Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Defense of World Pay-2-Play Capitalism


  1. Bannon is full of shit. Dotard "won" with a minority of the votes. The American People (majority of voters) REJECTED Dotard.

  2. Still crying over the Electoral College? Get over yourself.

  3. What is "the defense of world pay-2-play capitalism"? Rejecting the bullshit about Joe Biden being corrupt?

    BTW, Bannon says a motive for those opposing Dotard is that he is against "forever wars". And how is Dotard -- by abandoning allies to the benefit of Putin (then deploying those soldiers to another battlefront) while staying the course in Afghanistan -- doing anything but continuing the forever wars?

    Why are magaturds so gullible?

  4. Still crying over the Electoral College? Get over yourself.

    No, liar. I cry because Dotard "won" by cheating. And NO, I am not saying an electoral college win is cheating -- where you go immediately. Despite knowing I am referring to the "help" Dotard received from Kobach and Putin.

    Anyway -- regarding my initial comment -- even if Dotard's EC win were legit (which it is not) it would NOT mean that The American People are on board with the "Dotard revolution" -- as Bannon falsely claims. If that were true Dotard would have won the popular vote.

  5. The American people has never been simply "the majority".

  6. If you are talking about "the American people" being FOR something, anyone listening would assume you were talking about a majority. Otherwise you've just got SOME Americans agreeing. NOT "the American people". But republics ALWAYS lie about representing "the American people", so Dotard is certainly no different in that regard.

  7. Even an elected "representative" of the American people? Isn't THAT his/her job? :)
