Friday, July 31, 2020



  1. If you're not a part of the solution you're a part of the problem. Krystal Ball is a part of the problem. Proven (in part) by the fact that you keep posting her videos. The likes of Ball and Dore have have sided with Putin. The Democrats will not stop bringing up the truth about Dotard's collusion and cover up. After Durham's "report" fizzles it will be the Democrats turn again. And this time while we are in charge (hopefully in control of all three branches). #JusticeIsComing

  2. I see that you are still clinging to long debunked conspiracy theories, Dervy. Hope, and madness, both spring 'eternal'...

  3. I see that you are still clinging to long debunked conspiracy theories, Minus. Hope and madness both spring "eternal".

  4. I think you mean, "never actually debunked"...

  5. Debunked by who? The NY Slimes? The Washington Poo? lol!

  6. Everyone not uninformed by Russian propaganda.

  7. Senate republicans (through who Russian disinformation is currently being laundered), as well as the entire Dotard administration, isn't "nobody".

  8. Did you catch the Russians pushing another $0.53 worth of Facebook ads, again? The horror!

  9. 53 cents? Try $200,000. And they did much more than buy Facebook ads.

    NPR fact check ~ Russian Interference Went Far Beyond Facebook Ads.... (excerpt) The redacted version of Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller's report revealed a years-long plot by the Russian government to interfere in the U.S. that investigators called "sweeping and systemic".

    As to the amount of money expended on Facebook ads, the company said Russian operatives did spend less than $200,000 on advertising on the platform — but that doesn't account for the organic content the operatives created and shared.

    Not only were influence specialists within Russia's Internet Research Agency purchasing normal advertisements, they were authoring their own posts, memes and other content as they posed as American users.

    They also reached out to politically active Americans, posing as like-minded supporters, and helped organize rallies and other events in the real world.

    Facebook says the Internet Research Agency may have reached as many as 126 million people. Separately, Twitter announced that about 1.4 million people may have been in contact with IRA-controlled accounts. [end excerpt]

    Not that my comment had anything to do with Facebook ads. What I was referring to is how Senate Republicans are a vehicle for laundering Russian influence campaign in 2020 election.

  10. ...and how much did Hillary Clinton spend over Trump?


  11. How much did Putin spend? I don't mean just on Facebook and Twitter ads, but on the whole operation (troll farm employees, hackers, etc)?

  12. Hillary Clinton spending money on her presidential campaign isn't foreign influence.

  13. Buying Chris Steele for an insurance policy wasn't? lol!

  14. There was no "insurance policy". If Steele's oppo research was an "insurance policy", it would have removed Dotard from office. And oppo research is deployed before an election. After an election it's too late. Proven by the fact that Dotard is still predisent.

  15. It would have "impeached" him? lol!

  16. Enough "GOP" senators listened to the evidence and correctly concluded (as Mitt Romney did) that Dotard was guilty and they voted to remove him? Why hasn't Pence been sworn in yet?

  17. Mitt Romney pushed impeachment over the top? Somebody call CNN...
