Friday, October 11, 2019

Taking Down China = 1st Step Towards Taking Down Corporate Globalism


  1. How about encouraging companies via tax policy to bring back jobs to the US? As opposed to giving huge no strings attached tax cuts? The fact that Congressional republicans never would have went for that proves Dotard will fail to do a damn thing about globalism. His own party opposes him. Yet I'm pretty sure Dotard never even suggested tax cuts only for companies that move manufacturing back to the US. Instead he demanded a repatriation tax holiday - so companies could bring all the profit they earned using cheap foreign labor back to the US. How was that not a globalist move?

  2. Is there a rational proposal in what you just said? No.

    Encouraging 90% of corporations to continue to invest overseas and avoid America's formerly 35% corporate tax rate doesn't do anything to help US workers and spur investment inside the US.

    Heck, China's rate is only 30% and Vietnam's corporate rate is 20%.

  3. Is there any rationality in the Dotard approach to fighting globalism? No. What has happened since the corporate tax cut championed by Dotard during his campaign and passed by the GOP controlled Congress was enacted? Funny thing, but the trade deficit rose. And I hear that Amazon paid nothing before and pays nothing now. It was just a giveaway to the uber-wealthy. But it fooled you good. The stock market went up (because corporations used their windfall to buy back their stock, increasing shareholder value) and you concluded that was yet more proof that Dotard is a financial genius. And that he's still going to wipe out the national debt in his second term. LOL. Dotard is giving anti-globalism a bad rep and making it so much easier to recommit fully to globalism in the future. Minus = globalist sucker.

  4. What has happened since the corporate tax cut championed by Dotard during his campaign and passed by the GOP controlled Congress was enacted?

    Trump renegotiated NAFTA on better terms for North American Trade, which the House refuses to take up because they'd rather play impeachment politics. He's also negotiated Phase I of a new China trade deal which creates better terms for US firms doing business in China and $500 billion in agriculture sales for small independent American farmers.

  5. What have Democrats done, other than get Pelosi, Kerry, and Biden's children billion dollar investment businesses?

  6. Trump renegotiated NAFTA on better terms... He's also negotiated Phase I of a new China trade deal...

    Dotard did not renegotiate NAFTA on better terms. Small changes were made making it not much better. Possibly worse. Not much reason for Congress to consider it, I think. I've never heard of "Phase I of a new China trade deal". Maybe it's imaginary like his wall?

  7. Cultists believing tall tales told to them by their cult leader does not mean Democrats will lose. It means they will win. You need more than the base, and this time Dotard can't run on (false) promises. He will be running on broken promises. Promises like cheaper health care for all (no "repeal and replace"), decreasing the trade deficit and bringing back jobs (trade deficit increased), eliminating the debt (tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations exploding the debt), ect. And there is also the fact that he got caught colluding AGAIN. And is going to be impeached for it.

  8. The House will be running on promises kept (Trump impeached)??? lol!

  9. Dervy's prayer: "I Believe in one House, under Congress, with delusionally manifested impeachable offenses for all Republicans..."

  10. Your faith in your Orange Turd Cult leader never waivers -- thanks to your delusions. FYI, Dotard manifests the impeachable offenses in reality, not in anyone's delusions. I wonder how much worse his betrayals get? I bet we'd find out if/when whatever they placed on the super secret server is subpoenaed and delivered to Congress.

  11. The Crowdstrike Ukrainian DNC Server? Maybe. lol!

  12. No. I was referring to a real server, not an imaginary one.

  13. crowdstrike wasn't founded by a Ukrainian? Who knew?

  14. Anyone who looks at the Wikipedia page. It says the company was founded by two Americans. One native born and the other who moved here when he was 14 (not from Ukraine).

  15. Correction: it looks like the company was founded by three Americans. The page doesn't say where Gregg Marston was born. "Gregg Marston" doesn't sound like a Ukranian name to me.

  16. Does Dmitri Alperovitch sound Russian or Ukrainian to you (especially since the Russia still see Ukraine as part of their empire)?

  17. from Counterpunch:

    In lieu of substantive evidence provided to the public that the alleged hacks which led to Wikileaks releases of DNC and Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta’s emails were orchestrated by the Russian Government, CrowdStrike’s bias has been cited as undependable in its own assessment, in addition to its skeptical methods and conclusions. The firm’s CTO and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with openly anti-Russian sentiments that is funded by Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who also happened to donate at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.

    In 2013, the Atlantic Council awarded Hillary Clinton it’s Distinguished International Leadership Award. In 2014, the Atlantic Council hosted one of several events with former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who took over after pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in early 2014, who now lives in exile in Russia.
