Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ukraine Goes After Corrupt Democrats


  1. Completely debunked. This is Dotard corruption, not Biden corruption. Same thing you did re Dotard colluding with Russia... flip reality on it's head with a BS claim that the "deep state" spied on the Dotard campaign. Dotard was impeached for corruptly abusing his office to extort Ukraine into opening a fake investigation.

  2. I did not see the current Ukraine president in that video. btw, does OAN exclusively utilize "news babes" to sell their propaganda?

  3. The GOP controlled senate said Dotard's corruption was OK with them. If Zelensky wants continued support he knows he has to play ball. That is all there is to it, nothing more. Biden did absolutely nothing improper. Fake news.

  4. Also remember that Dotard only wanted an announcement of an investigation. Here you have it... an announcement. No evidence of any "going after". Even if (doubtful) there is any "going after", it will halt when Biden becomes president. Gullible Minus was fooled again!

  5. Why didn't Poroshenko prosecute the "corrupt prosecutor" that Biden had removed? In the tapes he tells Biden that the prosecutor has resigned DESPITE doing nothing wrong...

    Let's see Biden's evidence that the prosecutor was corrupt? Where is that evidence, in the fact that he was investigating Hunter's boss?

  6. The evidence was that he wasn't doing his job.

    Quote: ...Viktor Shokin... was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim. It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians... Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament. [end quote].

    "Biden's evidence"... LOL. You keep presenting this as all Biden's doing, when he acting on behalf of "European diplomats, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations" who ALL said Shokin wasn't doing his job. Where they all "in on it"? Why would all these other people give a f*ck about Hunter Biden making a lot of cash? Where is the proof of this large conspiracy you allege?

  7. it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians...

    So Shokin should have been going after Poroshenko for forcing him (Shokin) to resign on Biden's orders. Got it.

  8. ...Burisma had nothing to do with them. lol!

    Yanukovich wasn't a politician? Is that why the FBI HAD to get Paul Manafort?

  9. Biden gave no "orders". He simply informed Ukraine that they needed to get serious about corruption to get US aid dollars. Manafort had been breaking many laws for a long time. The FBI "getting" him was long overdue.

  10. And that's why the DNC sent the FBI the faked "little black book" on Manafort, once he became Trump's campaign manager.

  11. The DNC did not sent the FBI the black ledger.

    Quote: ...the so-called black ledger... refers to a book of handwritten accounting records discovered among the papers of the deposed Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych's pro-Russian political party after he fled to Russia following a popular uprising in 2014. Those records, which were posted online by Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau in August 2016, appeared to document secret payments, including $12.7 million to Yanukovych's former political adviser, Manafort.

    One day after the records were made public, Serhiy Leshchenko, a Ukrainian investigative journalist who was elected to parliament after the uprising, displayed pages from the ledger at a news conference in Kyiv, and Manafort resigned from Trump's campaign. Leshchenko, an anti-corruption activist who continued to work as a journalist while serving in parliament... explained... that his motivation for exposing Manafort's corruption was not, as Republicans now claim, part of a Ukrainian government plot to defeat Trump. [end quote]

  12. No, he was just part of Alexandra Chalupa's joint DNC- Ukrainian effort to get dirt on Manafort and the Trump Campaign.

  13. from the Hill: In that story, the embassy was broadly quoted as denying interference in the election and suggested Chalupa’s main reason for contacting the ambassador’s office was to organize an event celebrating female leaders.

    The fresh statement comes several months after a Ukrainian court ruled that the country’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau, closely aligned with the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, and a parliamentarian named Serhiy Leshchenko wrongly interfered in the 2016 American election by releasing documents related to Manafort.

    The acknowledgement by Kiev’s embassy, plus newly released testimony, suggests the Ukrainian efforts to influence the U.S. election had some intersections in Washington as well.

    Nellie Ohr, wife of senior U.S. Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, acknowledged in congressional testimony that, while working for the Clinton-hired research firm Fusion GPS, she researched Trump's and Manafort’s ties to Russia and learned that Leshchenko, the Ukrainian lawmaker, was providing dirt to Fusion.

  14. Alexandra Chalupa's parents are Ukrainian immigrants. She happens to care about corruption in the Ukraine. I do not find that shocking. Does she know Serhiy Leshchenko? I don't know, but wouldn't be shocked. They both are concerned about corruption in Ukraine. As for disseminating dirt on Manafort, I'd think those concerned about corruption in Ukraine would want to get Manafort dirt to ANYONE they thought might help take this scumbag down.

  15. Then they should take down Biden £ Co. if they really hate corruption.

  16. That would be a sign that they love corruption. To join in on an effort to frame an innocent man. I mean Biden, not Dotard or Manafort (who are both bigly guilty) btw. Why Manafort was CONVICTED. Although he's getting off with "house arrest". Why did Toady Barr arrange house arrest of Manafort if he is innocent? Where is the pardon? He is trying to dismiss the case against Flynn and Dotard is saying he might rehire him.

