Harford Democrats Assess Election Losses

The Dagger and the
New Harford Democratic Club:
General Membership Meeting
November 5, 2014
Meeting called to order at 7:03pm by President Ann Helton.
Pledge of Allegiance
A motion to approve minutes of the October 1 meeting was made by Joe Smith, seconded by Pam Dahmer. The motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report (George Harrison)
Account: $8,084.49. There is no money in the PAC account, as it was spent during the campaign.
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Wendy Sawyer, seconded by Bob Greene. The motion was approved unanimously.
Tom Myers mentioned that the Central Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 25th at the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office in Edgewood.
The Main Street Dems will meet on Monday, November 10th at Bellissimos in Bel Air.
No report from the African-American Democratic Club.
No reports from Young Dems.
Recognition of 2014 Candidates
Cassandra Beverley, Board of Education, District B; Candidate for House of Delegates, District 34B
Art Kaff, Member and Candidate; Board of Education, District E
Bridget Kelly, Candidate for State Senate, District 35
Joe Smith, Candidate for Harford County Council, District F
Steve Trostle, Candidate for State’s Attorney
Manley Calhoun, Representative for Mary Ann Lisanti, Councilwoman and Delegate-Elect
Ina Taylor, Treasurer for the Campaign of Sheriff Jesse Bane.
For the program, Treasurer George Harrison gave the autopsy for the Democrats in the previous night’s election. The reason the Democrats were not successful this year in Harford County was that voter turnout was lower than it was in 2010. Mr. Harrison acknowledged that four major points led to a Hogan victory on Election night. His four points were (1) the failure of the Brown campaign to acknowledge the jurisdiction outside of Baltimore City and County, the DC Counties and Howard County, (2) Larry Hogan framed a message and told it over and over again, (3) Hogan kept hammering Brown with the so-called “failures” of the O’Malley administration, and (4) the Brown campaign had no presence in Harford County.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas C. Myers, Secretary
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