Monday, September 16, 2019

How Former CIA Director John Brennan Hoaxed the Nation into Believing Russia Wanted to Elect Donald Trump


  1. People with access to no "intelligence" could see Dotard was colluding with Russia (Russia, if you're listening, I love WikiLeaks, tRump tower meeting and proceeding email indicating the Russian government supported Dotard, etc). Obviously tRump's stooges saw a need to push back on this spy story, as it appears to further confirm the fact that Dotard is a Russian asset. Sorry, but your fake oranges narrative is not going to be recorded in the history books as being what actually happened.

  2. They're going to dispute the No collusion Mueller Report? Good luck with that.

  3. No, because the "no collusion Mueller report" does not exist. You only think it does because that is what your cult leader (and his toady) told you. The actual Mueller report details collusion extensively (the first section is dedicated to it). Historians deal in documented facts, not transparent lies.

  4. So all conversations between US Nationals and Russians equal collusion... especially those instigated by Brennan run Felix Sater, a Russian-American mafia connected CIA/ FBI informer trying to hook Trump up with Putin in a Moscow Tower deal...

