Friday, January 24, 2020

Note to Democrats...

Hat-tip: Woodsterman


  1. Clearly this proves that, to be president and have access to missiles, there should be a background check. One the criminal president would have failed.

  2. ...and Obama. :)

    525,600 minutes to go...:P

    ...until we add 2,102,400 more!

  3. Since the impeachment hoax, Gallup’s poll of all adults shows Trump’s job approval rating climbing from 39 percent to 44 percent. Among independents, approval climbed eight points, from 34 to 42 percent.

    Currently, a majority of 51 percent oppose removing Trump from office, while only 46 percent support removal. Independents oppose removal by a 49 to 46 percent margin.

    Couple closing points…

    This week, I noted how the right track/wrong track numbers are in the best shape we’ve seen in more than a decade. Gallup’s latest polling backs this up.

    On the economy, Gallup shows economic confidence at a +40, the highest level in 20 years. That’s not a typo — the highest number since October 2000.

  4. The Democrats impeached on a fallacious basis. To accept their premise, one must be willing to believe that House Democrats have supernatural knowledge of the unspoken thoughts of the president and all others involved. The foundation of their case is the president being guilty of something Orwell usefully coined as "thoughtcrime." The American people have soundly rejected that concept.

  5. What a load of CRAP! No "mind reading" is necessary to determine Dotard's OBVIOUS guilt. The Ukraine call took place the day after Dotard skated on the collusion and obstruction charges as laid out in the Mueller report. AFTER the whistle blower came forward Dotard insisted he wanted "nothing" and "no quid pro quo" (the supposed call to Sondland he read while the chopper ran in the background). He did this because he knew he was CAUGHT and was looking to fabricate a false narrative. And recently he bragged about obstructing congress, saying "we have all the materials". If the materials (subpoenaed by Congress) did anything other than incriminate him, he would have handed them over. Dotard is CLEARLY guilty!

    And the American people OVERWHELMINGLY want witnesses to be called in the Senate trial. There won't be any because the so-called "trial" is a COVER-UP. An obvious one for which there should be a heavy price to pay in 2020. The American people will vote to send Dotard packing. IF he stays in office it will be because of a LOT more cheating than last time. Dotard will lose the popular vote again, and likely by a larger margin.

  6. Say again, Karnac?

    Wishful thinking (that they're as good as or better than everyone else) is a Democrat's favorite obsession. Me-me-me-me-me....

    There ain't gonna be no stinkin' witnesses. The hoax is over.

  7. The hoax continues. The hoax that Dotard's criminality is a "witch hunt". btw, didn't you want Joe and his dad Hunter to testify? The Senate republics could have called them both but didn't. They didn't need to make any deal (witness swap). Yet they (knowing that conspiracy theory would flop) chose not to.

    As for calling me "Karmac", you're the one who keeps predicting Democratic loses for 50 years. My conditioned predictions are a lot more down to earth than your wishful thinking BS.

  8. Biden will be testifying in Lindsey Graham's Committee, once the impeachment hoax gets officially sent back down to the House for lack of ANY credible evidence.

  9. LOL! The House will request the presence of John Bolton. He said he'd testify before the Senate, so there is no reason for him to refuse a House subpoena. We need to hear more from him about the "drug deal" -- as he referred to what the "3 amigos" were up to. The House investigations into Dotard's corruption will continue despite Senate republics refusing to do their job.

    Is Miss Lindsey going to call Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in to testify as well? How far is your corrupt trumpublican party going to go to steal the 2020 election for Dotard?

  10. lol! They're not stealing it from Trump, Nancy is tying Bernie to a Seante Chair for Biden.:)

  11. The House should also subpoena Lev Parnas as well. He has documents and audio recordings. aka hard evidence. Dotard won't be able to hide from the truth much longer.

    Additionally, with Bernie as the nominee, all the people who were going to vote Bernie last time (but switched to Dotard) will be able to go with their first choice. I'm talking about people who were fooled by Dotard's lies about reforming trade. The republic party opposes Dotard on trade while Bernie will bring the Democratic party along with him and pass REAL trade reform.

    Under the Sanders administration there will be NO pandering to White Nationalist hate and no White Nationalist advisers. Also no Communist advisers, because Bernie isn't a Communist. As president Bernie Sanders will work hard for The People. That's ALL the people, not just the rich ones. According to recent comments by Dotard, he's looking to slash entitlements next. A LOSING message.

  12. You should put that Parnas hard evidence with all the other hard evidence Shifty had on collusion. Bernies done after Iowa. He won't be able to campaign for the next six months once witnesses are approved.

