Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Feel the Bern...


  1. Project Veritas... LOL. Their specialty is deceptively edited videos.

  2. Anarcho-Communists support Bernie. What's deceptive about that?

  3. White Supremacists support Dotard because he's one of their own. Bernie has been very clear he isn't any kind of Communist. He certainly is not an "anarcho communist". He is a FDR Democrat/European style Democratic Socialist. This video should be called "Kyle Jurek Exposed". I surely do not give a s#it about this moron.

  4. So why should Trump worry about any white supremacists who support him? Should he pay and employ them to help in his re-election? What does THAT say about Bernie if he does?

  5. You think Bernie Sanders personally interviews everyone who volunteers or is employed by his campaign? In all the field offices in every state? Meanwhile Dotard DID hire the White Nationalists Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller. Miller still works for him. And advises him on Dotard's "reeducation camps". The camps where they imprison Christian refugees and "reeducate" them as to the new peril they'll face if they live South of the border and decide to flee violence -- try to enter the United States and your children may be kidnapped and adopted to White families (you will be deported and never see them again). For the record, what that says about Dotard is that he is an incredibly EVIL man.

    There will be no reeducation camps when Bernie Sanders is president. Kyle Jurek may be disappointed, but he is obviously a nutjob who has projected his fantasies onto Bernie. Bernie Sanders will CLOSE Dotard's camps.

  6. yeah, I'm sure when Bernie Sanders heard a new James O'Keefe video was out he made it a priority to wàtch it (or assign a staffer to watch it). Because knowing what James O'Keeffe is up to is incredibly important. Or, more likely, Bernie is busy running for president and doing his job as a US senator and not aware of what a clown/joke/nobody/pissant/liar like James O'Keefe is up to. If I had not seen it on your blog I would have no idea. I have seen this nowhere else.

  7. There is no denying that Dotard is a supporter and enabler of White Supremacist hate. Stephen Miller's prominent role in þhe white house is proof positive of that.

  8. The White Supremacists are recruiting Jews like Stephen Miller now? Who knew?

    from Wiki: Miller has said he has "absolutely no relationship with Mr. Spencer" and that he "completely repudiate[s] his views, and his claims are 100 percent false.

  9. Former Breitbart Editor: Stephen Miller is a white supremacist. I know, I was one too. (Excerpt) ...when she became a reporter for Breitbart News, Katie McHugh says she was taken to new depths of hate with the help of Stephen Miller. ... She says Miller privately showed his true colors and pushed white supremacist ideals echoing his hardline views on restricting immigration to her in order to get them on Breitbart's website. [End excerpt].

    Of course he denies it. Give me a break. "Who knew"? Everyone paying attention and not a liar like you.

  10. Who knew? Stephen Miller's uncle.

    Stephen Miller is aN immigration hypocrite. I know because I'm his uncle. (Excerpt from an article by David Glosser) I have watched with dismay and increasing horror as my nephew, an educated man who is well aware of his heritage, has become the architect of immigration policies that repudiate the very foundation of our family's life in this country. ... I would encourage Stephen to ask himself if the chanting, torch-bearing Nazis of Charlottesville, whose support his boss seems to court so cavalierly, do not envision a similar fate for him. [End excerpt].

  11. lol! CNN says he's a white nationalist, and his uncle still feels the need for open borders so that he can escape the next Shoah or Holodomor.

    Please. Take the man at his word (repudiates Spencer's views).

  12. for the Islamic immigration thing, the Jews over at The Schpiel call him a "Jewish Supremacist".

    "Miller’s extremely large brain was crafted after thousands of years of selective breeding by God’s chosen people. As a result, we will now reap the fruits of Jewish Supremacy as the troops come home and America is made great again!"


    Stephen Miller: Based ‘America First’ Jewish Nationalist Superman

    Miller is the Jewish shadow master who is pretty much single-handedly saving the Trump administration

    So which is he? White Nationalist or Jewish Supremacist. He can't be both. I would suggest that we take him at his word that he's "neither".

  13. ...after all, Stephen Miller poses an existential threat to the Neocons, most of whom are Jewish, but ALL of them, globalists.

  14. Is it because you take people at their word that you reject conspiracy theories concerning Barack Obama's religion and place of birth? (Aside from all the evidence proving these conspiracies are BS, that is).

    CNN does not say Stephen Miller is a White Nationalist. The person saying Miller is a White Nationalist is former Breitbart employee Katie McHugh. And she has the email evidence. You think the Dotard boot-licking right would have published her story?

    I never mentioned Richard Spencer. He is a White Supremacist, but I did not know he is THE head White Supremacist. So what if Miller's and Spencer's views don't line up exactly? They agree on MANY things. Certainly they are "fellow travelers".

  15. When it comes to people, acta non verba. Bowing to the Saudi king, enabling Iran with pallets of cash and empowering the Brotherhood in Egypt and around the world was ALL the Obama policy.

  16. Breitbart isn't white nationalist. It's American nationalist.

  17. ...and Katie McHugh has proven that she can be paid to say whatever the payer demands.

