Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Minneapolis Defunds the Police Department, Forms a Volunteer Citizens Watch to Replace it

Volunteer Effectives for the New Citizen's Watch Assemble for Training


  1. Hurrah! And wait till you see some NYPD Union guy SCREECHING about the way the cops are being treated....you may have seen it on FOX tonight; I'm posting it tomorrow...

  2. "To protect and serve" = protect bad cops and serve their own interests. Time for them to go.

  3. Dervy, are you volunteering to replace them? You should take the midnight to 8 am shift.

  4. The enemies among us are the magaturds and trumper White Nationalists. These fascists support the plan of Putin's puppet to flip our country fascist.

  5. Biden certainly is more than just Putin's puppet. He's also Xi's puppet, and Burisma's puppet.

    One need look no farther than the KKK founding Democratic Party for ALL the White Nationalists currently living in America.

  6. ...or as I like to refer to them, as the Bernie/ Dervy Bros".

  7. PoltiFact: No, the Democratic Party didn't create the Ku Klux Klan (rating: FALSE).

    Vice: Newspaper clips obtained by VICE suggest the [Dotard's] father may have worn the robe and hood of a Klansman in 1927. (excerpt) ... the Richmond Hill Record, published on June 3, 1927, lists Fred Trump as one of the "Klan Arrests"... [end excerpt]

    NYT: "No Vacancies" for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start, and Was First Accused of Bias, (excerpt) The Justice Department undertook [an] investigation... in 1973, sued Trump Management for discriminating against blacks. Both Fred Trump, the company's chairman, and Donald Trump, its president, were named as defendants. ...an investigation by The New York Times... uncovered a long history of racial bias at [Trump] properties... [end excerpt]

    Newsweek: According to the [Apprentice] co-producer Bill Pruitt, when the time came to pick a winner Trump gathered with other judges and producers in a huddle. ..."But will America buy a n***er winning?" Trump said, according to Pruitt [in regards to Kwame Jackson]. ...Omarosa Manigault Newman... wrote in her memoir that Trump is a racist who has used the racial epithet on many occasions. [end excerpt]

    Business Insider: 57% of Americans surveyed in a new INSIDER poll said they thought President Donald Trump is a white supremacist or emboldens white supremacy.

    Dotard supporters ignore or LIKE White Supremacy. You are one of his supporters who LIKES Dotard for this reason. I could call you a Proud Boi Boogaloo Bro, a White Nationalist, or just a racist a-hole.

  8. KKK - The military wing of the Democratic Party until ceding that to Antifa in 2009.

  9. David Duke (who endorsed Dotard) would disagree. As would the 90+ percent of Black Americans who vote Democratic. Those in the KKK who vote largely vote republican. Certainly (if they voted) they cast their ballot for Dotard. Recognizing that Dotard ran on dividing us (by political affiliation and by race).

    The Ku Klux Klan officially endorses Donald Trump for president.

  10. Fake news. You've linked to that before. And I explained to you what happened. Grand Dragon Will Quigg knows how toxic the KKK is. He "endorsed" HRC because he thought it would help Dotard (his REAL choice).

    Quote: ...the Clinton "endorsement" may have a simple explanation: [Grand Dragon] Will Quigg is full of it. He can't provide any details about his alleged donations to her campaign, his beliefs don't line up with a single one of her policy stances, and even fellow Klan members think he’s bluffing.

    On Sept. 17, 2015—the same month he created his Twitter account -- Quigg tweeted a supportive message to Trump, one that has been echoed by a number of white supremacists over the past year.

    "@realDonaldTrump You Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! WE all will be voting for you! CHURCH OF INVISABLE EMPIRE", he wrote.

  11. TRUE news. Proven by the White Nationalist polices Dotard has enacted and White Nationalist hate Dotard purposefully inflames.

  12. Polls show the public is paying attention when Dotard himself proves he is a racist.
