Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The NASCAR Talladega Garage Door Closing "Racist Noose" Hoax

The "racist noose" starring in an Oct 2017 Garage-cam walk-thru ('Racist Noose' hanging in every garage bay from 1:00 - 3:45+)

Filed under "nobody thought it was racist" because it wasn't until the race hustlers needed to prove "racism" existed where it didn't exist.


  1. Something not right to this 'hoax' story...the doors where it first says "look" (and I have no idea what I'm looking at OR for) are NOT the door where the tiny noose is. But I WILL say that if that's the noose we're talking about, it looks more to me like a 'pull'...something you tug on to open something. ??

  2. Confirmed door-pull. When do NASCAR fans get their apology for Bubba Wallaces's hyper-anti-racism?

  3. I don't know what's going on here. But I do know the racist Right LOVES these kind of hoaxes. That such racist incidents have to manufactured is "proof" there is no more racism (in their minds). Even when the FACT is that such hoaxes are the exception, not the rule.

  4. … and NASCAR made a great promo out of it. I guess like most WOKE companies, they are afraid of going BROKE.

  5. Filed under "nobody thought it was racist" because it wasn't until the race hustlers needed to prove "racism" existed where it didn't exist.

    Sounds like a misunderstanding due to the fact that he's responsible for the Confederate flag (loved by NASCAR fans) getting the boot -- and him thinking that would make some people unhappy. That "race hustlers" were involved is your racist narrative.

    btw, "ESPN reported that Bubba never saw the noose. It was first seen by a member of Wallace's team, who immediately brought it to the attention of NASCAR". Proof that this was just a misunderstanding. Unless you think Wallace put together a team of "race hustlers" to service his vehicle (because "race hustlers" are frequently also mechanics).

  6. What part of "recent" can't you comprehend? It's not even in your lifetime, mine, or even Franco's!

  7. The link I posted is to a news story from May of 2017 and concerns the hanging noose at Crofton Middle School in Maryland earlier that same year. The news report then goes on to talk about the historical context of nooses in Maryland. That's where you're getting 1933 from. But 2017 is in ALL our lifetimes. It was less than 3 years ago.

  8. Nooses are a very useful type of knot. It is not illegal anywhere in the world to tie nooses. Your problem is that you take EVERY noose ever tied to to be a call for racism and proof of its' existence. Sometimes they're just "useful knots". So get over yourself. There are racists. There are knots. Either "specifically" prove the former, or "generally" ignore the latter. Cuz the world shouldn't give a sh*t if a noose "offends you".

  9. and btw - ANNAPOLIS, Md. — A Pasadena man charged after a noose was found in May hanging outside a window at Crofton Middle School has been found not guilty on hate crime charges.

    The Anne Arundel County States Attorney’s Office said John Havermann was found not guilty of two misdemeanor hate crime charges, but he was found guilty of trespassing and disrupting school operations.

    Investigators said Havermann and another man, Connor Prout, were captured on surveillance video. Prout previously pleaded guilty to his role and was sentenced to community service under the direction of the NAACP.

    Havermann was scheduled sentenced Monday to a probationary sentence of one year supervised probation, a $100 fine per count ($400 total), and 80 hours of community service to be completed within 120 days.

    He claims that his "intent" was to highlight suicide. You can take that for what it's worth given his guilty plea to the hate crime.

  10. Quote: Prosecutors for both men, who are white, claim the act was not meant to represent any racial hatred, rather a symbol for suicide. However, in his sentencing remarks, Judge J. Michael Wachs said he doubted their claim.

    "I find it hard to believe the connotation of the noose had to do with suicide. I just don’t believe it", Wachs said before adding that Prout's racist actions resulted in "significant pain to the community". [end quote]

    He lied to avoid the hate crimes charge. If you want to speak out against suicide you don't need to trespass and do it secretly. A public stand against suicide can be made without breaking the law. fyi, "not guilty" isn't the same as innocent.

    And my problem isn't that I take EVERY noose ever tied to to be a call for racism and proof of its' existence. That would be stupid. Context is everything.

  11. There you go. Only imaginary anti-racism AGAIN! Mind-readers like you and the judge who can only read "hate."

  12. A hand pull on a garage door should have clued you into the context... but that didn't prevent CN from screaming "racism" from the rafters. That doesn't prevent all those news idiots from crying police racism when some Atlanta Bozo grabs a taser and starts shooting it off at the cops.

  13. It's the judge who's the "mind reader". I just agreed with his "mind reading". As for garage door pulls being nooses, I've never heard of that. If it common, why was it only there since November? Wouldn't it make more sense for it to have been there for years? Maybe it was a "joke" that all the White racers were fine with.

  14. btw, your claim that "some Atlanta Bozo grabs a taser and starts shooting it off at the cops", is false. It never happened. He pointed it behind him while running. He never fired it and wouldn't have hit anyone if he had (pointing it behind himself while running).

