Sunday, October 9, 2016

Et tu Jeb?

Billy Bush, Jeb's cousin, get's Donald Trump to "get personal" on a hot mike and retrieves it many, MANY years later so that the Bush Family can perform their ultimate act of revenge, stabbing Donald Trump, defeater of Jeb, in the back in the final hours of a closely contested Presidential election. Do we REALLY want the Bushes to pick a replacement for Trump? They can't be trusted with disposing of your household garbage, let alone the highest office in the land. And for all of Dubya's cabinet friends and hacks to call for Trump to step down? Disgusting!
Billy Bush

Please do NOT vote FOR or support any members of the Bush "Ides of March" hit team:
Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk

Former New York governor and GOP presidential candidate George E. Pataki

National political director at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and former director of the Division of Political Education at the Republican National Committee Rob Engstrom

Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz

Utah Gov. Gary R. Herbert

Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock

Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse

Former Utah Gov. John Huntsman

Utah Sen. Mike Lee

Alabama Rep. Martha Roby

Former GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt

Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo

West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake

South Dakota Sen. John Thune

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard

Utah Rep. Mia Love

2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney

Actor and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty

Former presidential candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski

Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner

Arizona Sen. John McCain

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley

Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman

Former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez

Wisconsin Congressman and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan


  1. Need-to-know list!

    This is the scummiest political race I've ever seen -- and I'm not referring to Trump's salty language.

  2. They lend new meaning to the pejorative "Bush league".
