Sunday, June 21, 2020

Though They Have Fact-Checked and Denied it, George Soros IS Funding BLM

from The New American
When George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) was accused last year of funding Black Lives Matter (BLM), Ken Zimmerman, the director of U.S. programs at OSF, flatly denied it and claimed it was a fantastic rumor. “I can’t really speculate on what leads to rumors, but it is wrong,” he said, “I don’t even know where one begins to reconstruct something like that.” Early this week, hackers published documents which show that two months before Zimmerman’s denial, the OSF board approved $650,000 to BLM. — which claims to be run by the same hackers who leaked a trove of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — has published a 69-page report from OSF in which the Soros organization documents its plans to use the “unrest” following the death of Freddie Gray to “accelerate the dismantling of structural inequality generated and maintained by local law enforcement.” The relevant portion of the report says:
The killing of Freddie Gray in April helped spawn weeks of peaceful protests by Baltimore residents and allies from the #BlackLivesMatter movement that were temporarily interrupted by a period of unrest that lasted less than 48 hours and resulted in some injuries and millions of dollars in property damage to neighborhood businesses. While many lamented the damage done, the overwhelming sentiment is that the uprising has catalyzed a paradigm shift in Baltimore that offers opportunities for major justice reforms.

In particular, recent events offer a unique opportunity to accelerate the dismantling of structural inequality generated and maintained by local law enforcement and to engage residents who have historically been disenfranchised in Baltimore City in shaping and monitoring reform. Building on our existing networks and programs, OSI-Baltimore will focus investments on: 1) creating a culture of accountability for policing in Baltimore, recognizing the pervasive racism, disrespect and lawlessness that gave rise to recent events; and 2) building the capacity of activists in Baltimore to demand and achieve immediate and long-term reforms.
Let’s set aside for the moment that the report describes the looting, rioting, assaults, and arson which marked the very beginning of the “protests” over the death of Freddie Gray as “peaceful.” Soros and his ilk must live in the world of George Orwell's 1984 where war is peace and peace is war. As disconnected from reality as Soros and company may be, their agenda is clear: avoid the obvious and seize the “opportunity” to foment revolution. Later in that report, the allocation of nearly three-quarters of a million dollars was laid out in clear and plain language:
Recognizing the need for strategic assistance, the U.S. Programs Board approved $650,000 in Opportunities Fund support to invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.
The decision to bankroll the subversive and violent anti-police organization was approved “per board consensus” and appears to have had as its goal the shifting of political power. Another leaked document covers a later board meeting and praises the success of the plan:
Leaders of #BlackLivesMatter and The Movement for Black Lives worked to influence candidate platforms during the 2016 primary season. This came alongside the recent acknowledgement by political strategists that African-American voters may be much more pivotal to the 2016 general election than previously forecasted.
While BLM could have used that $650,000 to actually improve the lives of black residents of America’s inner cities by initiating job training, educational, and violence prevention programs, the money was used for its intended purpose: the fomenting of more “unrest” in the form of violent “protests” that were little more that staged riots. And it has been successful in shifting political power. It has also, undoubtedly, fomented the war on police, leading to the deaths of police officers and the black citizens they work to protect.

While inner-city “black America” continues to slide into the abyss, BLM and its sugar-daddy, George Soros, are continuing to use that social decline to reshape America.


  1. Why are right-wing paranoids so obsessed with George Soros? (excerpt) ...what helps to explain this obsession with Soros? That's easy. He's foreign-born and Jewish. Rabid right-wingers (not all, but many) have long trafficked in anti-Semitic conspiracies ... it's clear that Soros — by dint of his faith and background — sates the paranoids' thirst for an easy explanation, for an enemy Other. [end excerpt]

    aka it's your antisemitism that feeds your paranoia and convinces you that George Soros is behind EVERYTHING. lol.

  2. What's with the Left wing and the Koch Brothers? Anti-Aryan anti-Facism? lol!

  3. aka pro-racist. Like you and your White Nationalist predisent.

    As for the story you link to, Bubba Wallace says the noose wasn't a hoax. Not that I am a fan of NASCAR, ever heard of this person, or really give a crap. Although I am anti-hoax and believe that (if this was a hoax) that there should be consequences for those involved. Not that I believe anything on "The Last Refuge". And not that I believe that -- because sometimes such reports turn out to not be true -- that cancels out or negates the vast majority of the instances that were not hoaxes.