  18. When it comes to people, acta non verba. Helping a Saudi prince cover up the murder of a journalist, provoking Iran by pulling out of the JCPOA (which was working) and empowering ISIS in Syria (by abandoning our allies the Kurds) and around the world is ALL the Dotard policy.

    Katie McHugh told the truth about Miller. This we know because the truth also wasn't flattering for her. If she were lying for money she wouldn't have admitted to being a White Nationalist. And how do you explain the emails between the two? She fabricated them all?

    Stephen Miller's and Dotard's "acta" prove they are White Nationalists. Kidnapping the children of Christian refuges as a deterrent while wishing for more immigrants from Norway make their prejudices crystal clear.

  19. Breitbart isn't white nationalist. It's American nationalist.


    Quote: Based on internal emails and documents from the company, the expose reveals how Bannon, Yiannopoulos, and a large cast of other Breitbart players and employees worked to develop and advance an agenda that embraced tactics, values, and assistance from neo-Nazi and white nationalist groups, among others. ..."These new emails and documents clearly show that Breitbart does more than tolerate the most hate-filled, racist voices of the alt-right. It thrives on them, fueling and being fueled by some of the most toxic beliefs on the political spectrum -- and clearing the way for them to enter the American mainstream". [end quote].

  20. Breitbart isn't white nationalist. It's American nationalist.


    Quote: Based on internal emails and documents from the company, the expose reveals how Bannon, Yiannopoulos, and a large cast of other Breitbart players and employees worked to develop and advance an agenda that embraced tactics, values, and assistance from neo-Nazi and white nationalist groups, among others. ..."These new emails and documents clearly show that Breitbart does more than tolerate the most hate-filled, racist voices of the alt-right. It thrives on them, fueling and being fueled by some of the most toxic beliefs on the political spectrum -- and clearing the way for them to enter the American mainstream". [end quote].

  21. The truth isn't flattering to her? Then why is she "virtue signalling" her newly acquired virtue?

    What's wrong with immigrants from Norway? Do they have greater cultural bad habits to unlearn (like religion/atheism)?

    And Bernie doesn't cater to those with Commie values? Who knew?

  22. What "virtue signaling"? You think everyone (the majority of us who aren't White Nationalists) are going to say "all is forgiven" because she spilled the beans about Stephen Miller? Miller, who was hired to "virtue signal" to the White Nationalists, btw (as selfishness is a "virtue" to Objectivists I'm sure racism is a "virture" to you and your fellow White Nationalists).

    What's "wrong" with immigrants from Norway is that there is very few of them. Most Norwegians like the services their socialist government provides and don't want to move here.

    As for "who knew" about Bernie NOT catering to those with Commie values... almost everyone -- excepting liars and deluded fools like Kyle Jurek.

  23. Fools like Kyle Jurek who STILL pimp directly to anarcho-communists and ANTIFA clowns for Bernie.

    And yes, Katie is doing what she's paid to do, paint Breitbart as a white nationalist site. What's changed is simply the target. $ talks.

  24. ps - ANd since Bernie now KNOWS he's pimping to anarcho-communists, that must mean he APPROVES of the pimping, as he's STILL PAYING HIM TO DO IT.

  25. ...meanwhile other Iowa Sanders staffers are locking out their social media accounts. Seems the who campaign is filled with anarcho-communists.

  26. The whole Dotard administration and campaign is filled with White Nationalist and White Nationalist enablers. You haven't shown that Bernie Sanders is aware of the James O'Keefe video or knows who Kyle Jurek is, liar. Even if he did, I don't see what difference it makes, given that Jurek is a low level staffer and does NOT make or influence policy in any way.

    He isn't at the level of Stephen Miller. If Bernie announces that Jurek (or some similar thinker) is going being promoted to a high level advisory position -- then I'll denounce and abandon Bernie. You stick with Dotard BECAUSE of his White Nationalist advisers.

  27. Bernie employs admitted commies. Trump employs no admitted white nationalists.

  28. LOL! Bannon and Miller admit White Nationalism with their words and actions. Just not publicly. Because they know their ideology is toxic and rejected by a majority of the voters. Dotard himself is a White Nationalist (admitted in public, even though he left off the "White" part).

    Bernie doesn't interview and hire staffers in campaign offices. Like I said, you have presented ZERO evidence that Bernie Sanders even knows who Kyle Jurek is. I very seriously doubt he does.

  29. Really? Then you have quotes like "I like White Nationalism"?

    Didn't think so.

    How come not a single reporter has asked Bernie about Jurek (#inthetank4Bernie)?

  30. Where are your Bernie Sanders quotes regarding how he thinks Soviet gulags served a purpose and that he's for "reeducation camps"?

    Where is your quote where Bernie Sanders says how much he likes the ideas of Kyle Jurek and how he is planning on appointing Jurek as a high level adviser to the campaign?

    *I* didn't think so.

  31. Because it's implied. You should know, you can hear the dog whistles.
