Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tara Who?


  1. List of Dotard accusers who have come forward... Jessica Leeds, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Bridget Sullivan, Tasha Dixon, Mindy McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Jennifer Murphy, Jessica Drake, Ninni Laaksonen, Summer Zervos, Cassandra Searles, E. Jean Carroll.

    Dotard = multiple accusers = established pattern of sexual predation.

    Joe Biden = 1 accuser = no established pattern of sexual predation.

    You believe Dotard's denials even though the list of women accusing him is LONG. Why should Biden supporters NOT be allowed to (for now at least) give Biden the benefit of the doubt? There is no "cover up". What has happened, however, is that the media has moved on from the Dotard accusations. Despite them being so numerous nobody seems to care much any longer.

  2. Trump was a private citizen when the Accusations were made. Biden has always been on the public dime stealing dollars.

  3. I didn't know sexual assault laws only applied to government employees. Or that government employees receive no salary except dollars they can steal. I guess Dotard decided he'd rather be allowed to steal public dollars -- as opposed to being allowed to continue to sexually assault women. He does owe Putin a LOT of money.

  4. They don't, but you're the one who helped give Biden the public office he used to abuse women with. Trump already had power and can abuse women anywhere, should he choose.

    btw - Since gaining public office, has Trump harassed any women? w/o public office, could Biden harass any women?

    I'm not the sexual harassment enabler. That would be you.

  5. I never voted for Biden as a Senator. In any case there are no accusations against Biden that he has ever sexually assaulted women (and no accusations at all that I was aware of when I voted for him as VP). I enabled nothing.

    As I wrote previously, there is ONE Biden accuser (no pattern). And this accuser has changed her story. As of now I am inclined to believe Biden.

    Your defense that Dotard has not sexually assaulted any women since Putin helped him steal the White House is BULLSHIT.

  6. I never voted for Biden as a Senator.

    How much did you denounce him for being a sexual harasser?

    Tara Reade never accused Biden BEFORE he became a VP? lol!

  7. Creepy Joe has no history?

    April 3, 2019: Reade became one of eight women who accused Biden of inappropriate touching last year,

  8. No. Reade originally WAS among those who said Biden "inappropriately touched" her. Before she changed her story from "inappropriate" touching to criminal touching. ALL of Rapey Dotard's accusers (25+) claim criminal sexual assault. As opposed to unwanted shoulder rubs (or whatever).

    How much have YOU denounced Dotard for being a sexual assaulter?

  9. You don't think that fingers jammed up her hoo-ha wasn't "inappropriate touching"? wow.

  10. ps - I'm denouncing him now as I've denounced Creepy Joe in the past. What have YOU done but defend the indefensible?

  11. You were all "believe HER" in the Kavanaugh case... but here you are now claiming "no biggie!"

  12. Reade's story has multiple corroborating witnesses. Blasey Ford only had an uncorraborated haze induced psychically disremembered fantasy.

  13. Many other witnesses wanted to come forward to tell what they knew about Kavanaugh. Dotard told the FBI not to interview them. And Reade's story has holes in it. See the article I linked to. She is a Putin admirer who only changed her story after Biden became the nominee. By the way, you LIE. I never said digital rape is "no biggie". I'm saying I have serious doubts that is what happened.

    And there are zero "corroborating witnesses". A witness is someone who saw what happened. Interesting that only women who accuse republicans are "lying whores". She waited 27 years before publicly reporting what she says happened. According to YOU that is consent (silence = consent).

    Quote: Compliments for Biden. In the 1990s, Biden worked to pass the Violence Against Women Act. In 2017, on multiple occasions, Reade retweeted or "liked" praise for Biden and his work combating sexual assault. In the same year, Reade tweeted other compliments of Biden, including: "My old boss speaks truth. Listen". It is bizarre that Reade would publicly laud Biden for combating the very thing she would later accuse him of doing to her. ...

