Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bernie's Out....

...and JOE is a NO GO?


  1. As a strong supporter of Senator Sanders, I'm not "declaring war". Bernie Sanders needs to (and will) work hard to get Biden to adopt as many of his positions as he can. In exchange for Bernie's support. THAT is the RATIONAL course of action.

  2. Joe Biden stopped listening to anything Bernie Sanders had to say the minute he got the SC primary results... and he's not looking back. Bernies got no leverage, as any Progressive with half a brain knows that Bernie, like all self-proclaimed "progressives", was schilling for the Establishment all along. They've got no choice but to stay home or vote Green.

  3. Bernie has't endorsed and hasn't given up his delegates. He has leverage. There are negotiations going on behind the scenes right now. And staying home or voting green is a vote for Dotard, an extremely DUMB choice. But one you'd love for such idiots to make, obviously.

  4. Bernie's a loss leader to get voters through the door into the Democrat Party. Those that fell for the scam have buyers remorse and know a lemon like baiden when they see it. A lot of Democrats will be staying home in November.

  5. Democrats hate Dotard. They will vote Biden to oust Dotard. Unless they're f*cking stupid (like Joe Rogaine). Although I think the "demexit" and dems going to war is mostly Russian bots. The knit cap-hatted douche in the video has some nads to suggest that it's Biden who is "out of it" and a joke. That's DOTARD, not Biden. Dotard removes all doubt as to his stupidity when he opens his mouth.

    Dotard has clearly always been very stupid, but now he is obviously in cognitive decline. Dotard is not viable! How he bungled the Coronavirus response is PROOF of that. He IGNORED the threat (although he was warned) and (as a result) unemployment will be 10 percent (or higher) and the economy is free-falling into a deep recession.

    People are losing their jobs, savings and loved ones. Unless they want a LOT more of the same, they will do whatever is necessary to get rid of Dotard. It's only a small percentage of Bernie supporters who are stupid enough to allow Dotard to continue destroying the country (and their own lives) because they didn't get the candidate they wanted.

    A SMALL number of Bernie supporters and a LOT of Russian bots. As well as Dotard allies like this knit cap-hatted douche -- whose video is mostly wishful thinking and projection (of Dotard's mental abilities onto Biden). Without cheating, Dotard wouldn't have "won" a first term. And (without cheating) the voters certainly wouldn't give him a second term. He promised winning but delivered bigly losing.

  6. Krystal Ball is another Progressive who has decided that Dotard should be allowed to continue destroying the country to punish the DNC. Never mind the fact that the middle and lower classes will be punished as well. Ball has a job and is probably doing well. Obviously she doesn't care about average Americans who are suffering. I mean, she thinks Joe Rogaine (a celebrity) is an "every man". She is clearly out of touch.

  7. Biden is the poster child of the cognitive decline of the intellectual Left.

  8. Quote: Dr. Neal Kassell, who performed the surgery on Biden three decades ago [said] "I am going to vote for the candidate who I am absolutely certain has a brain that is functioning. And that narrows it down exactly to one".

    Trump's mental decline is perfectly clear for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. (excerpt) Seriously, America, why are we pretending there's not something wrong with the occupant of the Oval Office as well as the people who support his bizarre, erratic or unfit behavior each day? ... Scaramucci, once one of the president’s closest advisers, friends and allies, has come out to say that he does not think the president is mentally well and, further, that his staff is covering up Trump’s mental decline. [end excerpt].

  9. When Joe Biden isn't in some other mental La-La Land, he's drunk.

  10. Dotard snorts Adderall.

    Quote: Like Donald Trump, Biden does not drink alcohol. He has said that alcoholism runs in his family. [end quote]

  11. You may think it's funny that the predisent is a drugged up speed freak in cognitive decline... the rest of us do not.

  12. Is thata whar compels him to brag during his daily 2 hour news conferences?

  13. YouTuber comment re your "Drunk Uncle Joe Biden" video... "I love how you're stupid enough to think this is actually Joe Biden".

  14. You never did drugs in the 80's? BWAH!
