Friday, December 13, 2019

Hunter Biden - Oil & Gas Ambassador


  1. Dotard is not working real hard to solve people's substance abuse issues throughout the country :(

    btw, I've heard Dotard wears adult diapers due to incontinence caused by his Adderall abuse. Sounds to that Dotard needs to work real hard solving his own substance abuse problems.

  2. The Democrats have an even greater substance abuse problem. For all their talk of love of democracy, they're impeaching a President and rioting over election results in Britain. And for all their professed love for "workers", they're more supportive of the lumpen proletariate than the actual workers.

    Yep, they've got a severe "substance" problem they've been abusing for decades...

  3. The impeachment is based on the substance of Dotard's phone call in which he threatens and attempts to extort the Ukrainian president. That's not the Democrats problem, it's the GOP's problem. Although it very much looks like they're going to side with Putin instead of the American people. Hopefully we'll solve that problem by voting many of them out of office, including the head Putin-puppet.

  4. Impeachment began 3 years before the phone call...

    Democrats HATE democratic results. They exist soley to PREVENT them.

  5. Talk of impeachment isn't impeachment. And Dotard was in violation of the Emollients Clause on day one. And as everyone knows, he was colluding with Russia during the campaign. Colluding with foreign powers isn't democracy. And it was Dotard who was saying the election was being rigged and he would accept the results -- if he won.

    Republics hate democratic results and it is a main goal of theirs to prevent them. Hence all their efforts at disenfranchising as many people as possible (why Kris Kobach was a Dotard advisor).

    BTW, the electoral college isn't Democracy (one citizen one vote). You continually bring up Dotard's electoral college "win" (under which the votes of certain people are more heavily weighed) -- making your lie about Democrats so incredibly obvious and utterly ridiculous.

    I see that you have your talking points down, however. As always.

  6. Emollients? His skin was too soft? That must be why he needed im-peach-ing, right? lol!

  7. No, emoluments. That was an auto correct error. But Dotard says that portion of the Constitution is phony. The part concerning bribery must be phony too. btw, Dotard has alternatively claimed that it's "good genes" that explain his orange hue OR that it's energy efficient light bulbs that make his skin LOOK orange. Is that a sign of dementia or of him simply not giving a f*ck when it comes to keeping his lies straight?

  8. Of course you think it's peachy that the president is a pathological liar. I stronglying disagree. btw, you've been throwing that term around a lot lately. Dotard is an actual pathological liar. James Comey and myself? Not pathological liars.

  9. You're the one with the peach aura, Dervy, and that applies to all things 'pathological' as well. :)
