Sunday, February 21, 2016

Marco's Millionaires

from Politico
A super PAC supporting Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign raised $2.5 million in January, including $1 million from tech billionaire Larry Ellison, according to a report filed Saturday with the Federal Election Commission. The donation from Ellison, the executive chairman of Oracle Corporation, brings his total spending on behalf of Rubio to $4 million, making him among the top donors of the 2016 cycle. 
Conservative Solutions PAC spent nearly $11 million last month, mostly on ads and direct mail attacking Rubio’s rival for the Republican presidential nomination Ted Cruz and his former rival Chris Christie, who has since dropped out. 
The PAC finished January with $5.6 million in the bank, though it has continued spending heavily since then, dropping $9.6 million on ads opposing Cruz, John Kasich and Jeb Bush, according to daily advertising filings. 
Behind Ellison, Conservative Solutions PAC’s next biggest donations in January came from Dallas real estate investor Harlan Crow, Michigan businessman Rich DeVos and North Carolina variety store magnate Art Pope. Each gave $250,000. 
Pope, who endorsed Rubio in December, is an influential participant in the network of donors helmed by billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, who have not waded into the GOP primary. 
Rubio’s biggest donor, Florida car dealer Norman Braman, who has donated $6 million to the pro-Rubio super PAC, did not donate in January, nor did Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who is thought to be leaning towards Rubio.

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