Thursday, January 9, 2020

2020 - It's Not a Good Time to be a Progressive... no longer pays to put on a sheep-skin and become a part of the "salaried bourgeoisie." Better to learn a trade and fend for yourself as an independent self-employed contractor than to become part of the 0.1% who earn a corporate CEO's surplus salary.


  1. JoJo... what a "progressive" really looks like once you paint him with "reality" instead of with his "ideological glasses" on. The glasses make the reality of his Nazism "invisible" to him.

  2. I'm really looking forward to the Sanders presidency!

  3. No.

    Quote: Sanders became interested in politics at an early age: "A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including six million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important". In the 1940s many of Sanders's relatives in German-occupied Poland were murdered in the Holocaust. [end quote]

    Number of Bernie Sanders supporters who have ever said "Heil the burn" = zero.

    Number of Dotard supporters who have ever said "Heil Trump" = a much, MUCH larger number. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that you've uttered that phrase. Given the fact that you outed yourself as a Nazi on Lisa's blog awhile back.

    Quote: "Trump comments were good, He didn't attack us. When asked to condemn [Nazis], he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him", says white nationalist. [end quote].

  4. Bernie Sanders was inspired by Adolf Hitler to enter politics. Who knew?

  5. You know the old joke, "what’s the difference between a Communist and a Nazi?"


  6. The difference is that Communists aren't enamored of, and vote for Dotard.

  7. Have you taken up snorting Adderall like your hero, Dotard?

  8. btw - Shawn Henry, President of CrowdStrike, has just been named in a Sheryle Atkinsson lawsuit on the illegal deep state FBI surveillance. By coincidence, CrowsStrike also certified the "muh Russia DNC hack." CrowdStrike was behind ALL that illegal FBI surveillance and database abuse... who knew?

  9. Wouldn't Shift Schiff like to know...

  10. What are republics going to do about it? NOT stop hiring CrowdStrike. Which is extremely odd, given your assertion that they lie and have been caught lying numerous times. Acta non verba. LOL!

  11. Deep State Contractors hired by Deep State actors. We're draining the swamp! What are Democratics doing?

  12. House republics employ CrowdStrike. I saw no "deep state" behavior from House republics in their sycophantic bootlicking defense of Dotard during the impeachment hearings.

    "Draining the swamp"? LOL. Democrats are trying to get rid of the most corrupt president in US history who is filling and expanding the swamp at an ALARMING rate. Real swamp draining as opposed to fake swamp draining. With you it's ALL verba and zero acta. Dotard says one thing and does the opposite. And you applaud him for it.

  13. Never-Trump Deep-Staters need Crowd Strike to protect them.

    And you don't drain a Washington Swamp by kicking out recent NY immigrants.

  14. ps - Bernie just wants to "turn all remaining dry land in DC" into government swampland.

  15. Democrat Platform since 2008, "Throw the Entire Health Care Industry into the Swamp!"

  16. Bernie Sanders believes in government for The People and by The People. Hence his plan to do away with predatory for-profit health care insurance deniers (profits based on NOT providing healthcare but denying it). This swap is 1000 times worse because it is completely unaccountable to The People.

    Your BS about CrowdStrike is nonsensical. As I pointed out, Dotard defenders use it (the tRump-loving House republics). "deep state" republics are Dotard detractors.

  17. "The People" are idiots if they're unwilling to provide for their own healthcare and would much as "slave patients" would rather rely upon unaccountable bureaucrats to dictate their "slave doctor" care.

    Plato, "The Laws"

    ATHENIAN: And is our legislator to have no preface to his laws, but to say at once Do this, avoid that—and then holding the penalty in terrorem, to go on to another law; offering never a word of advice or exhortation to those for whom he is legislating, after the manner of some doctors? For of doctors, as I may remind you, some have a gentler, others a ruder method of cure; and as children ask the doctor to be gentle with them, so we will ask the legislator to cure our disorders with the gentlest remedies. What I mean to say is, that besides doctors there are doctors' servants, who are also styled doctors.

    CLEINIAS: Very true.

    ATHENIAN: And whether they are slaves or freemen makes no difference; they acquire their knowledge of medicine by obeying and observing their masters; empirically and not according to the natural way of learning, as the manner of freemen is, who have learned scientifically themselves the art which they impart scientifically to their pupils. You are aware that there are these two classes of doctors?

    CLEINIAS: To be sure.

    ATHENIAN: And did you ever observe that there are two classes of patients in states, slaves and freemen; and the slave doctors run about and cure the slaves, or wait for them in the dispensaries—practitioners of this sort never talk to their patients individually, or let them talk about their own individual complaints? The slave doctor prescribes what mere experience suggests, as if he had exact knowledge; and when he has given his orders, like a tyrant, he rushes off with equal assurance to some other servant who is ill; and so he relieves the master of the house of the care of his invalid slaves. But the other doctor, who is a freeman, attends and practices upon freemen; and he carries his enquiries far back, and goes into the nature of the disorder; he enters into discourse with the patient and with his friends, and is at once getting information from the sick man, and also instructing him as far as he is able, and he will not prescribe for him until he has first convinced him; at last, when he has brought the patient more and more under his persuasive influences and set him on the road to health, he attempts to effect a cure. Now which is the better way of proceeding in a physician and in a trainer? Is he the better who accomplishes his ends in a double way, or he who works in one way, and that the ruder and inferior?

    CLEINIAS: I should say, Stranger, that the double way is far better.

    ATHENIAN: Should you like to see an example of the double and single method in legislation?

    CLEINIAS: Certainly I should.

  18. Freedom from large bills, bankruptcy due to medical bills and avoidable death (due to the unaffordable health care) is actually slavery. Who knew?

  19. Freedom from all future medical advances is "health care"... who knew?

  20. Medical advances will continue without the parasites getting their large cut. Getting rid of the parasites will likely encourage more medical advances. If we spend more on delivering health care and researching advances instead of large profits for middlemen how could the results NOT be positive?

  21. What incentives will you offer to achieve more advances? Since there will be no competition, you certainly can't offer researchers a patent or copyright to ensure that the compensation collected is commensurate with its' value to humanity.

  22. Will researchers work long hours and sacrifice home and family lives simply to be well thought of by their government overlords?

  23. Will researches attend costly universities and complete many underpaid post-doc positions so as to gain the favors of their government overlords for a GS-12's salary?

    Will they forego more highly compensated fields (like petroleum engineering or law) simply out of the love of humanity or the challenge of medicine?

  24. btw - this all assumes that you prefer to reward results over effort. Usually higher compensations for "effort" over long periods of time tend to reduce subsequent effort.

  25. It's like offering to pay people with "grants" based upon "best-efforts" instead of offering them "contracts" based upon agreed to and definitive/committed-to results.

  26. I prefer my researchers to have "skin-in-the-game" when it comes to compensation... where failure suffers consequences.

  27. Will researches attend costly universities and complete many underpaid post-doc positions so as to gain the favors of their government overlords for a GS-12's salary?

    They already do.

    Quote: In the 21st century, basic discovery research is funded primarily by governments and by philanthropic organizations... [end quote].

  28. lol! That's the exact opposite of skin in the game.
