Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bernie Wins Iowa Popular Vote!


  1. The first step in soon-to-be President Sanders' journey to the White House, another step in soon-to-be ex-president Dotard's journey to the Big House!

  2. The Democrats have a turn-out problem. Trump is going nowhere.

  3. "Sky high" is less than 50 percent? Who knew? Interesting that you first acknowledge that Dotard will lose if more Americans turn out to vote. But Iowa's primary caucus system isn't predictive of turnout for the rest of the non-caucus primary nor for the general. If turnout is high Dotard will lose. As you acknowledge. The American people don't want 4 more years of Dotard. They didn't want the initial 4 years.

    They know what Bernie Sanders (in your video) says is true. Dotard is a fraud. He isn't for working people, he is for the plutocrats.

  4. It was predictive in 2008. Turnout was through the roof.

  5. ...besides, if Trump knows anything, it's how to party! And THAT is why he'll be re-elected.

  6. 2008 was the election year where we elected Barack Obama. So, yeah, that's my point. Given your agreement, I don't know how you can say Dotard will be re-elected. High turnout also gave us the 2018 Blue Wave. In 2020 a Blue Tsunami will wash the corrupt Dotard out of office. God willing.

  7. How you going to win w/o turnout, Dervy? The DNC's barely getting 2016 levels... not even close to 2008 or even 2018.

  8. I guess that's what happens when you bore the average voter w/fake impeachments.... the voters stay home.

  9. The general election is taking place right now? If so, the next president is going to be a Democrat, 100% guaranteed. Dotard got 0 votes in Iowa :)

    btw, the only fakery I'm aware of occurred in the Senate, where they held a fake trial to fakely "acquit" Dotard. A fact the American people (70% of whom wanted evidence and witnesses) are aware of. Don't re-elect the fakers, is what many of them might have in mind in November (when the general election actually takes place).

    It is interesting that you (yet again) acknowledge that the American people DO NOT WANT Dotard and that depressed turnout is his only path to victory :(

  10. Republicans only want people with skin in the game to vote. Democrats want illegals and jailbirds to vote. What's THAT tell you?

  11. I'm for fully restoring an American citizen's right to vote after incarceration. They have "skin in the game". "Illegals" don't vote and Democrats don't want them to vote. That's conspiracy theory bullshit. What it tells me is that you only want the "right" people to vote because you can't win if everyone votes (everyone who is entitled to).

  12. You lie. You'd be lamenting low turnout (instead of being happy about it) if you believed that.

  13. Citizens MUST be FORCED to VOTE! Good luck with THAT, Comrade Dervish.

  14. Letting citizens vote who want to is "forcing"? Who knew? :(
