Friday, September 27, 2019

What Real Treason Looks Like

...for all you Never-Trumpers who have forgotten.


  1. I applaud Mr. Kerry's efforts. For the good of the country, he put himself at risk. Thought the risk was obviously small, as the only "repercussion" was for idiots on the internet to call him a "traitor". I seriously doubt he gives a f*ck. Though it was for naught, as Dotard has pressured Iran into war - if there is one - it will be Dotard's fault. And rising oil prices are surely NOT an economic plus. It may not be that much longer before Dotard kills the Obama expansion.

  2. Poor JFnK... he'll never get those medals that he threw over the White House Fence back.

  3. btw - What do you think about Kerry Jr. and Biden Jr.'s $1.5 billion+ China deal with Whitey Bulgar's nephew? More "good for the country"? Which country the PRC?

  4. I don't watch conservative pro-Dotard infotainment - so I don't know anything about this supposed story.

  5. No surprises there. Why would you care about actual corruption.
