Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Self-Styled "Great and Good" Establishment Republicans Insist 3rd Bush is the Charm!

...and this is why they will lose again.


  1. gad, what a worthless conversation...but I listened.
    To think David Brooks calls any shots about the GOP is a little odd, Joe, I have to say; He's THE biggest RHINO EVER and always has been! Brooks represents almost NO ONE....
    He mentions Bush and we're going to get upset? naaaa.
    We'll probably lose 2016 because of Hillary, anyway, so it's hard for me to get upset today about it. I'm actually hearing friends tell me their women friends say "Well, we have to finally have a woman president, so let's hope HILLARY runs!" MANY women feel this way!
    The good thing is that I BELIEVE we can shoot down a lot of what she says and show she's not that good on defense and I believe a lot of lib soccer moms are said to have voted Republican BECAUSE of that in the midterms. "let us pray!" :-)
    Republicans need to POUND on the fact that we want THE BEST PERSON FOR THIS COUNTRY and if it's a woman, so be it (they can't get too anti woman, after all) but THIS WOMAN? and why NOT this woman...which will be fairly easy to do.
    Obama REALLY dumped her in the mud with his "they want a new car smell" the other day..as if HILLARY is NEW ANYTHING? :-)

  2. I think that Obama is right about the desire for a new car smell, but since he was last year's "lemon", I suspect that the voters will want a new car with a long track record in "Consumer Reports".

    A governor would be ideal, only NOT one named Romney or Bush.

  3. I have little doubt that it will be one of this group.

  4. you wouldn't believe how long your comments take for me to download each time...? I wonder whY!

    Anyway...compared to ANY leftwinger? I'll take a Romney or a Bush any time, whether I love everything they say or not.

    And ya...good line about the LEMON!
