Friday, July 3, 2020

Does the U.S. Government = Infinite Stupidity?

...yes. The kickback addicted majority UniParty Establishment demands permanent stupidity!

from The Hill
The Senate on Wednesday rejected an attempt by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to include a proposal on withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan in a mammoth defense policy bill.

Senators voted 60-33 to table Paul's amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, effectively pigeonholing it

The proposal, which was also sponsored by Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.), would remove troops from Afghanistan within a year and give them a $2,500 bonus. It would also repeal the 2001 authorization for the use of military force once U.S. troops have left the country.

"Our amendment will finally and completely end the war in Afghanistan. ... It is not sustainable to keep fighting in Afghanistan generation after generation," Paul said.

Udall added that their proposed amendment was "the responsible way" to end this war.

If the amendment had been included in the bill, it would have needed to survive a House-Senate conference committee, where the two chambers will work out the differences in their competing versions of the legislation.

But Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) urged senators to vote to set aside the amendment, saying that the Paul-Udall amendment wasn't the "best way" to end the war in Afghanistan.

"The amendment directs a calendar-based withdrawal from Afghanistan rather than a conditions-based. ... It undermines peace negotiations in the Trump administration's Afghan strategy," Inhofe said.

The Trump administration signed an agreement with the Taliban in February that would reduce U.S. troops to 8,600 by mid-July. The Taliban has refrained from attacking U.S. forces since the deal’s signing but has stepped up attacks on Afghan forces in the ensuing months.

There's also been a raise in targeted killings as the peace talks have stalled, The New York Times reported earlier this week.


  1. With Dotard at the helm, YES, infinite stupidity is what we're getting.

  2. The Never Trump Deep Staters, we know!

  3. "We" being Dotard cultists like yourself. "We" (everybody else) can clearly see that the infinite stupidity of Dotard is destroying our economy and killing thousands of Americans. Stupidity you try to blame on an imaginary "deep state". Proof of Dotard's incompetence. He needs multiple fall guys to explain his constant failures ("deep state", "fake news", etc). And you're dumb enough to fall for it.

  4. You're just mad because DJT doesn't need the MSM Cloak Makers to get his message out. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So MANY (Russian conspiracy-fueled) fake news media outlets have sprung up to cloak Dotard. I've never seen anything like it :(

    Dotard's message: (1) "I work for Putin" & Russian conspiracy theories. (2) White Supremacy and racism. (3) "I am a very stupid man". (4) "I am the most corrupt president ever". (5) Misogyny. (6) "Vote for me if you're a fan of LOSING".

  7. Did you mumble something? Maybe we could hear you better if you'd took that DNC dick outta your mouth.

  8. You alternate between fellating Dotard and Putin. The DNC supports fair elections free from foreign influence. btw, I voted for the non-DNC candidate in the primary. That HARDLY equates to me blowing them.

  9. No, you merely gargle their cum by voting for their candidates in the General.

  10. Quite an elaborate fantasy you've got going in your above comment, Minus. Apparently it is quite a fetish you're feeding.

  11. I'm not the one who votes the party line regardless, thereby requiring a fetish substitution.

  12. I'm not sure what a "snoball" is. I could guess, but I'd have to Google it to be sure.

  13. Wikipedia says "a sno-ball is a Louisiana confection made with finely shaved ice and flavored cane sugar syrup".

    I've never had one. I thought you were talking about this, but that term retains the "w". It's snowballing, not snoball. For the record, I'm not a fan.

  14. btw, I'm not sure why you're proud of how many times you've cast a useless vote in the general election for president. The time for those is during the primary. I cast some of those on Tuesday (early voting in TN primaries for the US House and Senate). Cast my ballot for two people who probably won't be the nominees, let alone win in the general.

  15. At least the DNC can still count on the sucker vote. Will you be voting for Mitt Romney, John Kasich et all when they switch parties? I'll bet George Will will become you favorite columnist....

  16. They won't switch parties. Mitt Romney and John Kasich will take back the republican party after Dotard is gone. The political careers of all the trump stooges will be ending soon. Certainly they should. There should be a price to pay for supporting Putin's stooge and enabling the worst potus in American history. I've never read a George Will column.

  17. Sorry, but the RNC is never going back. We'll see Steve Bannon again in 2023.

  18. The 'Southern Strategy' exposed by George Wallace has given way to the "Trump Takeover". Republicans have a new non-neocon lead path before them. Most of the libertarians have now "seen the light".
