Saturday, May 9, 2020

Court Documents from 1996 Corraborate Tara Reade's Story

...but Sleepy Joe Biden still says, "Nothing ever happened"


  1. Krystal Ball working hard to help Dotard steal a second term. What a surprise!

    As per Krystal Ball, these court documents do NOT say Joe Biden sexually assaulted Tara Reade. Corroboration? There is MUCH more evidence to corroborate many of Dotard's accusers. Like his OWN WORDS for example. He admitted (to Billy Bush) that he does what Joe Biden is being accused of.

    Coincidence, or a Dotard plan to inoculate himself against his many sexual assaults being brought up during the campaign? Why didn't Reade say anything when Biden ran for potus the last time in 2008? Or when he joined the Obama ticket? I say this feels fishy.

  2. Krystal Ball may as well be working for the Dotard campaign.

  3. ...or she may be a progressive that didn't want to spoil the great black hope's disappointing presidency.

  4. In other words, Obama painted himself progressive better never lived up to it. He was a neoliberal globalist hack just like Biden.

  5. Tara Reade is also a Putin admirer. She has written about how good Putin looks with his shirt off. I wonder if Dotard feels the same way. As for Neoliberal Globalists, Dotard fooled you by pretending not to be one.

  6. So Tara is part of ANOTHER Russian plot to deprive Democrats of victory in the presidential election? Who knew that they were THIS insidious?

    You Russian conspiracy theorists KILL me! That's why your Deep State Small Group is going DOWN!

  7. "So Tara is part of ANOTHER Russian plot to deprive Democrats of victory in the presidential election?"

    I didn't say that. I only mentioned that she wrote about admiring Putin. Which is a fact. As for your imaginary "deep state group" going down... I could care less. As long as Dotard is removed from office.

  8. He'll remove himself in January of 2025.

  9. If he refuses to leave the White House after Joe Biden is elected president he will be forcibly removed.

  10. It isn't that Joe Biden will win, it is that Dotard will lose. "It's the economy, stupid"... Dotard destroyed it and ran up the debt bigly. The American people would be beyond stupid to allow him to continue massively harming the US (killing it's citizens and driving the economy into depression territory). The guy is a DANGEROUSLY incompetent boob. Even a lot of the dumb-dumbs should be able to see that now. Dotard is done.

  11. It IS the economy... and Joe Biden would lock it down until after the next presidential term expires in 2025.

  12. He wouldn't. He would ramp up testing and contact tracing, then reopen as infection rates declined (whereas Dotard is demanding the economy reopen as the infection rates spike). Damaging the economy with a lock down (while continuing to do NOTHING) is the Dotard plan (to get Biden elected).

  13. lol!

    How's he going to Constitutionally test every US citizen every day? Testing is a non-starter. And contact tracing? Don't even get me started on the 4th/5th Amendments.

  14. btw - I've heard that the White House's Corona test has a 48% false negative error rate. White House Security/Secret Service guards should flip coins to decide who gets in...

  15. Other countries have successfully done both. And have reopened their countries and kept the infection rates down (New Zealand, for example). Only the US under predisent Dotard CAN'T do it. Most incompetent president EVER!

  16. CDC. Most incompetent and useless US bureaucratic agency EVER!

  17. Dotard on the "48% false negative error rate" test...

    predisent Dotard: "...Abbott is a great test. It's a quick test. It can very rapidly be double checked. If you're testing positive or negative you can always be double checked. But it's a very good test".

    Irwin Redlener: "You might as well flip a coin".

    (Source: The 11th Hour with Brian Williams, 5/15/2020).

    Once again Dotard disagrees with you. btw, the CDC isn't to blame for Dotard's incompetence.

  18. btw, just because the Abbott test is not good doesn't mean testing is useless.
