Saturday, October 15, 2016

Can America Afford a Third 'Obama' Term?

In just eight years, the national debt shot up from $10.6 trillion to $19.7 trillion under the abject failure that has been the Obama administration. During those eight years, the national debt went from 73% of the GDP to 105% today.


  1. I have to wonder if voters have even a CLUE as to what this means.

  2. Of course they don't it's a lie:

  3. The deficit and the debt are often confused terms (by voters). In his first year in office, Obama spent over a trillion more dollars than the treasury took in. Now he's only spending two thirds of a trillion more than the treasury takes in. So he HAS cut the deficit (annual year to year spending amounts) as he claims in your link, but doubled the actual debt (cum total of all the yearly deficits). Obama LOVES to tell half-truths. And the link you cite, is a half-truth. The "lie" that stating the half-truth "implies" originates in exploiting the listener's ignorance of the difference in the two terms (deficit/debt).

  4. Fly Over,
    The concepts you mentioned are beyond the intellectual scope of those steeped in Koolaid for years upon years -- never mind that my 9th grade homeschool students can grasp those concepts.