    Maybe they're waiting until Durham presents his findings, totally clearing everyone (and resulting in Dotard winning reelection in a landslide). Then all the Dotard criminals will be pardoned while all the "deep staters" will be sent to prison. That is your fantasy, right?

  17. So where'd all those US provided billions in aid to Ukraine go, if everything was, as you say, on the up-and-up with the extant Ukrainian regime?

  18. I never said that. It was stolen, apparently. And Joe Biden should do some explaining re what happened while he was in charge. But there is no evidence he got a cut/is corrupt.

  19. Millions is payments to his son isn't "evidence"? Millions in payments to John Kerry's son isn't evidence? Had they any skills, there could be doubt, but since they have none, there isn't.

  20. Being a lawyer (for which lots of expensive schooling is required plus lots of hard work studying) isn't a skill? Who knew? As fpr millions going to relations with no skills...

    Jared Kushner sells stake in company using tax breaks that he lobbied for. (excerpt) President Donald Trump's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner has sold his stake in a company investing in Opportunity Zone projects offering tax breaks he had personally lobbied for in Washington, sparking criticism that he was benefiting from his White House role. ... Kushner's holding in the private Cadre is worth between $25 million and $50 million... [end excerpt]

    How big of a cut did Dotard receive? He's the one that made Jared's BIG pay day possible, so you'd think he'd want to get his beak wet. And, since Jared has no skills there can be no doubt -- the payday is definitely evidence the taxpayers were ripped off by a grifting FIL and SIL team. Lock them up!

  21. Funny, my daughter's a lawyer and she doesn't get offered gas company contracts. She doesn't leave crack pipes in her rental cars, either.

  22. Yes, that is hilarious. You ignoring what I wrote about Jared, that is. And clearly your daughter not getting offered gas company contracts is evidence she has no skills.

  23. ...and your evidence of skills deserving a paycheck was...

  24. He was hired to practice law? Did he register as a Ukrainian agent? Why not?

  25. He was hired to give a lawyer's opinion on what Burisma should do to "strengthen corporate governance". As for registering as a foreign agent, that applies to people representing foreign governments in interactions with the US government. Michael Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent of Turkey. Hunter Biden never represented Ukraine.

  26. He lobbied for Ukraine. He broke the law JUST like Manafort.

  27. Burisma is a private company. Burisma is not the government of Ukraine. Interesting that you agree that Manafort broke the law and his conviction was just.

  28. Burisma is a private UKRAINIAN company serving the interests of Ukraine.

    Manafort didn't work for the US government. He certainly didn't work for the Ukrainian government. Neither did Flynn (at the time). He was a retired US general.

  29. The Act requires periodic disclosure of all activities and finances by:
    people and organizations that are under control of

    a foreign government,

    or of organizations or of persons outside of the United States ("foreign principal"),

  30. Foreign Agents And Propaganda; Registration Of Foreign Propagandists], the term foreign principal includes--

    “(1) a government of a foreign country and a foreign political party;

    (2) a person outside of the United States, unless it is established that such person is an individual and a citizen of and domiciled within the United States, or that such person is not an individual and is organized under or created by the laws of the United States or of any State or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and has its principal place of business within the United States; and

    (3) a partnership, association, corporation, organization, or other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country.”

    Lock him up beyotch!

  31. So, when is the Barr DOJ going to charge him? Time is running out. I doubt the Biden DOJ will prosecute.

  32. btw, what's your source that says Hunter Biden was supposed to register as a foreign agent but didn't? Google isn't helping me verify what the situation is either way. Remember Dotard and Barr are in charge -- so a lack of charges indicates to me that there was no crime. If Hunter Biden broke the law he should be charged, but as far as I know -- what he did (in totality) is unseemly but not illegal.

    Whereas Flynn and Manafort broke laws, were charged, plead guilty or were convicted and sentenced. Remember that this all happened while Dotard was in control. Charge Hunter Biden already. What's the hold up? Have to wait to right before the election for maximum political effect? A great way to ensure that the charges are viewed as legitimate. Not.

  33. The Law was selectively applied by a politically partial Justice Department as an excuse to criminalize the Trump 2016 political campaign. It was like the violations of the Logan Act... a law noteworthy in its' non-enforcement.

    Hunter Biden could be charged. He wasn't, because unlike Democrats, Republicans aren't hateful dicks.

  34. The Sessions/Barr Justice department is biased toward Democrats? Who knew? FYI, Dotard criminalized his own campaign by colluding with Putin. The opening of the investigation had proper predicate as per IG Horowitz.

