Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Who's Winning the Narrative Wars?


  1. Dotard took the Obama economy and juiced it with huge tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. It will be better for republics if the next president is a Democrat because that will make it easier for you to shift blame away from the GOP when the Dotard-created disasters hit.

    Notice that the video doesn't tout The Dotard accomlishments of -- most corrupt administration in US history, largest deficits in history, increased farmer bankruptcies and suicides, increased trade deficit, impeached for cheating to try to win a 2nd term (after getting a 1st term via cheating), being Putin's puppet, falling for Kim Jong Ill's lies, stabbing our allies the Kurds in the back/committing treason by giving aid and comfort to ISIS, most dishonest administration ever, laziest president ever, and orangest president ever.

    Are the only accomlishments Dotard is proud of the accomplishments we actually have Barack Obama to thank for?

  2. ...the DNC's "white knight" to the rescue!

  3. That must explain why the DNC is changing the rules so Bloomberg can participate in debates...

    Dotard will be recorded in the history books as the worst president ever while the history books will record Obama as one of the best.

  4. They'll "Michael Jackson" him first. I hear that Hillary still has a ton of Bleach-bit to get rid of...

  5. Hillary Clinton has no bleach-bit to get rid of. Hillary Clinton never used bleach-bit. The company she hired got rid of her server when she no longer needed it. And made sure the data was destroyed, not wanting it to get into the wrong hands. The method of destroying the data was THEIR choice. Idiots portray what happened as something sinister when it is standard practice.

    BTW, I don't know what "him" you're talking about. Or what "Michael Jackson him" means.

  6. Take him out of the field and neuter him for house service. Democrats need their tame negroes.

  7. Your comment about "tame negroes" reveals YOUR prejudices. The Democratic Party values the contributions made by Africa American politicians and relies on the African American vote to win elections. The republic party, on the other hand, elected an orange White Supremacist to lead it. After you got rid of Michael Steele. He must not have been "tame" enough for you. He isn't a Dotard boot-licking supplicant -- which now a requirement to be republican.

  8. lol! When Michael Steele was running on the (R) ticket for the Senate, an HBCU audience threw Oreo cookies at him. Needless to say, the cookie throwers weren't Republicans.

    It's your stereotype, not mine. :)

  9. It didn't happen. Quote: ...Vander Harris, operations manager of the Murphy Fine Arts Building at Morgan State [said] "I was in on the cleanup, and we found no cookies or anything else abnormal. There were no Oreo cookies thrown". [end quote].

    That your side makes up such stories and spouts bullshit such as the MAJORITY of Black people who vote Democratic (80+ percent) being "neutered"? THAT is definitive proof that stereotype is yours, not ours.

  10. “After the debate ... we’re all standing around in the auditorium afterwards and I look down at my feet and someone had tossed or rolled Oreo cookies … at me and I’m like what the hell is this bullshit, you know?” Steele told Candidate Confessional.

    Steele provided contact information for Massoni, a former press secretary to his old boss Gov. Robert Ehrlich Jr. In a response to an email inquiry, Massoni wrote: “I was there and unfortunately saw first hand that Oreo Cookies were thrown at Mr. Ehrlich and Mr. Steele"

    ...but with all Democrats, all Republicans are capable of addressing are debunked conspiracy theories... which sounds like an ACTUAL media-centric based conspiracy to me.

  11. Even IF any oreos were thrown, the throwing was not DNC sanctioned. And Michael Steele himself says he stepped on some cookies but saw none thrown. I will admit there are idiots in both parties. IF the (claimed) cookie throwers were Democrats at all. I personally believe voters should make up their own minds regarding what party they support. And that an African American person can vote Democratic without being "neutered". That the Democratic party wants that from Black voters is YOUR (incorrect and moronic) assertion.

  12. You really don't know anything about Maryland's racial politics. When it comes to Maryland's Democratic Party, Blacks ride in the back of the bus. Just ask Kweisi Mfume. Or better... talk to Alan Keyes. :)

  13. There are probably quite a few White people who call themselves Democrats who are racist. But there are FAR more White racists in the republic party. Also FAR fewer African Americans. They know which party represents the racists best. Proven beyond any doubt by the fact that the republic party currently has an orange White Supremacist "leading" it. btw, I've never been to Maryland. I've never claimed to be an expert of any kind regarding ANYTHING that takes place in Maryland.


  14. They know which party represents the racists best
    Is that why most blacks became overwhelmingly Democrats under Jim Crow before the 1964 Civil Rights Laws passed?

  15. It just goes to show, pandering and buying votes beats Republican exhortations to virtue every time.

  16. African Americans voted 77 percent for Harry Truman in 1948 because he desegregated the military and issued "an executive order setting up regulations against racial bias in federal employment". As per Factcheck.org, "President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. [As a result] Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year".

    So, yes, "pandering" to the African American voter by fighting for equality is why so large a percentage of the Black vote goes to the Democratic party.

  17. ...and in 1956, 99 Democrats (vs. 2 Republicans) signed the Southern Manifesto seeking to enforce Jim Crow segregation and offset the recent SCotUS Brown v. Board of Education ruling... and Blacks still voted for "more moderate on civil rights than Estes Kefauver" candidate, Adlai Stevenson.

    Sounds like you're selling a "white wash" of the DNC to me...

  18. Richard Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips: From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats. (As quoted in an interview included in a 1970 New York Times article).

    Phillips was articulating the Nixon Southern Strategy. A strategy that Dotard has doubled down on.

  19. So you're ok with African Americans having the right to vote, but not ok with them using that right. Got it.

  20. You mean "Citizens" voting? Yes, I'm down with them (but not all the anchor babies distant illegal cousins doing so)