  13. 6 months? But Dotard's lapdog Miss Lindsey said the goal was to wrap up the sham trial quickly without witnesses. You think you're calling the shots now?

  14. I can't halp it if Mitch McConnell undermines Nancy Pelosi's hail Mary Impeachment ploy to get Joe Biden elected.

  15. Dotard forced impeachment. It is not a "hail Mary".

    It's a hail Mary when the ONLY way you can "win" is by cheating. That is why Dotard risked getting caught and tried to pressure Ukraine into helping him dirty up Joe Biden with Russian conspiracy theories.

    Dotard lost in 2016 and he'll lose again in 2020. The American people do NOT want him as president.

  16. lol!

    The only way you could win the Impeachment argument and disenfranchise the American people was to leak the NSC review copy of Bolton's book at the perfect time before Senator's have to vote on witnesses...

    The leaks always seem to happen at the time most opportune to support the Democrat's arguments...

    ...and they say there's no G_d. BWAH!

  17. Funny how that DoJ/FBI -> WaPo and DoD/CIA -> NY Times Deep State to Fourth Estate Nexus works.

  18. Disenfranchising the American people is the republics specialty. Dotard leaned hard on that play. Why he brought Kris Kobach on as an adviser. But he also disenfranchised Americans by colluding with Russia who fed gullible people false information via twitter and facebook. And probably hacked the vote as well.

    Funny that you call it "disenfranchising" when it's the MINORITY who voted for Dotard. Who cares that MORE people wanted HRC. MORE votes not equaling a win fits the definition of disenfranchisement in my book.

    BTW, I don't know who leaked Bolton's book, but how the F*CK does that equal disenfranchising? He's a republic who worked in the Dotard administration. Proving YET AGAIN that Dotard's OWN PEOPLE are his worst enemies (the Anonymous book, the "team of vipers" book, etc). Still you continue to blame the imaginary "deep state". I'd write "LOL", but this bullshit is getting stale.

    The "deep state" is coming from INSIDE the White House!

  19. I don't know who leaked Bolton's book...

    I do.

  20. He's the same one who leaked the supposedly shady Secret server transfer...

    Alexander Vindman told impeachment investigators that his sibling witnessed the decision to move the call’s transcript to a top-secret server.

  21. Vindman was also the a-hole who raised the entire Ukraine phone-call as an issue (other than the so-called "whistleblower").

  22. BTW, why would Vindman's brother be interested in boosting sales of John Bolton's book? I just heard that the leak occurred on the same day the book when up for pre-order on Amazon. Anyway, given that the book is for sale RIGHT NOW, why the Hell would a republic senator propose that they read the book, but in a SCIF? With the redacted portions not redacted (provided there are any)? Otherwise this suggestion makes no sense. Not that it makes any sense either way. Just have him testify.

  23. Three days before the book "leaked", Bolton had been notified by Vindman's brother that his book contained classified material that couldn't be released to the public. Imagine that....

    Vindman wants the VOTE affected... not any stupid book published.

  24. Dotard "I hire the best people" chose Bolton. "Couldn't be published"... right. This isn't Bolton's first book nor his first time working for a republican administration. Clearly he knows how to write a book that CAN be published. What is stupid are your arguments.

  25. Trump needed some hard asses to set expectations and create gaps for the deal-maker (President) to make deals. Bolton was used to that end to scare the sh*t out of Korea/Russia. But Bolton is a neocon globalists wanting to start WW VI. Trump is NOT that.

  26. Putin had the shit scarred out of him by a hire of his puppet? LOL. And North Korea's Kim Jong Un has discovered how easy it is to dupe Dotard. Both Un and Putin laugh at Dotard. They are not scarred and there have been no deals.

  27. I'm not sure that they ever pried Obama's lips off Putin's ass...

  28. They did not. But the reason is because they were never there. Unlike with Dotard's lips. He kisses the asses of many of our enemies/the world's worst leaders: Putin, MBS, Erdoğan, Duterte, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, etc.

  29. And Dotard's lover, Kim Jong Un. Apparently Dotard believes kissing dictator ass is one of his primary functions. Another reason to send this embarrassment of a president packing in November. With Obama as president the world respected us. Under the total joke Dotard they laugh at us.

  30. Regarding both Russia and Saudi Arabia you accept MUCH worse from Dotard, so you can STFU about Obama and shove those videos where the sun doesn't shine. Instead of thinking we could work with Russia, now our government works FOR Russia. As for Saudi Arabia, instead of a bow, now it's helping cover up a murder and sending our troops to help protect their oil.

  31. Obama admitted being Putin's stooge to the world.
