Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Do Black Children's Lives Matter to the Charity Fundraisers at Black Lives Matter?

Daniel Greenfield, "The Black Lives Matter Effect is Killing Black Children: “Where is the outrage? Our babies are being shot.
Mekhi James, a 3-year-old boy, cried, "It hurts", after he was shot in Chicago.

Then he died.

Sincere Gaston, a 1-year-old boy, was also shot and killed in Chicago. A 3-year-old girl was shot in the chest while playing in the front yard with other children. She was among the four toddlers shot in Chicago in two weeks. Older children are also being shot. An 8-year-old girl was grazed in the head, and a 5-year-old boy in the buttocks.

Natalia Wallace, a 7-year-old girl described as “quiet and sweet” was shot and killed on the sidewalk.

“Where is the outrage? Our babies are being shot. These are our babies," Chicago PD's Chief of Operations Fred Waller, who is African-American, asked.

The question ought to be directed to Black Lives Matter as the BLM Effect fuels shootings and deaths around the country. And the most vulnerable of the BLM Effect’s victims are black children.

Eight children under the age of 10 have been shot in Chicago in the past few weeks. The cause of these shootings is an upsurge in crime from the Black Lives Matter riots that have devastated the country.

The Black Lives Matter riots are killing black people, and particularly black children, in two ways.

Chicago murders are up 83% in June, while arrests fell 55%, street stops 74%, and traffic stops 86%. If you want to see what defunding the police looks like, just stop by Chicago and bring a bulletproof vest.

John Catanzara, the president of the Fraternal Order of Police, blames a new Ferguson Effect in the George Floyd era where officers, “pause and say: ‘I want to go home today safe. I want to make sure I keep my job. And I want to make sure I don’t go to jail.'"

Mayor Lightfoot argues that it’s due to the police being tied up by the Black Lives Matter protests.

And they’re both right. The BLM Effect has a dual function.

The protests are tying up large numbers of cops, leaving gang members free to fight their battles, and the dismantling of proactive policing and the scapegoating of cops makes the police less proactive.

Alderman Chris Taliaferro, the African-American chair of the Chicago City Council Committee on Public Safety, said, "Our police officers don’t want to be the next headline."

Even as Democrats around the country endorsed Black Lives Matter and championed defunding the police, Chicago’s black political leaders rushed 1,200 cops to the streets for the July 4th weekend.

African-American Police Superintendent David Brown ordered sweeps of street corners for gang members and pleaded with the courts to keep them in jail for at least the weekend.

"Our endgame is arrests," he said, vowing to break, "the pipeline for shootings and murders in Chicago."

A white ACLU official warned that would, “drive a wedge between the CPD and communities of color.”

While Democrats, their leftist leaders, and the media insist that the real threat to black people comes from police officers and white ‘Karens’ who try to defend themselves, the truth is in the hospitals.

Not just black people, but black children are being shot across America because of the anti-police riots.

In Detroit, a 9-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl were shot while shooting off fireworks.

In Washington D.C., a world away from where Democrat and Republican politicos sell out children like him by conspiring on “police reform” and “criminal justice reform”, Davon McNeal, an 11-year-old boy, was shot and killed while grabbing a phone charger and earbuds before heading to a July 4th BBQ.

Mayor Muriel Bowser offered her "thoughts and prayers". But the little boy shot at the Frederick Douglass apartments didn't need thoughts and prayers recited on Twitter, he needed the police.

The boy’s mother was a community D.C. Violence Interrupter and his grandfather is a Guardian Angel. He was surrounded by alternatives to police, including a city initiative that spent $10 million on community activists that were supposed to somehow ‘interrupt’ violence, but don’t stop bullets.

"We’re protesting for months, for weeks, saying, ‘Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter.’ Black lives matter it seems like, only when a police officer shoots a black person," John Ayala, the boy's grandfather, said.

"What about all the black-on-black crime that’s happening in the community?”

In St. Louis, a 4-year-old boy was shot in the head over the July 4th weekend. He was one of 4 children shot on the Fourth of July in the city and one of over 60 children that have been shot there this year.

St. Louis Children's Hospital's ER has seen more children with gunshot wounds in May than any previous month in its history.

An 8-year-old girl was shot and wounded on July 4th in Cleveland. A 15-year-old boy was among three people who were shot in Boston in 24 hours. In Delano, California, an 11-year-old and a 12-year-old girl were shot and killed at a party. The girls were Latino and their lives don’t matter at the moment.

But in New York City, TreShawn, an 11-year-old boy was wounded while playing outside his home.

There’s a 44% increase in shootings and a 23% rise in murders in New York City. Call it the BLM Effect.

"More people not in jail," NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan said, explaining the rising violence. "Rikers Island in New York is empty. Between Covid, between bail reform, the protests caused animosity towards the police, which took us out of neighborhoods that needed us the most."

