Sunday, June 19, 2016

If Ted Cruz Wants to Take the Republican Party & Populist Mantle post-Trump, He'd Better Get Off the Pot!

Sen. Ted Cruz said Tuesday that he was still “assessing” whether or not to vote for Donald Trump in November.

“Like many other voters, I’m watching, listening, and assessing what he says and what he does. And I think that’s what millions of voters are doing,” the Texas Republican said in a brief interview with an NBC reporter.

Cruz was pressed: “What about you?”

“I’m giving it time, watching and assessing,” Cruz replied.
.@tedcruz says he’s still “assessing” whether to vote for Trump

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) June 7, 2016
When asked if he was planning something unexpected for this summer’s Cleveland convention, Cruz said there would be “no surprise." But he alluded to plans aimed at influencing the party platform so that it represents traditional conservative principles.

“I think the platform should reflect those principles and I’m going to continue defending principles that defend America,” he said.

Cruz’s comments came as prominent members of the GOP distanced themselves from controversial remarks Trump has made about US District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday that Trump’s comments represented the "textbook definition" of racism, and Sen. Mark Kirk retracted his support for the billionaire.

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