Friday, May 1, 2020

Biden to Pave the Neoliberal Establishment's Road


  1. Krystal speculates that Biden is going to be terrible. Of course she would, given her strong desire to see Dotard get a second term. I'll wait and see. Bernie is still fighting for us.

  2. Krystal will never vote for Trump. She has enough integrity not to sell her vote to Biden for lip service.

    She'll vote her heart/mind. It's what "integrity" means.

  3. She will stay home and think she's accomplished something for Progressives by helping Dotard get "reelected". That just takes stupidity.

  4. No, she will vote 3rd party... the thing that actually rational people would do.

    When a party doesn't represent your values, why would you reward them when you can reward someone/group that does?

  5. Google: "The last third party candidate to win one or more states was George Wallace of the American Independent Party in 1968".

    Before I was born. Voting 3rd party is the irrational thing to do if you acknowledge the fact that Dotard is horrible and MUST go. A third Party candidate only acts as a spoiler. Why you "admire" Krystal Ball for her "integrity" but have nothing to say about third party candidates running on the Right.

    How is it rewarding for a 3rd party to reelect Dotard? btw, the Democratic party represents a LOT of my values. One of the most important ones in fact. Which is getting rid of Dotard.

  6. lol! Isn't THAT precisely what all third parties are trying to do?

  7. No. And you know it. It is why you keep posting Krystal Ball videos.

  8. You mean every third party just wants to spoil the election? BWAH!

  9. I didn't vote for NADER in 2000 to spoil the election for Gore. Wouldn't a vote for Dubya have accomplisedh that FAR better?

  10. You'd have to ask them why they run when they know they can't win. Probably for financial benefit. I heard Dotard ran not to win but as an "the apprentice" negotiating ploy. And I have no idea why the hell you'd vote for Nader when the Green Party is to the Left of the Democrats. Are you schizophrenic?

  11. btw, some people do argue that voting for Nader spoiled the election for Gore. So *either way* your "not Gore" vote was successful. Although you did get bush (who I assume you also didn't want). Whereas I will take Biden. Even though he isn't my first choice. I'm far FAR more "not Dotard" than I am "I wish the Democratic nominee had been Bernie Sanders".

    Bernie Sanders endorsed Biden. Because he's smart and realizes Dotard is horrible. Whereas Krystal Ball is stupid. She thinks punishing America with 4 more years of Dotard will somehow get her the exact candidate she wants in 2024. btw, the voters wanted Biden. That's how he got the nomination. So in 2024 Krystal Ball thinks the DNC is going to cancel the primaries and anoint a Progressive as the nominee because childish Progressives voted 3rd party or stayed home in 2020?

  12. They can re-constitute the party so as to represent workers instead of corporate owners... if the workers ever took over the DNC, where would the never-Trumpers and neoliberals go? They'd have to join a third party instead of YOU having to do so. They entryism'd your ass!

  13. They're going back to the republican party after Joe Biden is elected.

  14. lol! Don Jr. doesn't want them…. :)

  15. Nobody gives a f*ck what he wants. He, according to Dotard, was supposed to run the Dotard family business and stay out of politics.

  16. Won't happen. Anyway, I thought you said the 2024 candidate was going to be Ivana Jr? Hopefully they will both be in prison.

  17. Or maybe they'll be a dream ticket and have both the Presidential AND Vice Presidential nominations...

  18. LOL. They'd be the ultimate nepotism ticket. Vote for Dotard's entitled brats if you want the corruption to continue!