In Rutherfordton, North Carolina, Aaliyah Norris, a 7-year-old girl, was shot and killed by Shaquille Francis.
Her 9-year-old older sister won't sleep and won't eat after the murder.

Royta Giles Jr., an 8-year-old boy, was shot and killed in a Birmingham mall. Another girl was wounded. A 5-year-old boy was also shot and wounded in Birmingham while riding in a car.

Royta will receive a tiny fraction of the media attention and leftist outrage that Rayshard Brooks did. When a movement cares more about a violent thug than a little boy, that sums its moral compass.

A 6-year-old girl was shot and killed in Palm Bay, Florida. Two children were shot in a drive-by attack in Baton Rouge. A 5-year-old and a 12-year-old were shot during a gun battle in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Clarity Coleman, the 5-year-old, was shot in the leg while being pulled on a wagon.

“I didn’t even know that I got shot until I started feeling the pain,” Chyesha Smith, the 12-year-old, said.

70 children were shot in Philadelphia this year. A 43% rise. 96% of the child victims of violence are black.

This is what Black Lives Matter looks like in the real world.

In Minneapolis, where the city council has voted to defund the police, 50 kids from a youth football team, some as young as 5 years old, ran for cover as shots were fired by rival thugs in a park. Elsewhere, a 7-year-old boy was shot in the foot. 116 people were shot in June. That's a 400% increase.

Sasha Cotton, who heads the city's office of violence prevention, blamed angst and trauma from Floyd's death. Her office's plan to prevent the violence is to urge the victims not to retaliate.

Coach Thompson, who is black, said, "It was crazy to have 50 to 60 rounds fired and no police presence.”

But he’s considering supporting the defunding of the police.

The BLM Effect is taking black lives across America. In Milwaukee, shootings are up 95%, in Hartford, they've risen 36%, and in New York City, shootings are up 142%. In just one week, an extra 37 people were shot. That excess capacity can be credited to Black Lives Matter and all of its supporters.

While Democrat leaders grappled with taking down statues of the great explorer and possibly even renaming the city, Columbus, Ohio is experiencing one of its deadliest years.

Cincinnati is headed toward its deadliest year in over two generations. Murders are up 65%.
The average murder victim is black. Only 4 were white.

“Each of those lives matter and the majority of those who have lost their lives this year, last year and the year before that are African Americans. It's unfortunate to say it is at the hands of other African Americans," Christopher Smitherman, the black head of Cincinnati’s public safety committee, said.

Smitherman is the former president of Cincinnati’s NAACP.

Black Lives Matter falsely pretends that black people are mostly endangered by police, when in reality, in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country, they’re protected by police officers.

And those police officers are increasingly black.

Black Lives Matter declared war on the police on behalf of criminals. The death toll in black lives is shocking. And the toll in the lives of black children is even more heartrending. When the police leave, the criminals take over, and the hospitals and morgues pile up with the black victims of gang violence.

That’s the BLM Effect.

Supporting Black Lives Matter means not only supporting criminals over the police, it means enabling the mass deaths of black people and black children that inevitably follow in the wake of the riots.

If you support Black Lives Matter, you’re killing black children.
The Cry of the Karens


  1. The question ought to be directed to Black Lives Matter as the BLM Effect fuels shootings and deaths around the country.


  2. The stench of black deaths cling to BLM protesters...

  3. Only Black CRIMINAL lives matter to BLM.

  4. What are the names of the BLM-affiliated suspects who have been arrested? Names and official positions within the BLM organization, please. FYI, Breonna Taylor was a first responder, not a criminal or a suspect in any crime.

  5. Name any "innocents" currently glorified by BLM that didn't deserve wood shampoos from the police.

  6. All of them. Nobody deserves a police beating. Maybe it would do you some good, however.

  7. Watched the Slavoj Žižek video. What an asshole. That that supporting Dotard didn't already prove that.

  8. lol! A-holes earn their beatings. ALL your BLM "heroes" were over-due.

    ps - It wouldn't hurt all you anti-racist Karen's to get wood shampoo's on overall g.p.'s.

  9. btw, a "Karen" is a entitled White woman who harasses Black people and threatens to call the police because the Karen feels threatened by the presence of the Black person. Or someone who refuses to wear a mask, despite the governor issuing a mandate or store policy requiring one. These people are likely Dotard supporters and PRO-racist. Pro-racist Karens like you are the ones deserving of wood shampoos. Clearly using logic, reason and facts has been ineffective.

  10. Perhaps a few solid blows to the head will fix your hearing problems. It couldn't hurt to try. Or I certainly wouldn't be broken up too much if it did hurt.

  11. I've never asked to speak with a manager to complain about a fellow customer. More likely that you're a Karen. I can see you calling the police on a Black person because you THOUGHT they were up to no good.

