Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Happy Impeachmas Everybody!


  1. Dotard is the WORST president in US history, not the best.

  2. Nope. Progressive Liberals are simply the WORST CITIZENS in US History.

  3. The worst citizens in US history would be trumper republics. Given their support for a corrupt traitorous president who acts as an agent of Russian. You enable the evil plans of our enemies. You're either willing 5th columnists or useful idiots. Either way you support a predisent who is actively harming our nation.

  4. Go back to Russia, Dervy. It's the land you were meant to gulag in.

  5. I have never been to Russia, so I can't go "back". You, I think may be Russia. Certainly you are a Putin-puppet (knowing or unknowing). btw, Dotard, when the truth is finally revealed re his criminality, I think may flee to Russia to avoid prosecution.

    Russia's State TV Calls Trump Their "Agent" (12/17/2019 Daily Beast article excerpt) Russian commentators note, rightly, that "sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power", and they're already joking about offering Trump asylum. ... As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office last week, Russian state media were gloating over the spectacle. TV channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment entitled "Puppet Master and Agent -- How to Understand Lavrov's Meeting With Trump".

  6. lol! And the anti-anti Trumpers are Russian agents, too!

    There is zero reason to suspect any of them (the anti-anti Trump Left) have covert ties of any kind with Russia. Their arguments are perfectly explainable in normal terms. Russia has helped amplify their ideas because it suits Russia’s agenda — Moscow generated and promoted the most strident anti-Clinton voices on the left in 2016 and seems to view left-wing opposition to the Democrats as a lever upon which it can usefully lean. That fact does not by itself implicate their arguments; if the Russians happened to find reason to promote arguments any of us have made, we’d resent people suggesting we were toeing the Kremlin line. That resentment seems to have created a life of its own, making some leftists tolerant of Trump’s disturbing, obviously corrupt relations with Putin.

    But what brought them to this strange place is their hatred for the center-left, which blots out any sense of proportion of the danger Trump poses.

    To be anti-Clinton in 2016 makes EVERYONE a "Russian agent"! lolz.

  7. The Russians are trolling you, Dervy. And nobody deserves trolling more than a 'Muh, Russia' Clinton-voting neoliberal.

  8. I wonder if any of these videos you posted were financed in rubles. I didn't watch the new one you posted, but the last one is pretty slick. btw, I'm strongly opposed to neoliberalism. Another lie that you keep repeating no matter how many times I correct you.

  9. Warren supporters aren't opposed to neoliberalism. She is neoliberalism 'personified'.

  10. The public sees that what Dotard is doing is harming farmers, costing huge amounts in bailouts and increasing consumer prices. And still the trade deficit continues to rise. "Let's not do any more of that" many will say when Dotard is gone.

    The Globalists may very likely end up quite pleased with the help Dotard has provided.

  11. What have Democrats done for the economy other that burden it with ever new and perpetually growing mandates?

  12. They fix it every time republics drive it into recession. What the next Democratic president will be burdened with following the upcoming Dotard recession. Dotard is wrecking the economy -- as republics always do. He took the good economy we had (thanks Obama) and injected a ton of money (via his ridiculous tax cuts) to keep things going and buy his reelection (he hopes). But there will be serious consequences. Although you'll try and blame Democrats, of course.

    The "new and perpetually growing mandates" are things that help The People instead of the plutocrats. Which is why you hate them.

  13. btw, to be anti-Dotard in 2016-present makes EVERYONE a member of the "deep state"! lolz.

  14. Dotard is wrecking the economy...

    lol! The NASDAQ has nearly DOUBLED in value since Trump was elected.

  15. It's a bubble puffed up by Dotard's budget-busting tax cuts. There was much joy regarding the booming housing market too -- right before the crash.

  16. If you think bubbles (which later burst) are a good thing. Then, yes, they "worked". I don't think your idea of what "works" is one many economists would agree with. The "roaring 20's" are back. Quite possibly to be followed by a second republican great depression.

  17. Once I move back into gold, who cares?

  18. Why should anyone else (besides you and your family members) be consoled if you can whether a recession better than they can? Recessions always hit the poor the hardest. They can't "move back into gold". BTW, your family members really should be concerned that they're related to a sociopath.

  19. Weather? You mean "prosper". Ass the proverbial saying goes, "Buy low, sell high!" That's not sociopathy, it's economics. lol!

  20. Yes, weather. And it's sociopathy when you approve of the government doing things that are economically stupid (and will harm a lot of people) because YOU will personally benefit. As I recall, Dotard said the housing crash personally benefited him, because he was able to scoop up a bunch of properties at rock bottom prices. But (obviously) a lot of people lost their shirts (and their homes). You and Dotard are both sociopaths. And I'm not convinced that CAUSING an economic crash isn't one of Dotard's motivations. He only hopes that it happens when he's out of office and can blame the next Democratic president.

  21. sociopath = f*ck other people's misery, it's a money making opportunity.

  22. Government = The countering of economic realities w/socialism and virtue signalling. Opposition to Government intervention is not "sociopathy", it's anti-communism. It's natural social policies favoring reciprocity over systems of "communality" or "dominance".

  23. ...a system which creates an ironic distance for the individual (via money) between systems of total communality (duty) or dominance (power).

  24. beats the "socialist's alternative". ;P
