Sunday, August 9, 2015

Boycott the Republican Gatekeepers!

from USA Today
ATLANTA (WXIA) – Conservative columnist and commentator Erick Erickson disinvited Donald Trump from a conservative gathering he is hosting, calling Trump's latest tirade against Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly "inappropriate."

Trump was slated to speak at the annual RedState gathering alongside other White House GOP hopefuls this weekend. The event was slated to culminate with a three-hour "RedState Tailgate" at the College Football Hall of Fame in downtown Atlanta hosted by Trump Saturday evening.

In a scathing blog post late Friday night, Erickson said that he had given a lot of latitude to Trump due to his reputation as a "blunt talker" and not being a professional politician. However, Erickson says, there is a line of decency that Trump crossed during a CNN interview Friday night with comments about Fox News commentator Megyn Kelly.

"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes," Trump said during the Friday night prime time interview with Don Lemon. "Blood was coming out of her wherever."

Trump on Megyn Kelly: She had 'blood coming out of her wherever'

Trump slammed Kelly's behavior as a moderator at Thursday night's Republican debate, and has taken many opportunities – in interviews and on Twitter – to excoriate her since the end of the debate.

Erickson said that Trump's comments on CNN were over the line of decency, and completely "inappropriate."

"I just don't want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal," Erickson wrote in the blog post on

Erickson says he has invited Kelly to attend in Trump's place Saturday night.

According to Time magazine, a Trump campaign spokesman released a statement criticizing Erickson and promising to come to Atlanta and hold a campaign stop in another location.

"This is just another example of weakness through being politically correct. For all of the people who were looking forward to Mr. Trump coming, we will miss you. Blame Erick Erickson, your weak and pathetic leader. We'll new be doing another campaign stop at another location," the spokesman's statement said.

The Establisment RNC went after Reagan, too. Trump is no Reagan, but then that's not the point. The point is that the Establishment RNC is no Reagan. So from a voters standpoint, Trump is just as good as ANYTHING the Establishment RNC has to offer. In fact, just being "different" and "not controlled" by them, makes Trump a "better" choice for the voters.

Boycott RedState. Erick Erickson exceeded his authority when he disinvited Trump. He is NOT THE conservative anointed defender of "decency" he claims to be. He's a petit Establishment tool.


  1. So from a voters standpoint, Trump is just as good as ANYTHING the Establishment RNC has to offer. In fact, just being "different" and "not controlled" by them, makes Trump a "better" choice for the voters

    That's the situation, all right!



  2. I agree. Fox IS the RNC Establishment media outlet. But RedState claims to represent Conservatives. It's one thing for them not to invite Trump for not being "Conservative" enough. It's quite another to DIS-invite him for not being PC enough. Conservatives, at least those I'm familiar with, don't give a cr*p about PC-ness.

  3. I’m still enthusiastic about Trump, and maybe even more than before, just because he is saying the things that rage me every time I watch any news cast or read various blogs.
    And personally, I don’t give a Rat’s Ass about Erick Erickson or his “Red State” whatever! I’m OK with Donald Trump, and whatever he said about that Hit Women Megyn Kelly. Personally I think that she deserves everything that Trump throws at her. The should have known better when they hired her to do their dirty work. I DON’T have any respect for two faced double-dealing frauds, or conservatives turning on each other..
    We, as a nation, are being sold down the river and all the peripheral bullshit aside, Mr. Trump is saying what most of us Americans are thinking.. And Trump can take the low road if and when he has to..Lets not forget that there is more than one way to skin that proverbial cat. And that there's life in the old dog..

  4. I'm with you, DD! I don't care if Trump isn't "conservative". I just care that he's not going to take conservative ideas off the table simply because liberals don't like them.

  5. Joe,
    It's one thing for them not to invite Trump for not being "Conservative" enough. It's quite another to DIS-invite him for not being PC enough.


    Conservatives, at least those I'm familiar with, don't give a cr*p about PC-ness.

    That is my observation as well -- with a few exceptions (sensitive persons and those who have unwittingly bought into certain concepts of Zinnism).

  6. IMO, the problem that the Republican Party has is all these petty gatekeepers who think that it's their responsibility to "unfairly" shape the outcome of the nomination process, like Erickson. He would have been perfectly within his "rights" to NOT invite Trump. But the dis-invitation was, IMO, totally disengenuos.

    I'm all for being "sensitive" to women's issues, but "I don't want Donald Trump in the same room with my daughter" is over the top. And so, I hope RedState pays a price for this blunder. I hope that Fox pays a price for THEIR blunder. And I'm CERTAIN the Republican Party will pay a very steep price next November. Because Independents like me WILL STAY HOME.

  7. I think people want Jeb to be "inevitable". Fact is, early losses will make him extremely "evitable".

  8. Joe,
    Losses in the polls, the primaries, or both?

  9. Both.

    If Bush isn't a close 2nd to Trump in polls and primaries, his money advantage does nothing for him. The further into the "pack" he goes, the more he loses his "inevitability" cloak.

    Post-Debate Poll (NBC) Trump 23% Cruz 13% Carson 11% Fiorina 8% Rubio 8% Bush 7% Walker 7%

    Bush is currently sucking some hind-tit. Unless he steps it up soon, he's toast.

  10. All of the front-runners are anti-establishment picks. Add their percentages, it's above 50%. And so long as the other Establishment candidates STAY in the race and don't drop early (before the primaries) BOTH the Establishment and Anti-establishment choices will "split". We've just got to make sure that for every "Establishment" candidate that drops out, an Anti-establishment candidate has to drop out.

  11. ps - I classify Cruz as anti-Establishment, as he's the one leading the charge against McConnell in the Senate.
