Saturday, November 9, 2019

Leaked Emails EXPOSE Impeachment And Joe Biden, Trump May Have RIGHT About Corruption The Whole Time

This whole Biden scandal proves that the Democrat Party is coordinating the world's globalist corporate oligarchy in the exact same manner as Putin is controlling Russia's corporate oligarchy. There is no difference between the two, and the Chinese CCCP in method or intent. Pay-to Play politics has moved from the Chicago Speakeasy back room to the floor of the world's legislatures and DC Congressional cloak rooms. Success is no longer defined by what you know, but who you blow.


  1. Funny how even a moderate like Tim Pool see's the problem, but Obamabots can't.

  2. Quote: Tom Malinowski, former assistant secretary of state under Obama... "All of us working on Ukraine wanted this prosecutor gone, because he was NOT prosecuting corruption. So did the Europeans. So did the IMF. This didn't come from Joe Biden -— he just delivered our message". [end quote].

    The REAL problem is Dotard's corruption. But brainwashed dotardbots can't see it.

  3. Yep...seizing Burisma's oligarch's assetts sure sounds like a "non-investigation" was haappening. acta non verba.

  4. That is according to the Russian owned website you linked to previously. Fake news according to everything else I've read. But dotardbots LOVE fake news. So long as it supports their narrative.

  5. BTW, the whole Dotard agenda of catering to the corporate oligarchy (massive budget busting tax cuts, repatriation of profits earned overseas, no action on inversions or "headquarters" being PO boxes in low or no tax countries) proves that the Republic Party is coordinating the world's globalist corporate oligarchy in the exact same manner as Putin is controlling Russia's corporate oligarchy.

  6. Fake news has become the credo for the WaPo and NY Times. Don't talk to me about fake news.

    btw - So Democrats raising income taxes helps workers how?

  7. byw2 - Why was Hunter Biden lobbying the Department of State to END the anti-corruption investigation of Burisma at the same time his Dad was withholding money for the prosecutor's supposed "inaction" on Burisma? Which of the Biden's didn't know what was going on in Ukraine?

  8. I have a question... was Hunter paid because of his connections (get the investigation dropped) or did he embezzle money from Burisma? Talking about Hunter Biden at a rally, Eric tRump said "Right after embezzling a lot of money, taking a lot of money, the crookedness. He's not looking too good".

    People say Eric is the dumb one (and maybe that's a defense he could use regarding these false Hunter Biden embezzlement allegations), although I say the whole Dotard clan is pretty f*cking stupid. BTW, the opposite is actually true. As it turns out, Eric tRump stole from his (fake) charitable foundation. Clearly Eric (like his father) thinks that setting up a charitable foundation, then hiring your own (or your father's) business to provide services for charitable events, is a good way to make money.

  9. As I understand it, the inaction concerns information a London court wanted regardign funds in English banks they suspected were stolen - so they could return them to Ukraine. But Shokin failed to provide that information. You say Shokin seized assets. Maybe that was just for show? I mean, why seize assets worth a fraction of what the London court case concerned -- if (as you say) Shokin was "kicking the Burisma oligarch's ass"?

  10. Was Hunter paid with IMF embezzeled funds? Best ask the Burisma oligarch that hired Hunter.

    Eric's sins are nothing when compared to the Clintoon Foundation scandal... The "McCain Leadership Institute" and any one of a thousand Elijah Cummingsesque score of foundations run by politicans and their families.

    As for Shokin, why seize Bernie Madoff's assets, since they were only worth a fraction of the swindle?

  11. You see no problem with Dotard being paid for real estate with dirty money. Where ever Hunter's money came from, it was a salary and not money HE embezzled. As for what Madoff stole, most of that money was simply gone. They went after what they could get. With Shokin, he was told of a bank account where some of the money was -- and asked for assistance recovering it. He declined to provide the requested assistance. Why he was deemed corrupt and why his removal was sought.

    I'm not aware of any "Clintoon Foundation". I do know the Clinton Foundation is an A-rated charity that has never been charged with misconduct -- very unlike the Dotard family charitable foundations (where one of the "charities" is usually/always the Dotards).

  12. "Who you blow" = Dotard.

    Who's doing the blowing = Lindsay Graham + Devin Nunes + Jim Jordan (republics taking the most turns, at least).

  13. You see no problem with Dotard being paid for real estate with dirty money....

    As a private citizen, and not wielding the influence of his government office, no.

