Sunday, March 15, 2020

Did the DNC Adopt the Feminist Brand to Enable Their Elites to Practice Misogeny with Impunity?

...and what about Under-Represented Minorities, are their issues given lip-service by the DNC leadership merely in order to discriminate against minority leaders in Party Primary's with impunity and keep them from attaining actual power? Acta non verba!


  1. Tucker the White Nationalist is one of the "worst people on the planet on television". Bernie Sanders is also opposed to regime change wars. Why doesn't Tulsi drop out and endorse Bernie? I think that she might be angling for a Fox Nooz gig after her current gig (trying to get Dotard a second term) ends. That, or she is still interested in joining the Dotard administration.

  2. Because she has 2 delegates and Bernie has 743.

  3. And Tulsi can? Why should the DNC help her promote her independent spoiler run?

  4. Because unlike Bernie, she's a Democrat running as a Democrat for the Democratic nomination?

    You believe Hillary's fake news overyour own primary ballot? Wow, you ARE brainwashed!

  5. It was a selling point to you that Dotard took over the republican party. "He took on the establishment and won" magaturds crowed. But with Bernie it's a bad thing? Stuff it. You only want Tulsi to be on the debate state to boost her name recognition, increasing her worth as a spoiler if she runs third party.

    And when did Dotard, Bill Weld, Rocky De La Fuente, Joe Walsh, and Mark Sanford debate? They all are (or were) republicans running for the 2020 republican nomination. Do you have a problem with the RNC shutting them out, rigging the nomination for Dotard?

  6. I'm all for Bernie taking over the DNC. I love Republicans winning elections! :)

    The Dems are now officially the globalist establishment party. You can keep the RNC's Never-Trumpers and Romney can now officially switch parties.

    If Bernie supports Biden, Tulsi becomes the defacto head of the intellectually-honest Left...cuz Bernie is selling you out BIG-time.

  7. The repubs are STILL officially the globalist establishment party. If that weren't the case the White House and Congressional repubs would be cooperating and coordinating to get Dotard's trade agenda enacted. As opposed to Dotard misusing executive powers to levy tariffs. And if Bernie doesn't end up "selling you out big-time" I will renounce my support for him. He isn't on your side and WE (non-magaturds) HAVE to do everything in our power to ensure Dotard does not steal a second term.

    As for Tulsi, I don't care if she does not endorse Biden. But she better stay out of the way and not continue trying to get Dotard "reelected".

  8. Bernies brother said that Tulsi wanted to endorse Bernie, but Bernie turned her down.

    I think that Bernie's "progressive" fans (jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate, et al) have Bernie's number now. He is, and always was, the neoliberal oligarch's tool.

  9. Dotard is, and always was, the neoliberal oligarch's tool.

    Quote. Trump repackages neoliberal globalization as protectionist nationalism, closing the border and slapping tariffs on China. Somehow Trump has convinced his supporters that "free and fair trade", as he calls it, is not just more US-led corporate globalization. But one of the first things he did as president was to replace the neoliberal North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with an almost-identical version: the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which gave more investor and intellectual property rights to US tech and biotech firms.

    The Republicans designed NAFTA in the late 80s and early 90s. The establishment Democrats facilitated and championed it. But NAFTA fed far-right narratives about "globalists" and "immigrants", because subsidized US agriculture, for instance, could now be exported to peasant farmers in Mexico — 3 million of whom lost their livelihoods and many became economic refugees who tried to find work in the US. By promising to "build that wall", Trump takes an inhumane position on migration while pursuing some of the very policies that sell American workers out to offshored corporations. [end quote]

    Bernie Sanders voted NO on Dotard's USMCA Trade agreement. He is the ONLY anti-globalist anti-oligarch running for the White House.

  10. Bernie voted "no" so that fools like you would have a neoliberal to bait & switch your vote to Hillary/Biden for.

  11. ...and so as a "presidential candidate" his campaign could sell you idiots his stupid "Commie Dreams" books, and you'd buy enough of them to make him a millionaire.

  12. Bernie Sanders has no "Commie Dreams" books to sell. Bernie Sanders is my preferred candidate. I'll only vote Biden to get rid of Dotard. There is no "bait and switch". I know what I'm doing. You're the one who fell for the bait and switch. Although Dotard did deliver a White Nationalist immigration policy, explaining why you're happy.

  13. You're right, Bernie only sells books to his campaAign, which then hands them out like unwanted tote bags to donors. Nobody ever reads one.

  14. Dotard "wrote" a book prior to the election. It is a pretty standard way to get your ideas out there. Although Dotard used his book to bash America. Did you pay full price and read it cover to cover?

    Bernie Sanders book has reviews by verified buyers on Amazon. Proof people read it. And there is nothing in Bernie's book about how he loves Communism. If there were I'm sure the quotes would be widely available.

  15. Trump wrote books before the State subsidized his authorship. Did Bernie?

  16. "Crippled America" bashes America. I linked to the book in my comment. Dotard didn't write "the art of the deal". And "the state" didn't subsidize the writing of Bernie's book. You say that simply because he is a government employee? Should government employees be banned from writing books during their free time?

  17. NASA scientists are required to disclose all their "patentable" ideas to the government regardless of "when" the ideas came to them. But if it's a good idea, the government will "share" royalties with them.

  18. ...and bashing the American public sector isn't bashing "America". I bash it ALL the time.

  19. Except for Dotard. He can do no wrong. If he does wrong it's not his fault. He's the White Privilege predisent.

  20. Trump fucks up a lot of things. He just doesn't 'virtue signal' the same issues in the politically correct "agreed upon way".

  21. Not the modern "virtue" of victim worship, that is for certain. :)

  22. LOL! Dotard views himself as the GOAT victim. Of the "fake news", of "Democrat hoaxes" and the "deep state conspiracy" to get him out of office via a "coup". And YES, he believes he should be worshiped. It's why he keeps saying he is the best president in history ever.