  35. Sessions was recused.

    The opening of the investigation had proper predicate as per IG Horowitz.

    lol! Old and incomplete data. from The Federalist

    Upon the release of the IG report, Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham — the federal prosecutor Barr appointed to investigate the Russia probe — both denounced Horowitz’s conclusion that Crossfire Hurricane was properly predicated. “Last month, we advised the inspector general that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the F.B.I. case was opened,” Durham said in a statement released shortly after the IG report. Durham stressed that the Crossfire Hurricane “investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department,” and instead “included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S.”
    The details Durham uncovered that call into question the predication of Crossfire Hurricane remain unknown. But even assuming the FBI properly predicated the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, the targeting of Flynn in a separate investigation fails to satisfy even the “low threshold for predication” on which Horowitz hung his hat.
    As the IG report noted, the attorney general and the FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide requires an “articulable factual basis” that, “if true,” “reasonably indicates” the target may be involved in “an activity constituting either a federal crime or a threat to national security,” or terrorism or some other legitimate investigative purpose not at issue here.
    But none of the grounds for targeting Flynn noted in the IG report “reasonably” indicate the former national security adviser “may have been involved in an activity constituting a federal crime or a threat to national security.” That conclusion should have been obvious from the IG’s report when it hit in December 2019. But so many significant revelations emerged in the 400-page report, Horowitz’s perfunctory discussion of the issue went unnoticed, and his conclusion that “the quantum of information articulated by the FBI to open” the individual investigation of Flynn was sufficient to satisfy the low predication threshold went unchallenged.
    The FBI’s Bogus Basis for Investigating Flynn
    However, one detail contained in the closing document — but omitted in the IG report — concerning the predication jolts attention to the absence of a proper predicate.

  36. Cont...
    In addition to noting that Flynn served on the Trump campaign, the closing memorandum provided as a rationale for opening an investigation into Flynn his “active TS/SCI clearance.” This fact not only does not justify investigating Flynn, it cuts against the entire idea that Flynn may have been involved in activity on behalf of the Russian Federation.
    Mere months before the FBI launched Crossfire Razor, the Obama administration’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), in April of 2016, renewed Flynn’s “top secret/sensitive compartmented information” clearance. “That approval is significant,” wrote Eli Lake in the Chicago Tribune. “The process for renewing a security clearance at that level is intense. It includes interviews with associates and friends and an extensive background check. Flynn took a polygraph test as part of his reapplication for the security clearance.”
    The timing of that April 2016 renewal is also significant because the FBI claimed two additional facts justified its launch of Crossfire Razor, but those facts pre-dated Flynn’s TS/SCI clearance. Specifically, the closing document noted Flynn had ties to various state-affiliated entities of the Russian Federation, presumably Russia Today, for whom Flynn gave a speech in Moscow in December 2015 — the basis of the final supposedly suspicious point.
    Those facts were known before Flynn’s TS/SCI clearance renewal. Additionally, before Flynn traveled to Russia in 2015 to speak at the dinner, he was briefed by the DIA. Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell told me that Flynn also briefed the DIA upon his return, and shared with the intelligence agency a thumb drive of information he had collected during his Russia trip.
    Under these circumstances, it is beyond ridiculous that the FBI relied on Flynn’s 2015 trip to Russia as providing a “factual basis” for suspecting that he was “involved in activity on behalf of the Russian Federation which may constitute a federal crime or threat to the national security.” Given that those events occurred after Flynn’s TS/SCI clearance renewal, the FBI could have no “reasonable” basis to launch an investigation into him.
    While the IG report concluded otherwise, Horowitz’s team inexplicably omitted any mention of the FBI’s reliance on Flynn’s TS/SCI clearance renewal. Might that have been because Horowitz realized the predicate provided for the launch of Crossfire Razor crumbled when Flynn’s top-secret-plus clearance was factored into the mix?
    Or might there have been other “facts” known to the FBI that were omitted from the opening electronic communication?

  37. Whatever Durham is cooking up, it will be used to try to swing the election in Dotard's favor, nothing more. The real work of uncovering (and charging) the crimes (and criminals) of the Dotard administration will begin in 2021 #TrumpCrimesCommission. Flynn (among other trump criminals) are going to end up behind bars for a LONG time.

  38. Will he share cells with Comey, Mueller, and Strzok?

  39. No. Flynn was charged and plead guilty. Comey, Mueller and Strozok will never be charged, let alone tried, convicted, sentenced and put behind bars. Because no crimes = no charges.

  40. I see. If you plead guilty in a case where the DA ILLEGALLY witholds ALL the CLASSIFIED SECRET exculpatory evidence, you really ARE guilty. Who knew?

  41. And yes, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rothstein, and quite a few others will be spending quality time at a white collar prison complex. :)

  42. ...and that's if the small group holds tight and nobody rats in a plea deal.
