Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Madness Which is "America"...


  1. Monuments to racists are "historical artifacts"? Who knew? If government had acted and removed these monuments to racists and traitors they would now be safe and preserved in museums. This is what happens when the government doesn't represent it citizenry. This guy has a nice voice, but he's a dumb ass.

  2. I agree with you on one thing... getting rid of statues erected to honor Democrats can't be all bad.

  3. What a load. If they are "statues erected to honor Democrats" why are republicans fighting to keep them while Democrats agree with their removal?

  4. Because Democrats want to bury their racist history, and Republicans want Americans to remember what racist sh*ts Democrats have always been.

  5. White Dotard-voting republicans who want to keep the statues to preserve their "heritage" disagree. As does the African American community (the driving force behind the push for the statues' removal). They aren't voting Democratic in support of their historical (and present day) oppressors.

    That you think they'd be stupid enough to vote for the racist party is proof that it is the republican party that is racist. Why 8 in 10 Black voters say Trump is a racist. Also why Dotard only received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016.

  6. That you think they're stupid enough to keep believing Democrats lies and keep voting for them says more about you than them. Blacks won't turn out for Biden. You're only hope is amail in election and a California style vote harvesting operation. But we're onto your game. :)

  7. African Americans vote Democratic because they don't believe republican lies. They turned out for Joe Biden in the primary and there is no reason that will change in the general. Dotard's reaction to the BLM protests have made Blacks hate him even more and you know it. And they are far smarter than the far-Left useful idiots you like to post YouTubes of (Jimmy Dore, Krystal Ball, etc).

    Your only hope is that massive cheating coupled with people staying home because of a coronavirus resurgence (which Dotard is purposefully trying to set up) narrowly gives Dotard an electoral college "win". That, or the 12th amendment.

  8. Your paranoid fantasies just demonstrate what drives your incoherence. The cities are sh*tholes of Democratic Party failure. It's no longer something that you can hide from voters through control of media.

  9. You are the one with paranoid fantasies. Your president has tweeted about them thousands of times. Complete nonsense concerning witch hunts and "deep state" conspiracies which are only a cover for his treasonous collusion and continuing attempts at cheating by corrupting abusing the office of the president to solicit help from foreign leaders.

    That policing needs reform is what republicans can't hide from the voters any longer. Why republicans offered up their own police reform bill. Even though it was a sham bill that mostly offered to "study" problems. They knew that they had to at least PRETEND, though. Because public opinion polls show the public is on the side of BLM.

    As for violence in Democratic cities, PolitiFact says false. Quote: "Yes, cities are generally more violent, and they skew Democratic, but that's correlation -- not causation. Violence stems from a small percentage of the population and geography in a city, so connecting that to the overall politics is a stretch at best".

    Your "causation" is that cities have larger Black populations and Blacks are more criminally inclined and violent. Racism again, in other words. And the polls I previously quoted prove the American people are on to Dotard's game of dividing us.

  10. btw, that Democrats "control the media" is another example of YOUR paranoid fantasies.

  11. You're right, they don't. That's why the papers are so full of reports concerning the crime and violence of Democratic Party run inner cities and the failure of Democratic Party leaders to address them. If a tree falls in a forest...

  12. As Dervy is prone to say, "Gyges never had a cloak..."

  13. In your mind the only way for the media not to be "Democrat controlled" would be for it to run republican propaganda 24/7. That the police in these cities have failed in their jobs is PROOF that we need to rethink policing. Yet you continue to believe more of the same will fix things.

  14. Democrats run all major police departments, and have for decades. Police failure is a failure of the DNC.

  15. Re "Police failure is a failure of the DNC"... there is no connection between the police and the DNC. Police officers and police officer unions are conservative. Dotard touts his police support. If what you wrote were true, Dotard would be critical of the police. He hasn't been. Instead he defends them and rejects the Democratic call for police reform.

  16. Police Union Backs Trump for Re-Election in 2020.

    If "Democrats run all major police departments, and have for decades", shouldn't the police union be backing Biden? Proof that you're full of shit... as usual.

  17. I totally missed it. Because there was no refutation. What you link to concerns the party of the mayor. It doesn't say "Democrats run all major police departments and have for decades". Your illiteracy in action again!

  18. The Washington Post article you linked to offers no agreement re "Democrats run all major police departments and have for decades". It says the mayors are Democrats. Your illiteracy continues to get worse. Have you suffered a brain injury recently?

  19. Mayors aren't running their police department's? Are they ALL under consent decree's like Baltimore (where they abdicated policing policy decision making but retained personnel selection authority)? Who knew?

  20. Again, your innumeracy is astounding.

  21. Police chiefs don't run police departments? That's really the mayor's job? At election time -- on the ballots it says Mayor/Police Chief? Who knew?

    And I'm guessing that (in these cities where the mayors are Democrats) there are also no police unions defending bad policing and bad cops, thus making the job of reforming them that much harder? Who knew? "Obviously" these mayors are 100 percent responsible and the problem has nothing to do with the Dotard-endorsing police unions :(

  22. WTF does counting have to do with identifying the police and their unions as a big part of the problem?

  23. lol! My Sheriff is on the ballot every four years and he's a Democrat in a Republican county.

    Were you in Baltimore during the riots when the MAYOR told the police department to stand down?

  24. btw- How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019 Dervy? Can you count?

  25. According to the Guardian, the police killed 1,134 young black men in 2015. I doubt the killings dropped to 13 or 8 in 2019.

  26. The reference was to a specific weapon state... unarmed. Conflation must be your speciality.

  27. So, what you're saying is that 13 is the number of unarmed Black people the police are allowed to kill? Although I don't know where you get "13 or 8" from. Sounds very specific, so one would think you could give a link.

  28. 102 is a much bigger number than 13. So, if the police are "allowed" 13 extrajudicial killings of Black suspects per year, they went WAY over in 2015.

  29. Excuse me, that is 102 extrajudicial killings of UNARMED Black suspects. The number of armed Black suspects the police are allowed to kill is still unlimited. According to you. The unarmed killings are OK too. So long as the officer executing the suspect says they thought the suspect had a gun. Or was going for a gun. Or reaching for their waistband. Or was "charging" them (then the officer should feel free empty their clip).

    Also if the suspect is "resisting". btw, does that include "resisting" by running away? Is it then OK for the officer to shoot the fleeing suspect in the back?

  30. Look at the 2018 and 2019 numbers. The reductions in number of unarmed people killed, and blacks in particular, have been HUGE. But you say the police is becoming MORE racist? How is that possible? 102 down to 12? THAT is statistically SIGNIFICANT.

  31. You should be demanding raises for police officers instead of calling them names.

  32. I don't know where you're getting 12 from. Collecting and studying data takes time. btw, 2019 isn't over yet.

  33. Hovered over "Look at the 2018 and 2019 numbers" to see if it linked to your supposed data. Nope. Data supposedly already complied for 2019, even though it's only July. Maybe a time-traveler brought it back from the future?

  34. 2019 was over seven full months ago. fool.

  35. Is it that you need more time to pencil whip the numbers higher and reclassify the deaths? lol!
