Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Google Plays Politics


  1. Google allows libtards to harass conservatives and get away with it, while conservatives get their blogs permanently removed if a libtard reports it for any alleged minor violation. Google refuses to shut down Whoz Your Mama for harassment and doxing, while Dervish Sanders attacks my blogs with false allegations and gets them permanently removed. Dervish just attacked my blog The Donkey's Revenge and Google refuses to reinstate it. Keep a good eye on your blog Joe, for when Dervish sees it and gets upset, he will accuse you of some violation and bribe Google to shut you down permanently.

  2. He won't have to bribe them...Google hates conservatives.

  3. This is complete nonsense. Facebook allowed the purchase (in Rubles) of ads disparaging Hillary Clinton with lies in the last election - which significantly helped the Dotard campaign. BTW, even if this nonsense about Google "hating Conservatives" were true, Google is a PRIVATE company and therefore can do as they please. At least, isn't that what Conservatives have been telling us for a very long time? Now you snowflakes cry about "bias"? Despite the fact that the bias is actually in your favor? Another example of how cons dishonestly "work the refs".

    BTW, Mystere, I did NOTHING in regards to your Blogger Blogs. Although perhaps I should. Given your hacking of my Google account and deleting of posts on my blog. That SURELY is a TOS violation.
