Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wal*Mart Rears its Ugly Head, Again?

From The Dagger and Harford County Councilman “Capt’n” Jim McMahan and Bel Air Commissioner Susan Burdette:
28 January 2015


This is the new look of Coffee Talk. In order to serve you better I have teamed up with Commissioner Susan Burdette from the Town of Bel Air. In the last several years I have found that many of your questions and events overlap the County and the Town of Bel Air. Now you will have contact information for both your council representative and a town commissioner.

We are still working out the kinks on distribution. We do not want to send it as an attachment but we may have to do that until it is refined.

The Town of Bel Air has a new Town Administrator. Former Sheriff of Harford County L Jesse Bane has assumed the duties of Town Administrator after Dr. James Fielder was appointed “Appoints Secretary” by the Hogan administration.

Harford County planning officials were dealt a blow when SHA sent them a letter dated 21 January reversing their decision to deny ingress and egress off of MD 924 to the property at Plumtree Rd and 924. The reversal reportedly came after a September 17th meeting requested by WALMART with SHA in Baltimore. County officials say they stand by the Harford County Resolution passed 5 to 2 requesting denial of the access. Your councilman was not included in the “change Discussions” at all and has fired off a letter in opposition to reversing the decision.

Harford County has repealed the “RAIN TAX” County Exec Glassman said the county will still be good stewards when it comes to processing storm water run-off and protecting the Bay. Four other counties are considering dropping the fees as Harford County did or drastically reducing them.


JAN 28 CIM THE REGENT AT STONE HOUSE Community Input Meeting at Harford Technical High School Amoss Center beginning at 6 PM. This is a second CIM for this group after significant changes to the original plans were made.


JAN 29 CITIZEN SUPPORT FOR APG. The Army is considering the cut of 4,300 in the workforce of APG. A community listening session will be held at 6PM at the Amoss Center in Harford Technical High School at 200 Thomas Run Road opposite the College. We need to pack the auditorium and demonstrate to the ARMY our commitment to APG and its tenant organizations that number more than 90. YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE HERE. TIME 6 PM TELL THE ARMY BRASS WHY APG IS IMPORTANT TO HARFORD COUNTY. EVERY VOICE COUNTS NOT JUST THE POLITICIANS

From Harford County Councilman “Capt’n” Jim McMahan and Bel Air Tommissioner Susan Burdette:

29 January 2015


Harford County Executive Barry Glassman has held several meetings with staff, council members and citizens following the announcement that SHA has reversed their 2013 decision to ban ingress and egress from the proposed development off Plumtree and MD 924. Senator Bob Cassilly and Del. Susan McComas were talking with SHA officials in an effort to find out who in particular represented Harford County in the September 17th meeting at SHA. County Executive Glassman is on record with a letter dated December 16, 2014 supporting the County Council’s Resolution 26-12 requesting denial of access off MD 924. Citizens should contact Senator Cassilly and Delegate McComas with their concerns since State Highway Administration is a State Agency. (Senator Cassilly 410 841 3158) E-Mail

Thanks Susan and the Captain

FEB 4 THOMAS STREET PROJECT – BEL AIR Public comment is invited on a proposal to upgrade certain roadways in the area of Howard Park and beyond. The aim is to make that part of Bel Air more pedestrian friendly and connect Plumtree Park to the Ma and Pa Trail. The meeting begins at 6 PM in the Town Hall on Hickory ave in Bel Air. For more information you can call the Town of Bel Air Planning Dept 410 638 4540

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