Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The 2016 Election, Un-Spun


  1. The title of your post is at odds with the max spin video underneath it.

  2. The title of the book clearly indicates that it is a work of fiction. Devin Nunes, LOL!

  3. LOL! Maybe you'd be intereted in reading the book authored by the man who says "laugh it up, monkey boy" in the YouTube clip you linked to? BTW, did you know Deven is suing a fake cow? LOL.

  4. I'm surprised the some of your satire accounts aren't being sued...

  5. Blogger: "We don’t take action if someone is using your name as a parody or satire".

    Let me guess, like Dotard, you're a fan of bullying people using the court system? Devon's frivilous lawsuit makes him look stupid, but obviously he's hoping to intimidate the "Devon's Cow" account holder into giving in simply to avoid the cost of litigation.