    You give the police FAR to much latitude to execute people on the spot should they decide they "fear for their life" (most often because they imagine the suspect is "going for a gun"). Or even if the suspect passively resists arrest.

  15. If it common, why was it only there since November? Watch the video at he bottom... from Oct 2017 3 years ago showing nooses in virtually EVERY Talladega garage pulldown.

  16. Pointing a taser at the police is grounds for police use of deadly force. We don't know if he would have hit anyone with it. No jury in the world will convict. Righteous shoot.

  17. So, some racist decided the garage door pulls should be nooses 3 years ago? And approval of the killing of a fleeing suspect is no surprise coming from an admitted fan of authoritarianism. The majority of us have a different view. We don't want to live in a militarized police state. Why even the republicans are signing on to some kind of police reform.

  18. The Dems have blocked all police reform in the Senate. It's going nowhere "fast". And the fact that the pull-handle noose-tier had to have been a "racist" shows just how deranged your mind-reading abilities have become.

  19. Who's mind am I reading? If I were reading someone's mind, you'd think I could identify that person by name. I only guessed it might have been some racist. I might be wrong. But I've never heard that a noose makes an ideal garage door pull.

  20. It's easier to pull a heavy object with a loop than with a straight rope. It prevents "rope burn". But then again, when have you ever worked a day in your life?

    The Big Other's Mind, of course.

  21. fyi The big Other designates radical alterity, an otherness which transcends the illusory otherness of the imaginary because it cannot be assimilated through identification. Lacan equates the big Other with language and the law , and hence the big Other is inscribed in the symbolic order.

  22. fyi2 Within the phenomenological tradition, alterity is usually understood as the entity in contrast to which an identity is constructed, and it implies the ability to distinguish between self and not-self, and consequently to assume the existence of an alternative viewpoint. The concept was further developed by Emmanuel Levinas in a series of essays, collected in Altérité et transcendence (Alterity and Transcendence) (1995).

  23. You can't make a loop at the end of a rope with a knot other than a noose? Who knew?

    A second noose was found at a NASCAR track... (excerpt). An employee at Sonoma Raceway — a Sonoma, California-based track that has hosted NASCAR Cup Series races since 1989 — came upon a "piece of twine tied in what appeared to be a noose hanging from a tree on raceway property"... [end excerpt]

  24. Racist are threatening to hang Bubba Wallace with a "piece of twine"? Have they load tested it? Somehow I don't it'll kill Bubba, But unlike you, I'm not a racist noose 'expert'.... but I'm sure that the FBI can spare another 15 field agents to "investigate" a very REAL threat upon his life... < /sarc>

  25. btw- How big is the property... and where on "the property" was it found (a visible location dangling over the track)? A "branch" doesn't sound like something one finds much of at Califoniat NASCAR tracks... but there might be some bushes and woods...

  26. Employees cut down the noose after finding it and deputies took the rope into evidence Monday. It appeared to be weathered from being outside for an extended time, officials said.

    A raceway tenant told authorities they remembered seeing the rope seven or eight years ago after a model airplane crash, but the rope was not tied into a noose at the time.

    hmmm... sounds serious! https://www.sfchronicle.com/sports/article/Noose-found-at-Sonoma-Raceway-FBI-county-15361160.php

  27. It must have tied itself into a noose. Or it might have been one of those anti/pro suicide advocates that commonly sneak onto private property to tie or leave nooses (I'm not sure which position a noose advocates for).

  28. The FBI photo proves that Nascar used the noose as a promotional stunt to sell Nascar to BLM and market Bubba Wallace to fans. They knew it wasn't racism before the FBI even got there. The recently released noose photo proves that the race officials had bern told that the noose had been there for months, if not years. #NascarPlayedBLM

  29. Nascar, proud corporate sponsors of BLM.

  30. The picture was taken Sunday, in Bubba Wallace’s garage stall #4, when the race was cancelled due to inclement weather (rain and lightning). However, pay close attention to the partially visible uniform on the man standing at the left of the picture.


    That person is a member of the Woods Brothers Race Team and this is a VERY important facet. The picture was taken Sunday, prior to the “noose” (hereafter called a knot) being cut down. According to a statement by the Woods Brothers team, they informed NASCAR officials the garage-pull in question was in place in 2019:

    “One of our employees notified us yesterday … he recalled seeing a tied handle in the garage, from last fall. We immediately notified NASCAR and have assisted the investigation”. (link)

    So that would explain why one of the Woods Brothers team was present on Sunday June 21st when the photograph was taken.

    But here’s the problem…. If that picture was taken by NASCAR that means NASCAR was aware the knot in question was in place in 2019; and therefore knew Bubba Wallace was not the target…. and they would know this on Sunday; before they went out and made a big racial publicity stunt over it.