  14. The entire Dotard clan (excepting Tiffany and Barron) are profiting because Dotard colluded with Putin to steal the presiďency. Something you laugh about. So why the Hell should I care about Hunter Biden? Especially given the fact that there is no evidence Burisma gained anything by hiring Joe Biden's dad?

  15. How does keeping HIS family working on the government dime profit the entire family? You don't get cool off-the-books office kick-backs that way...

  16. Dotard's emoluments (which benefit the whole family). Ivana Junior's China patents. Jared's billion dollar loan and sale of classified Intel to MBS. Dotard Junior's "best selling" book (best selling because of bulk purchases by rightwing organizations). Etc.

  17. Nobody is bulk buying Bernie's books to make them fake best sellers.

  18. If Biden's office acted corruptly and you have the goods on him (John Solomon's "reporting"), it should not be long before former VP Biden and former members of his office are charged with serious crimes, yes? Will that be before or after Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are arrested?

  19. lol!

    Bernie spent $444,937.50 of campaign dollars on his own books in 2015.

    If you pull the raw expenditures file from the FEC web site here you can see two line items for Verso Books:

    BERNIE 2016, VERSO BOOKS, NY, BOOKS, 12/01/2015, $296,625.00

    BERNIE 2016, VERSO BOOKS, NY, BOOKS, 10/25/2015, $148,312.50

    Betrnie launders his book bulk buys through his campaign... which he then pays to himself. Cute, huh!

  20. Given that it is reported, I assume giving books to donors/supporters is legal and therefore not "laundering". A book is also a good way to spread your message when running for president. Getting it into as many hands as possible seems like a good campaign strategy to me.


    Donald Trump Jr.'s new book may be a No. 1 New York Times best seller only because of bulk orders linked to the Republican Party. [Excerpt] Donald Trump Jr.'s book "Triggered" has topped the New York Times best-seller list, but a small dagger symbol next to the listing raised suspicions that it might be at the top of the pile because of bulk orders. The dagger symbol† is used to indicate when a title is linked to "Institutional, special interest, group, or bulk purchases", according to The New York Times. [End excerpt]

    Is Don Junior running for political office? Did he write this book himself or did he have help? How many of Don Junior's bulk purchased books will end up being pulped?

  21. Books also sound like a good way for a politician to launder money from their campaign accounts, to personal bank accounts (their own or family members). Seems Bernie and Don Jr. have lots in common.

  22. Not if their only intention is getting the word out about the candidate (detailed policy positions and overall vision in book form) and campaign paid cost for the books. I don't known if Bernie Sanders campaign book buys were at cover price or discounted. Do you have info backing up your "laundering" allegation?

    BTW, if Don Junior has "lots in common" with Senator Sanders -- in that they are both laundering money through political organizations -- who are buying their books using donor money thus enriching them both (according to you) -- are you condemning them both? Or are you only condemning Bernie Sanders?

  23. Only Bernie

    "Their ONLY intention is getting out the word..." Trump's only intention in investigating Burisma was the 2020 election?

    Apply your own standards to your arguments for a change.

    ...and if the answer is "both" benefitted from the sales, ties are given to caritas. THAT is my standard. That's the Founder's standard. It's only binary "progressives" who apply the singular b&w "standard".

  24. ...and I return the favour in THIS argument to show you its' stupidity.

  25. Dotard's only intention in investigating Burisma WAS the 2020 election. As Sondland testified yesterday, Dotard only wanted president Zelensky to announce investigations of Burisma and Joe and Hunter Biden -- Zelensky did not actually need to carry out an investigation.

  26. lol!

    How would that "Statement" sway the 2020 election? Sleepy Joe has a snowball's chance of gaining the nomination and, more importantly, would be valuable ONLY AFTER the Democrat nominee had been determined to be Biden.

  27. Then why have you been so giddy about Biden being "taken out"? And you said yourself (on Lisa's blog) that "sleepy joe" is/was the Democrat's strongest candidate. This is a replay of Dotard's "crooked Hilly" gambit from the last election -- full stop.

    When it is actually Dotard who is crooked and belongs behind bars.

  28. ...and if Sleepy Joe had been the best candidate, wouldn't the smart move be to wait until he's knocked the other 16 dwarves out of the race before playing the Hunter card?

  29. poor Michael Bloomberg had to get into the race to salvage his increasingly ineffectual Biden investment... :(
