Thursday, October 2, 2014

How do you Spell "O-U-T_O-F_T-O-U-C-H"?

from The Hill
John Boehner predicted Tuesday that “very few” Republican lawmakers would vote against him when he seeks a third term as Speaker of the House.

In an interview with USA Today, the Ohio Republican pushed back against a report in The Hill that pockets of Tea Party conservatives are plotting to oust the Speaker when the 114th Congress meets in January to elect its House leaders in a public vote.

Boehner also dismissed suggestions that his leadership team would strip committee assignments from GOP lawmakers who vote against him.

"I just don't think it's necessary," Boehner said of possible retribution.

A handful of likely incoming GOP House freshmen have already said on the campaign trail they won’t be backing Boehner as Speaker, however.

And some incumbent Republicans who are cruising to reelection, including Reps. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), have stated publicly that Boehner needs to go.

“Time’s up,” Gosar told The Hill in a recent interview. “I’m tired of the status quo of what’s going on in Washington, D.C. America’s tired, America’s angry and they’re scared, because they don’t have leaders in Washington, D.C.”

In his interview with USA Today, Boehner praised Jeb Bush and said “he’s got a real shot” at winning the 2016 presidential race because of his strong record as former Florida governor.

"He has a record of serious, big reforms," Boehner said.

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