  4. btw, the unidentified homophobic rapper in the video exposes NOTHING. He tells the off-camera interviewer to do a Google search. All that does is pull up the George Soros BLM conspiracy theories. "Exposes"... LOL.

    "Who made that... it wasn't me". This guy (as a representative of ALL Black people) didn't come up with "I can't breath"... and that's proof White people (specifically the Jewish George Soros) are controlling the movement? What a dope.

    Or, actually, a useful idiot. Clearly you love the useful idiots (Jimmy Dore, Krystal Ball, Glenn Greenwald, etc).

  5. He was probably pissed because Soros wouldn't pay him off like he's paying off all those BLM professional agitators.

  6. There are no "BLM professional agitators". Maybe the Dotard campaign paid him. They do have a history of doing that.

  7. “The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America,” said the Borealis announcement.

    They're lying? Somebody call the IRS!

  8. I assumed you were talking about BLM paying protesters. That is the conspiracy theory. Not that BLM has people who organize things and are paid. Though not by George Soros. Not that I'd have any problem with Soros money going to BLM. That would a good thing, so I don't know why they'd hide it.

  9. DCLeaks has already proven that Soros' Open Society Institute is funding them. But thanks for the smoke grenade.

  10. DCLeaKS is a Russian operation. I don't trust anything from them. It is very likely fake "proof".

  11. Why would I throw a smoke grenade? Like I said, I would have no problem if what you say were true. I'd applaud George Soros. He SHOULD be funding them. You're the one who throws smoke grenades because you know your White Nationalist ideology is toxic. So you always deny any connection to the administration and your White Nationalist buddies. Unlike you I strongly favor transparency.

  12. lol! Russia. Boo!

    Ever since they posted the hacked DNC and Podesta e-mails, Hillary's minions have been crying "Russia"! Seems that they don't want anybody looking at the data gleaned... for some "strange" reason (since it would expose the truth).

    You guys used to LOVE Wikileaks. lol!

  13. We used to think there could be a reset with Russia too. Putin had another plan.

  14. Is that from Dreams of My Father. lol!

  15. I don't know. Barack Obama wrote a book titled "Dreams From my Father". Did Dotard write a book titled "Dreams of My Father" in which he confesses to being Putin's puppet? If so it must be unpublished.

  16. ...and much like Dreams from my Father, largely unread.

  17. Quote: The book "may be the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician", wrote Time columnist Joe Klein. In 2008, The Guardian's Rob Woodard wrote that Dreams from My Father "is easily the most honest, daring, and ambitious volume put out by a major US politician in the last 50 years". Michiko Kakutani, the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic for The New York Times, described it as "the most evocative, lyrical and candid autobiography written by a future president".

    The audiobook edition earned Obama the Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album in 2006. Five days before being sworn in as President in 2009, Obama secured a $500,000 advance for an abridged version of Dreams from My Father for middle-school-aged children. [end quote]

  18. "may be the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician"

    You mean the best "ghost-written" memoir. Bill Ayers dropped out of bomb making 101 to write it.

  19. Looks like George Soros got rid of one of your videos. I wonder why he decided to let the second one remain.

  20. He must have viewed it simply as to absurd to bother with. "Black Pigeon" is nuts. His accusations are nothing but ridiculous bullshit.

  21. You only throw it over "unsightly" puddles and press releases.

  22. You mean Russian propaganda? No, I only point to others who have debunked it.

  23. The media is filled with Russian nationals? Who knew?

  24. Nobody. It isn't. I didn't say anything about Russian nationals. I was talking about Russian propaganda. The RW-Dotard-defending media is filled with it.

  25. Perhaps you could provide an example. There must be many.

  26. The coverage by One America News of Rudy G's gathering of Russian disinformation in Ukraine. You've posted several videos.

  27. Ukraine is filled with Russian propaganda in the form of Ukrainian goverment documents? Somebody should warn the Ukrainians!

  28. What difference would that make? They know Dotard has them over a barrel. At least until Joe Biden assumes office.
