. He will get no forgiveness from me. Only hypocrites with small minds like you.

  28. What pandemic? The one that ended three weeks ago and that you just started reporting the number for? lol!

  29. The one Dotard is currently saying is going to get worse before it get's better. WHEN is he going to say it's over?? Unlike Dotard's delusions, YOUR delusions carry no weight. Zero.

    Apparently (for now, at least) Dotard's advisors have convinced him people aren't buying his denials of reality. His prior denials of reality being a major reason why he's sinking in the polls. btw, if you contend that the polls are fake, then explain Dotard's reversal to me. Please. If your contention is that people are being duped by the CDC, then explain to me why Dotard doesn't set the record "straight"?

  30. What was true when Trump said it is no longer true. Do you believe that the Covid facts on the ground remain constant? You must, or you wouldn't cite two week old statements.

  31. Bullshit. You said things were getting better. Were they getting better, then got a lot worse, but are now better again? Where is the Dotard update? You'd think (given the good news) he'd want to crow about it in front of the cameras. Will Dotard be announcing soon that the pandemic is over?
