Sunday, May 24, 2020



  1. "...until I came along". What bullshit. Biden is wrong -- China IS eating our lunch. But Dotard isn't doing anything about it. Except destroying farmer's livelihoods. And now that he's blaming China for his utter incompetence (ignoring the coronavirus/blood of tens of thousands of Americans on his hands) you think they're going to want to give him a win with a trade deal that has them making lots of concessions? You'd have to be pretty dumb to think that's going to happen.

  2. Ice cream for your grandkids. How terrible. Though 100% irrelative to the discussion.

  3. Essential workers in Democrat parlance = expendable workers. All so Nancy and Joe can eat cake and ice cream while the expendables die and the UBI's starve and die.

  4. Essential workers in republiturd parlance = expendable workers. All so Dotard can eat hamberders while the expendables starve and die. While the wealthy owners are bailed out bigly and the workers receive only a pittance.

  5. AT least Trump is travelling and exposing himself to the virus, unlike the Democrats hiding in Joe Biden's studio basement or under Nancy Pelosi's bed.

  6. I'm praying that he catches it and gets real sick. Given that he is an elderly man in poor health, he may very well die.

  7. At least he will have lived, unlike Nancy Pelosi in her ice-cream filled plague-resistant illegal-disposable worker supplied California bunker.

  8. Dotard is the one who hires illegal immigrants. What's your evidence that Nancy Pelosi's house (not "bunker") was constructed by illegal immigrants? Or are you just baselessly accusing Nancy Pelosi of what Dotard is guilty of?

    Quote: For six months, undocumented Polish laborers had been clearing the future site of Trump Tower, his signature real estate project on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, where he now lives, maintains his private offices and hosts his presidential campaign.

    The men were putting in 12-hour shifts with inadequate safety equipment at subpar wages that their contractor paid sporadically, if at all. A lawyer for many of the Poles demanded that the workers be paid or else he would serve Trump with a lien on the property.

    For help, Trump turned to Daniel Sullivan, a... labor consultant, FBI informant and future officer of the Teamsters Union. "Donald told me he had difficulties... he had some illegal Polish employees on the job". [end quote]

  9. Do you think that Nancy Pelosi E-Verify's her nonunion migrant grape pickers at harvest time for her winery/ home?

  10. So when is Dotard going to order the ICE raid? We know he hates Nancy Pelosi and is a huge hypocrite, so I'd have thought he would have done it already. As for your link, it says "Subscribe to continue reading". No thanks. There is plenty of free news to choose from.

  11. You don't order ICE raids on democracy club members. You commission kangaroo courts and keep the show in DC to distract from the real crimes of state.

  12. Dotard is good at distracting the rubes when it comes to his crimes. I absolutely agree with you on that.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. If you're talking about Dotard getting impeached, that wasn't a "show trial". Nancy Pelosi was strongly opposed to impeaching. Because she thought it would look partisan, I guess. The reasoning certainly couldn't be because Dotard didn't do anything impeachable. But, with his attempt at extorting the Ukraine into conducing a fake investigation into Joe Biden, Dotard gave Nancy Pelosi no choice. He crossed a line and justice demanded the Democrats act.

    As for ordering "show trials"... Dotard ordered a show investigation. 2 of them, actually. Whatever Ukraine has decided to do (because the republicans in Congress told them by way of "acquitting" Dotard that they have no choice) and the transparently politically-motivated Senate hearings you recently posted about.

  15. She wa so against Impeachment that she changed House Rules to enable it to go forward even before the fake whistleblowers phone call got rported...

  16. What rules did Pelosi change? Is this an assertion as accurate as your "fake whistleblower" assertion (aka not accurate, aka bullshit)?

  17. Yeah, I thought that is what you were talking about. Red State is fake news. "She was actually setting the stage for her anticipated impeachment of President Trump"... No impeachment was anticipated. Nancy Pelosi had no way of knowing Dotard would try to extort the president of Ukraine into opening a fake investigation into Biden. And Republicans were not blocked from participating.

    Quote: Republicans whose committee assignments involved them in impeachment were welcome to, and did attend, the witness depositions held in a secure chamber, known as a SCIF. House rules bar members who are not part of the committees conducting the impeachment inquiry, and Republicans sought to use this rule to make a political stink. [end quote]

  18. lol! Only the fake news of the NY Times or WaPo will satisfy Dervy. That or some academic university study performed at an institution where only 8% of the faculty register as Republicans. Bias is your trademark, Dervy. And confirmation bias is your favorite game.

  19. lol! Only the fake news of Red State or OAN will satisfy Minus. Why you HAVE to bash experts and academics -- the TRUTH has a "liberal bias". But bias is YOUR trademark, Minus. And confirmation bias is YOUR favorite game.

  20. btw, it looks like I put the wrong link in my prior comment. "Quote" should link here (NBC News article titled "Fact check: Trump lawyers say GOP blocked from impeachment inquiry"). The FACT is that House republicans lied -- they were NOT blocked from participating. And your Red State article IS fake news.

  21. The Republicans on the committee could call their own witnesses and had subpoena power? Who knew?

  22. But it all comes with a caveat — all requests would have to be approved by Democrats and would be rejected should the administration block witnesses or documents from being made available.

  23. The republicans are in the minority. The majority calls the shots. There would have been no impeachment if not for the 2016 Blue Wave. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. It was for this SAME reason (WHO holds the majority) that the Senate was able to "exhornorate" Dotard despite his obvious guilt. I don't recall you complaining about that.

  24. Democrats are in the minority, too. Hillary didn't even get 50% of the popular vote in 2016.
