Saturday, November 15, 2014

Senatorial Circus Acts

from Canada Free Press
Mitch McConnell is the Shutdown Clown in the Establishment’s growing circus of Clowns—all performing under a “big tent.”

Merely one day after being elected to the Senate, McConnell relentlessly declared, and was dutifully recorded to say, “We’re not going to be shutting down the government or defaulting on the national debt.” McConnell spoke these exact words in his very first news conference. The Leftists in the room recognized what was really occurring.

McConnell, made up as the “stupid” clown of the circus, was understood to have just stepped in a pail of horse droppings, and unable to extricate himself. When McConnell reiterated his hilarious dedication to unilateral surrender, “let me be perfectly clear…” the Leftists were hard-pressed to contain either their laughter or scorn. A few in the back of the media event giggled riotously, astonished faces reflecting McConnell’s astonishing proclamation.

“How can this guy stand up and say stuff like this?” the ABC reporter likely asked the reporter for MSNBC.

“I can’t imagine; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anyone disarm themselves so utterly and boorishly too. Thank God he’s not one of ours!”

The reporters look at each other, laugh explosively again, and the ABC reporter declares, “and thank God he’s so stupid!”

McConnell Clown plays to an unseen audience, lapping the approval he senses from the darkness, while everyone else under the big tent laughs hysterically.

How else might we imagine it when the Majority Leader of the Senate declares, loudly, incessantly, from Day One, he intends to unilaterally deprive the Senate of any effective action on anything?

The McConnell Clown plays to an unseen audience, lapping the approval he senses from the darkness, while everyone else under the big tent laughs hysterically. McConnell’s reluctant subordinate clowns do not laugh. These are the sad clowns.

What data support McConnell’s unilateral disarmament? What data support McConnell’s castration of an entire political Party? On Day One? How is it that McConnell and Company (cronies, corporatists) seem dedicated to political suicide and rhetorical catastrophe? How is it that McConnell speaks from what appear to be the Left’s own talking points, couching his statements within the model of the opposition?

For example, how is it that McConnell’s top aides could allow him to say things like “we” won’t shut down the government? Why does McConnell play right into the polemical hands of the Left—and reliably? Seriously, how can his handlers allow this? How inane must these people be?

At first glance, the data suggest Republican Leadership should be wary of any outcome inviting government shutdown.

The Shutdown, and the whole panoply of legislation crowding about it, the “Continuing Resolution,” the “Sequester,” the “Fiscal Cliff, was found to cause a substantial drop in approval for the Republican Party, at the time holding a majority in the House. Remarkably, polls at the time showed that Americans blamed the Republicans more for the shutdown than Obama by a margin of 22 points (53 percent to 31 percent—NBC/WSJ poll, Fall, 2013). But, only a year later, in November, Republicans enjoyed a landslide election (lukewarm but even so), hardly evidence the electorate was troubled overmuch by the Shutdown. To thinking people, this would seem to affirm the strategy of hitting fast and hard politically, as early as possible, as far away as possible from the next election. Accordingly, the McConnell Clown should have bellowed, “We’re going to do our jobs and protect the American people, whether Obama decides to cause a Government Shutdown or not!”

It was not to be and likely will not be.

Instead we are treated to mumble-mouthed, gargling, gurgling, blathering idiots who fail not only to articulate Conservative principles but also fail to articulate any principles, or really to articulate at all.

The Republican Party’s leaders perform no better than matriculants of a clown school, McConnell chief among them. But to most of us they bring no mirth. Instead, they engender a despair born of surviving one Establishment Clown after another, since 1988, and with no relief in sight.

Send out the clowns.

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