Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Patriot ALERT!

From the Dagger and the Maryland Campaign for Liberty:
Harford County residents,

The Harford County Council is going to vote to create a new “hotel tax” for Harford County on this Tuesday night—-unless you act now.

This tax hike proposal is one of the first actions of the newly-elected all-Republican County Council!

Did you know Harford County is the only county for miles that doesn’t have a tax on hotel/motel bookings?

Next Tuesday Harford County politicians are planning to erase Harford’s current tax advantage over other counties in the area.

The newly elected Republican County Executive Barry Glassman and the all-Republican County Council, are keen on hiking taxes and targeting entrepreneurs.

Please contact the below County Councilmen and the County Executive and tell them that taxes kill jobs and we expect more from them:

Council President Richard Slutzky

Councilman Chad Shrodes

Councilman Curtis Beulah

Councilman Joe Woods

Councilman James McMahan

Councilman Patrick Vincenti

County Executive Barry Glassman

Please also call and thank County Councilman Mike Perrone for pledging to vote AGAINST the hotel tax hike:

Councilman Michael Perrone

In this economy, our elected representatives should be making it easier to run a business, not harder. These Republican Councilmen should be working to make Harford County more attractive to visitors and entrepreneurs, not less attractive. Do these Councilmen understand that hotels create jobs in Harford County?

Local businesses should not be looked at as sources of endless tax revenue. Instead they should be valued as job creators and productive units of our economy. What’s next, an ice cream shop tax? A hardware store tax? A beauty salon tax? Should entrepreneurs be targeted based on what type of business they choose to pursue?

This hotel tax bill, introduced by Republican Barry Glassman and Council President Dick Slutzky, is nothing more than a short-sighted money grab. It’s only supported by politicians and special interests who stand to benefit from having more money in the government coffers. We need your help to kill this bill.

Tell the County Council to protect jobs and support local businesses in Harford County.

Let them know that they are not in office to raise taxes and grow government. They are there to protect our freedoms and vote to expand opportunity in Harford County for all citizens.

In Liberty,

Theodore Patterson
Maryland State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty

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