    Still waiting for the names of the BLM-affiliated persons arrested for shooting children, btw. Surely, if they're the ones to blame/the ones who did it... the police MUST have arrested at least ONE of these BLM killers. Unless they are too "demoralized" to do their jobs.

  12. No, they haven't arrested anyone but they have pictures of a suspect and have offered a $20,000 reward for info.

  13. So how can you say BLM is responsible? Get a court order for their devices. Maybe you'll find a text that lays out the plan to kill Black children. Once it is proven that these murders are BLM-ordered the movement is done for sure. Then White Supremacists like you can celebrate.

    Or perhaps Dotard should declare BLM a terrorist organization NOW. I mean, the shooting took place near where some BLM activists were protesting. And the suspect is Black. The obvious conclusion is that BLM is guilty. Case closed.

  14. Because erecting barricades and spraying cars with bullets doesn't sound like something murderers typically do? Creating "autonomous zones" is something BLM protesters do.

  15. ...and we saw in the CHAZ just how good BlM was at maintaining order. How many "murders" were there?

  16. In fact the incidents in Seattle and Atlanta were oddly similar...Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said it marked the second death of an African-American victim in the area. The first death associated with the CHOP came June 20 when 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson was shot and killed.

    Monday marked the fourth shooting linked to the CHOP zone.

    "It's very unfortunate that we have another murder in this area identified as the CHOP," Best said Monday. She elaborated that they were African-American victims "at a place where they claim to be working for Black Lives Matter but they're gone. They're dead now. And, we've had multiple other incidents -- assaults, rapes, robbery, shootings -- so this is something that's going to need to change.

    Best said multiple 911 callers reported that two males had been shot in a vehicle on 12th Avenue between Pike and Pine early Monday morning, but by the time officers arrived at the scene both were gone.


    Best said investigators “found a white Jeep Cherokee riddled with bullet holes on 12th Avenue between Pike and Pine,” KOMO reported.

    She explained the crime scene had been tampered with by the time law enforcement arrived and that police investigations into the shootings in the Capitol Hill area, which normally would involve interviews with witnesses, have been hindered as "people are not being cooperative with our requests for help."

    "Our homicide detectives searched the Jeep for evidence but there wasn't much we could find,"

  17. ...and Atlanta... The mayor of Atlanta, Georgia gave an impassioned plea to disclose any information on the gunmen who shot up a car, killing an eight-year-old black girl inside, during a BLM protest.

    The shooters need to be brought to justice, because as long as they are roaming free, they pose a threat to everyone, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said during an emotional press conference on Sunday. Staying silent regarding people like them will not keep people safe, and violence undermines the cause that has gained momentum in the past weeks, she said.

    “In the civil rights movement there was a defined common enemy. We are fighting the enemy within. We are shooting each other on our streets,” she said. “You’ve shot and killed a baby!”

  18. These all sound like the activities of criminals to me. Criminals committing crimes near BLM protests doesn't make BLM responsible. Unlike with Dotard, this wasn't violence in the name of BLM.

  19. And what BLM-associated person(s) was arrested for spraying a car with bullets? Please link to a story that includes the perpetrator(s) names and the nature of their association with BLM.

  20. Dervish, Grand Apologist for the Mob.

  21. ...and Cloakmeister to Gyges and King Candaules.

  22. ...more and more motorists seem to be deciding to risk being taken in by the police rather than being beaten or otherwise assaulted. That means that some of them, when pinned in by an angry mob, are choosing to hit the gas and let fortune sort out the rest.

    What BULLSHIT spin. Now people who commit assault with a vehicle are the victims! Even if they plow into people and kill them. This is a tactic we saw used recently by terrorists. I didn't see the right defending those killers.

    Re "Dervish, Grand Apologist for the Mob"... you're thinking of Dotard. Remember when he referred to members of the racist mob as "very fine people"? I'm talking about the racists chanting "Jews will not replace us". That is the kind of mob Dotard likes :(

  23. Your Boogaloo Boys are the real terrorists. Not AntiFa.

  24. Name one. Surely your Antifa Stormtroopers have caught and identified one by now...

  25. Why? Are you denying it's existence? I can't name one person in the movement because there is no Boogaloo movement?

    Quote: Since the beginning of the BLM protests, President Trump has ascribed, without evidence, responsibility for domestic terrorism events to a far-left movement known as Antifa. Instead, by most accounts, the radical right, including actions attributed to the Boogaloo movement, has been responsible for most of the bloodshed associated with violence tangential to the BLM protests.

    On May 30, the FBI arrested three individuals associated with the Boogaloo movement. The three men, all with U.S. military experience (Army, Air Force, and Navy) were arrested on their way to a BLM protest. They had in their possession Molotov cocktails that they were allegedly planning to use to spark mayhem at the protest. The public prosecutor in the case explained that the men were trying to hijack the peaceful protests to exploit the legitimate outrage over George Floyd's death.

