Tuesday, May 5, 2020

When the Expert's Don't 'Know'...

...and only some have 'Right Opinion' as to the Road to Larissa


  1. How can the right slam the WHO for praising China when Dotard did the exact same thing? (The answer is hypocrisy and knowing Dotard's supporters will believe what they are told to believe).

    Dotard via Twitter on 1/24/2020: "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!" (Source: 15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe).

    Re Scott Gottlieb "spilling the beans"...

    Analysis: Spanish Flu Pandemic Proves Social Distancing Works. (excerpt) In a new paper published in the Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology, Stefan E. Pambuccian, MD, MIAC, a professor and vice chair of the department of pathology and laboratory medicine at Loyola University Chicago’s Stritch School of Medicine attempts to answer those questions using the "Spanish Influenza" pandemic of 1918-1919 as a model. In short, his answer to the question of whether social distancing works is: yes. [end quote]

    Study finds no benefit, higher death rate in patients taking hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19.

    Laura Ingram on Fox Nooz = Misinformation. But Dotard supporters like you LOVE misinformation. LOL.

  2. "A foolish consistency (like never changing your opinion even after FACTS come about about China) is the hobgoblin of a small mind." - Emerson

  3. Dotard doesn't change his opinion based on facts. He changes it based on what he perceives will benefit him at the time he tells the lie. Initially he thought being nice to China would benefit him, then (later) he decided he needed a scapegoat for his ineptitude.

    Which isn't to say China was being completely open (they were not) but remember that Dotard axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak. He ignored what his own intelligence was telling him and went with what Xi Jinping told him. Like when he disbelieved our intelligence services about Russia and went with what Putin told him. The guy is an idiot (his mind is very small).

  4. He ignored intelligence from the Deep State coup plotters... what a surprise!

  5. Perhaps he should have just pleaded "Guilty" like General Flynn... < /sarc>

  6. Dotard listened to his co-conspirator... what a surprise. There never were any "deep state coup plotters".

  7. That's not what the Flynn case proves. :)

  8. The Flynn case proves Dotard has corrupted the justice system. Flynn confessed and pleaded guilty -- in exchange for not being charged with a bunch of other crimes. He may live to regret Toady Barr's actions (the next AG may not give him such a sweetheart deal).

  9. You'll still be singing that tune when Brennan and Comey are in Leavenworth.

  10. There's no hope for those like yourself, the terminally stupid

  11. "Terminally stupid" describes those who believe Dotard's PROVEN collusion with Russia is a "hoax". If Brennan or Comey end up in prison (for imaginary crimes) it will ONLY be because we have fully transitioned to an autocracy.

  12. You mean a country actually governed by laws and not worried like dirty DNC little political campaign spy b*tches? BWAH!

  13. No. I mean a country ruled by an autocrat who punishes his political enemies by charging them with imaginary crimes. LIKE I SAID. I think you're the "illiterate" one.

  14. Which Democrats have been charged? Talk about "illiterates". You're a real "Dervish"!

  15. What about the "lock her up" chants? What about all the charges coming down that will result in the "deep state crew" ending up behind bars? Are you admitting that it's total BS and it's only purpose is to fool Dotard's moron supporters? I that's the case, why do you keep insisting it's going to happen?

  16. Chanting isn't charging and most of those Deep Staters to be locked up were "Republicans" until 2016.

  17. So you admit the "lock her up" chants were (and are) BS to distract the trumptards and that HRC and BHO are never going to be charged with squat?

  18. Nope. Special Prosecutors will do all the talking Trump and Trumpers need.

  19. Dotard is firing all who aren't 100% toady. They're supposed to be independent, but Dotard has corrupted that system of checks. Making whatever "determination" the toadies that are left come up with worthless.
