Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bannon, Breitbart, and the New Republican Party


  1. The republic party was the party representing the oligarchs pre-MAGA and continues to be the party representing the oligarchs post-MAGA. The primary change is that you put an idiot in charge. The party to "remake" to best represent the workers is the Democratic party. Because, prior to Clinton and Obama, Democrats were opposed to job killing free trade deals. The progressive wing still is (people like Bernie Sanders). That is why you will make no progress on trade -- your own party opposes what Dotard says he is trying to accomplish.

    In your video Bannon tells the truth about rich republics wanting cheap labor and not wanting the wall. Which is why you did not get wall funding when you had total control for the first two years -- and why you are still not getting a wall (Dotard had to veto the bipartisan rebuke of his phony emergency).

    There is no "new republic party". When Dotard is gone most republics remaining in office will distance themselves from him quick. They kiss butt real good right now, but that's all politics. Are they giving him a change in trade policy? Are they giving him a wall? No. You should have backed Bernie Sanders in 2016. All the Progressives would have worked with him to change our trade policy and implement real immigration reform.

  2. Apparently Bernie Sanders is Steve Bannon's second choice. That's fine, but I do hope Bannon does not endorse Bernie. That's the last thing Bernie needs -- the endorsement of a racist like Bannon.

  3. Because, prior to Clinton and Obama, Democrats were opposed to job killing free trade deals.

    lol! The DNC is the oligarchic party par excellence!

  4. lol. You're thinking of the RNC. lol.

    As a Progressive Democrat I'm not a huge DNC fan. They're going to have to undergo some serious changes when Elizabeth Warren is president. Whereas, on your side, the supposedly anti-establishment candidate gives the establishment exactly what it wanted (huge tax cuts favoring the oligarchs and regulation rollbacks that allow the oligarchs to pollute, rape public land, etc) while denying Dotard what he SAYS he wants (a wall and reformed trade deals).

    Dotard is an establishment politician disguised as an anti-establishment politician. And he TOTALLY fooled (and continues to fool) you. LOL!

    LOL! :P

  5. Bernie Sanders 2020! He is the TRUE populist. Dotard is a fake populist. rightwing populism is fake populism. Empowering the oligarchs by greatly lowering their taxes, allowing them to rape the environment and pillage public lands -- will NOT help the common (White) man. It's a scam!

  6. Bernie Sanders = NOT a "Big G wannabe".

    In ag policy speech, Bernie Sanders calls for radical changes to farming, subsidies and commodity price controls. (Excerpt from a 5/5/19 Despite Moines Register article) ...Bernie Sanders... called for "radical" changes to the American agricultural economy that would transition the nation's food system away from the big agribusinesses that dominate much of the sector today toward a model built upon small family farms. [End excerpt]

    Dotard = ALL about the cronies.

    Trump's Cabinet of Cronies (excerpt from a 12/27/2016 Vanity Fair article)  Donald Trump's adventures in swamp-draining have raised eyebrows across the country, as he stacks his Cabinet with, and gives appointments to, members of the global elite he spent more than a year bashing. But the swampiness goes beyond the public display of the Cabinet, stacked with Goldman Sachs alumni, energy billionaires, and entertainment-industry executives. There's also all the donors making their way up and down the elevator of Trump Tower. [End excerpt].

    Minus = lying hypocrite who is full of shit.

  7. Bernie Sanders and his Democrat partner policies are what made every family farm in America a "wetland" subject to federal EPA regulation.
