Friday, June 19, 2015

Think Donald Trump’s bid is a joke? The GOP should be worried!

from the Salt Lake Tribune
Think Donald Trump’s bid is a joke? The GOP should be worried.

So yes, Donald Trump has joined the crowded field of GOP candidates and there are plenty of jokes to be made but there may also be some reasons Republicans should be worried. Politico notes that GOPers laughed at Ross Perot’s 1992 presidential bid but the wacky, loose-lipped candidate was able to draw the most votes of any independent contender in history and likely cost President George H.W. Bush re-election.
Tweets of the day: From @annetdonahue: "Donald Trump entering the presidential race is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to Saturday Night Live."

-> From @AdamSmith_USA: "When/If Donald Trump has to drop out, can I be the one to tell him he’s fired?"

-> From @mrchrisaddison: "JEB! TRUMP! The 2016 Republican race is turning into a 1960s episode of Batman."
The man in the quintessential "establishment" Republican.

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