Monday, March 9, 2020



  1. AFTER the progressive MSM Sojus meta-narrative.

  2. Bullshit. That has been the Conservative strategy for a LONG time. It's called "working the ref". Dotard has taken that strategy far into the realm of absurdity. Only the most diehard dupes believe it.

    Quote: The term "lying press" is at times used to cast doubt upon legitimate news from an opposing political standpoint. During and after his presidential campaign and election, Donald Trump popularized the term "fake news" in this sense, regardless of the truthfulness of the news, when he used it to describe the negative press coverage of himself. In part, as a result of Trump's misuse, the term has come under increasing criticism... [end quote]

    To Dotard and his loyal magaturds, "fake news" is truthful and accurate news critical of Dotard. Another source of actual fake news is OAN (One America News). Although I suspect MOST of what they "report" is Russian disinformation.

  3. Yes, the post-modern war on meta-narratives was ALL Donald Trump's idea combined with Russian Disinformation!


  4. "The fake news of right-wing media may be the leaves, but the intellectual Left is the trunk and the roots of that monstrous tree."

  5. Socialist Chilean President Salvador Allende allegedly said that, “objectivity must not exist in journalism, because the supreme duty of the leftist journalist is not to serve the truth, but rather, the revolution.” Regardless of the alleged source of that particular claim, many leftist in Latin America do seem to take the spirit of it seriously. One particularly influential news agency, Telesur, continuously lies and tells half-truth, all with the sole purpose of maintaining leftist dictatorships in power (Venezuela, Cuba). At the same time, Telesur hopes to topple liberal, conservative democracies (Chile, Ecuador, Colombia). Sadly, good-intentioned people like Bernie Sanders are duped by these fake news agencies coming from Latin America, thus extending the influence of the post-truth Left into the United States.

    The Left typically exhorts us to look for the root causes of phenomena. That is not bad advice. Well, when it comes to post-truth politics, we must come to understand that the root cause of Kellyanne Conway talking about “alternate facts” is the Left’s long-held suspicion of truth. So, I must say that post-truth is not a particularly salient feature of right-wing politics. But if it is, then it is less so than in left-wing politics.

  6. You can't help it if your "truth meta-narrative" was derived via Salvadore Dali's paranoiac critical method. The man that YOU see in the chair, ain't there!

  7. You just believe the sketchy outlines that Howard Zinn drew for you in his "People's History of the United States". Heck, if you need a meta-narrative to understand the world, you can simply listen to Glenn Beck. He comes up with new one's every week.

  8. So what you're saying is that, regarding the American Right's strategy to dupe voters with fake news, they take their cues from (supposedly Leftist) authoritarian leaders from countries like Chile, Venezuela and Cuba?

  9. That's what your "Leftie intellectual" pals believe. I take my cues from Joseph d'Maistre and Edmund Burke. The Right believes in vertical authoritarian stuctures. We're not big fans of Deleuzian rhizomes.

  10. You clearly do admire authoritarians. Just as your orange-clown-makeup-wearing dictator wannabe Dotard does.