  31. The FBI photo proves that Nascar used the noose as a promotional stunt to sell Nascar to BLM and market Bubba Wallace to fans.

    Only in your racist imagination does it "prove" that.

  32. Two weeks after banning the Confederate flag. It's called "marketing".

  33. So, there are going to be charges filed?

    Anyway... marketing to whom? All the goobers who love the Confederate flag and are angry that it's now banned? You're full of shit. It would be much better marketing for everyone to be on board with the decision. As opposed to suspecting someone working there may have perpetrated a hate crime.

  34. I wish... but since Obama, the Democratic wing of the FBI only enforces "false testimony laws against Republicans and military generals they don't like.

    The BLM goobers are Nascar's new market. Bubba Wallace is their designated "idol".

  35. Get your Bubba Wallace merch at the BLM and Nascar stores, everywhere.

  36. I am not aware of any "BLM stores". And I think the backlash against this (imagined) hoax (by the Confederate-flag-loving goobers) garnered far more negative publicity than positive. More Black people will start watching NASCAR as a result of the noose being found? I very seriously doubt it.

  37. btw, the FBI is largely republican. I'm not aware of any evidence proving there is an FBI "Democratic wing". If there is one it is small and inconsequential.

  38. lol!

    Since the noose hoax failed, they're already discounting the merch!

  39. They all voted for Shrillary. I think that the pc term du jour is "NeverTrumper".

  40. From the website you link to... "Fanatics isn't just our name. It's who we are—loyal, passionate fans, dedicated to our favorite teams and to the sports we love. That's why we're honored to be able to offer fans the world's largest collection of official sports apparel from all the leagues, teams and players you love. We feature a wide selection of gear from every league, including NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NCAA merchandise, which allows us to serve fans of football, baseball, hockey, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, golf, and everything else that gets your heart pumping".

    NOTHING about Black Lives Matter. ZERO affiliation.

    And being smart enough to realize how terrible Dotard is doesn't transform republicans into Democrats. btw, while Hillary Clinton WON the popular vote, "Shrillary" received zero votes in the 2016 election. No Democrats voted for "Shrillary". No republicans voted for "Shrillary". As for republicans voting for Hillary Clinton, I'd wager some did and some did not. You don't know who did because our votes are not a part of the public record (your "they all voted" is a LIE).

  41. A scam like BLM runs its' money through offshore shell corporations... surprise, surprise. I'll bet most of them originated within the City of London Corporation.

  42. No wonder Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have moved "West"...

  43. Neither of your links even mention BLM, let alone contain any proof of your BS accusation. BLM is a legitimate organization. Legitimate organizations have no need to launder money. You're thinking of The Trump Organization.

  44. They're an official racial terror organization.

  45. There is nothing "official" at all about your White Supremacist opinion.

  46. That's funny coming from a white liberal who's never experienced it. Like the Arab proverb about coffee goes, "Only those who taste, know"

  47. You don't believe those in a position to know either. btw, I can smell the horrible stench of coffee. That alone tells me it is bad. I don't need to taste.

    btw, you're a White Conservative who has never experienced being profiled by the police. So by your own logic you don't know. Yet you've been arguing this whole thread (and others) that you do.

  48. lol!

    Unlike you I have lived outside of this country for years and travelled extensively. The neighborhood kids in Caracas all called me "Gringo". I've even had a machine gun pointed at me by the Argentinian police, and ordered to turn over my camera.

  49. ps. When my parents threw parties, we used to have Guardia Naccional on OUR walls with submachine guns.

  50. You were profiled by the police in Caracas for being White? I imagine you did as you were told. That, or you'd be subject to a deserved thumping. Laws, after all, don't apply to those in authority. It's about time BLM realized this. Blacks are the minority and therefore have no choice but to submit to White authority.

    btw, "With alternate immigration scenarios, the whole United States is projected to become majority-minority sometime between 2041 and 2046".

    Does that scare you, is it the reason you believe we must have a wall, or is it a hoax (or some combination of the three)?

  51. I was profiled by the entire population. There was one saving grace. I wasn't from Spain, like my friend Jesus. They hated Spaniards more than all us Gringos.

  52. No, that's why I don't have a double standard that excludes brown people from every moral role but 'victim'.

  53. Intersectionality is a myth? Who knew?

  54. btw How are you going to celebrate Columbus Day this year. I think I'll pull a Randy Marsh!

  55. Intersectionality doesn't exclude brown people from every moral role but victim. It only acknowledges that they are victims of people like you (White supremacist misogynists). Why you dislike it. And I don't celebrate holidays for sadistic slave traders guilty of genocide.

  56. Intersectionality awards the victim points. The only way brown people benefit is by out-scoring the rest in awarded pity points.

    And I celebrate people who accomplish great discoveries or deeds, regardless of contemporary opinions of their immorality. Carl Jung used to whip his mistress in S&M games. Should we ban his books?
