Monday, October 19, 2015

Police Raid Abortionist’s Home, Find 14 Plastic Containers of Aborted Babies in His Car

The media tend to eat up horror stories – except when abortion is involved.

Local stations first broke the news Oct. 13 that police discovered 14 containers of “human tissue” in a Michigan abortionist’s car. The horror story eerily echoed reports from the case of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell – and, like Gosnell, it didn’t tempt coverage from the broadcast networks. All three, ABC, NBC and CBS, turned a blind eye to the news.

This is the story ABC, NBC and CBS censored from their news shows:
After a traffic accident, Michigan police looked for the “black box” data recorder in the car of OB/GYN Dr. Michael Roth, reported WYXZ. But they found something much more astonishing: “14 containers of human tissue, possibly fetuses, medical equipment and large amounts of Fentanyl,” a potent painkiller.
West Bloomfield Deputy Chief Curt Lawson spoke with Detroit Free Press about the containers’ contents.

"We do have an opinion from the medical examiner's office that this is remnants of conception, but there was nothing that was seen within the containers that were recognizable," Lawson said.

Afterwards, police obtained search warrants and raided both Roth’s house and office. Roth has not been charged, but he is under investigation – by local, state and federal officials.

“The working theory,” WXYZ later reported, “is he may have been performing abortions outside of a clinical setting.”

Roth has run into multiple problems with the law before, as documented by the Daily Beast and Life News. Among them, according to WXYZ, Roth “was cited by the state as incompetent and negligent for performing home abortions in 1998 and 1999.”

The media similarly stayed silent on the case of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell's trial, in which witnesses described baby abortion survivors “swimming" in toilets “to get out,” attracted a scant 12–15 reporters. Only after 56 days, multiple letters from members of the House of Representatives and a public outcry, did all three broadcast networks report on Gosnell.

According to the Grand Jury Report, a search team found “fetal remains haphazardly stored throughout [Gosnell’s] clinic – in bags, milk jugs, orange juice cartons, and even in cat-food containers.”

The broadcast networks have spared time to other abortion-related stories, such as an arson at a Planned Parenthood clinic. But stories shedding light on abortion for what it is – the ripping apart of babies – aren’t as popular with the media.

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