    Lack of other sexual assault allegations. Last year, several women claimed that Biden made them uncomfortable with things like a shoulder touch or a hug. .. The Times and Post found no allegation of sexual assault against Biden except Reade's. It is possible that in his 77 years, Biden committed one sexual assault and it was against Reade. But in my experience, men who commit a sexual assault are accused more than once ... like Donald Trump, who has had more than a dozen allegations of sexual assault leveled against him and who was recorded bragging about grabbing women's genitalia. [end quote]

  14. YOU defend the indefensible. With absurd rationals about Dotard's sexual assaults not occurring while he was predisent. btw, nobody on the Left ever said "believe women" FULL STOP. The Left says believe women and investigate (don't blow off such accusations but LOOK into them). Reade is being listened to, but the investigation thus far says her allegations are suspect. Personally I think this may be a hit job designed to harm Biden's campaign.

    Where are the other accusers? Kavanaugh had multiple accusers. Dotard has multiple accusers. Biden (as of now) has ONE. Biden has no pattern of such behavior. You would be calling her a "lying whore" is she was another Rapey Dotard accuser.

  15. Failed "passes" become "Sexual assault/ harrassment" once the "context" and frame of mind of the so-called "victim" changes. I agree, Joe shouldn't be penalized for his clumsy attempts at sexual conquest 30 years after they happened. But THAT doesn't mean that they didn't happen.

    So be honest. #MeToo is pure BS. You want to hold people accountable for the sexual behavior? Do it contemporaneously. THAT is the standard. Not the afterthoughts of ugly bitches 30 years after the flower has faded and only the stems and thorns remain.

  16. So you see, I have a workable standard. You don't. You've got a gotcha standard that just backfired and GOTHCA!

  17. Your "standard" is misogyny. It "works" for misogynistic men like you. Tara Reade's accusations are being investigated. If she were accusing a republican you'd simply call her a "lying whore" who "gave consent" with her silence. No "gotcha standard". So you can shove YOUR "gotcha" where the sun doesn't shine.

  18. My standard is, if it's not worth prosecuting immediatly, it's not worth prosecuting EVER!

  19. No grumbling bitches like you can alter this effective skin in the game standard.

  20. You're the one doing the grumbling, bitch. #Metoo isn't going away. Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein are in prison. Despite not being being prosecuted immediately but years later.

    btw, #Metoo is a rallying cry for women who have been victimized. aka they have "skin in the game". You deploy "skin in the game" to protect sexual assaulters who don't want to be held accountable. As a misogynist would.

  21. Miscarriages of justice, all. Bitches don't have any skin in the game 30 years later. Thats why you have so many false reports today.

  22. Every failed pass or lousy date has become the rape of the virtuous maidenhead.

  23. As we have discussed previously, false reporting is rare. There aren't "so many false reports". Your last comment represents the misogynist's view, not reality.

  24. No, the lie today is that these "virtuous" maidens had no complicity in their own harassment or abuse. But their instincts NOT to prosecute "in the moment" belie the falsity contained within present-day sentiments.

  25. No. The real problems are misogyny, patriarchy and rape culture. ALL things that, as a republican, you like and approve of. Why you engage in victim blaming.

  26. No, the real problem is a legal system which advantages women and rewards hypergamy. Seeking to FURTHER advantage women and their hypergamous practices only worsens the problem as more yung girls throw themselves at older, more established, men.

  27. All those now crying women who showed up at 2 am to Harvey Weinsteins casting couch weren't dragged there. They just didn't get the "part".

  28. #metoo isn't going away. Things are going to continue to get worse for misogynists like you. Which is a GOOD thing. False allegations (like Tara Reade's definitely appear to be) are the exception. Women are only lying scheming whores (while men are victims) in your misogynistic delusions.

  29. #Me2 is a collection of over privileged and pampered b*tches that need a wake up call.

  30. A wake up call is what the #metoo movement is sending to the sexual predators. Time for you to be held accountable.

  31. The video you linked to proves everything I've written is accurate.

  32. That the sexual predation of women pursuing hypergamy, upon men and mgtow's, will no longer be tolerated.

  33. LOL! You mean rich old men are no longer going to marry hot young women? Dotard has "tolerated" it three times. Or at least twice. He's closer in age to his first wife (the mother of three of his spoiled brats).