    In another case, Steven Carrillo, an Air Force sergeant, ambushed Santa Cruz, California, police deputies – one of whom was killed on June 6. Carrillo is also a suspect in the May 29 shooting death of a Federal Protective Service officer in Oakland, California. At the time of his arrest, on Carrillo's car scrawled in blood was the term, "boog", a short form of Boogaloo. It has also been reported that Carrillo’s Facebook page was laden with memes often associated with the Boogaloo Movement. [end quote]

    So... there's one name for you. Steven Carrillo. I'm sure I've seen others.

  26. from Law Enforcement Today:

    “On his Facebook page May 31st, Carillo reposted a meme that said, ‘I’ll never let racist white people make me forget about the dope white people I know exist. I love y’all.’ The post includes fist emojis of different skin tones, and both of the ‘whites’ in the meme were crossed out. Carillo wrote, ‘The only race that matters, the human race.'”

    from Wikipedia:

    The movement consists of pro-gun, anti-government groups.[1][7] The specific ideology of each group varies, and views on topics such as race differ widely. Some are white supremacist or neo-Nazi groups who believe that the impending unrest will be a race war; other groups condemn racism and white supremacy.

    I wonder which group he belonged to (John Brown Gun Club)?

    I suspect that someone has got his eyes crossed.

  27. Racists always deny they're racist. They say things like "all lives matter". In any case, you asked me to identify one member of the Boogaloo movement, not one RACIST member of the Boogaloo movement. btw, if this guy isn't a racist, why does he identify as a member of an organization that has a LOT of racists in it? Maybe he should join up with the non-racist wing of the KKK instead?

    I wonder which group he belonged to (John Brown Gun Club)?

    "At the time of his arrest, on Carrillo's car scrawled in blood was the term, "boog", a short form of Boogaloo. It has also been reported that Carrillo's Facebook page was laden with memes often associated with the Boogaloo Movement".

    There is no need to wonder. Wikipedia notes that the Boogaloo movement is an "American far-right extremist movement". The page you linked to says the John Brown Gun Club is an "anti-fascist armed leftist group" that "provide[s] security against rightwing aggression".

  28. Reporters cannot distinguish left wing militias from right wing militias. To them they're ALL right wing. And THAT is why the Boogaloo Movement has Left and Right elements.

  29. lol! Only right wingers can use or write the term boog? I'd love to see a civil war with only a right side to fight on. Who knew?

  30. Your links both bring up a page that says "GitHub Pages is temporarily down for maintenance".

    By the way, one side in the Civil War called itself "the union" and the other "the confederacy". They didn't both call themselves the same thing.

  31. That should "inform" you about what the war was really about. I wonder why the confederacy didn't call themselves "Slaveland"... because the Slovaks already had it?

  32. Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens: "The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution -- African slavery as it exists among us -- the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution".

  33. And slave owning wasn't one, of many, State's right under the US Constitution pre-1865? A confederacy maintains state's right, a union does not. Hence the withered 9th and 10th Amendments to the US Constitution. Where are the State militias today? Mere shadows of their former selves.

  34. ...for any "right" that cannot be defended with force of arms is no longer a "right". It has become a government granted 'privilege" and is no longer 'inalienable'.

  35. You want the "right" to own slaves? Do you defend your free speech rights with your guns? How many people have you menaced/shot defending this right? Guns don't defend rights. PEOPLE defend rights (by voting/participating in democracy).

  36. PEOPLE defend rights (by voting/participating in democracy).

    Yep, THAT explains the Portland riots...

  37. It explains the Portland protests. Protests signal to elected officials what constituents want. They need to pay attention or get voted out.

  38. And Portland wants anarchy. That certainly explains the presence of so many anarchists. And NOW they're finally getting what they want. Win-Win.

  39. Portland does NOT want anarchy. If there are any Boogaloo boi anarchists present, Portland wants them to leave. Along with Dotard's brown shirts.

  40. The federal name collection operation in Portland is going swimmingly. Antifa will be packed with FBI informants from here on out. Nothing will happen in Portland w/o Bill Barr hearing it first.... :)

  41. I doubt there is an "infiltration" plan. Sounds like another of your delusions to me. Most of the people Dotard's brownshirts are illegally detaining likely aren't even Antifa.

  42. No, but they'll all be receiving federal coupons for free wood shampoos. :)

  43. You need one of those "coupons". Desperately. btw, I assume there is NOTHING our government could do (under any administration) that would cause you to take to the streets in protest. Otherwise YOU might get a "deserved" wood shampoo. Is giving up rights without protest something "alpha males" do?

  44. When I hit the streets in protest, it won't be under any guise of non-violence. I won't be donning Gyge's cloak.
