Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Medical Malpractice?

...or just great lobbying by homosexual activists?
HIV/AIDS accounts for just one out of every 146 U.S. deaths

It killed just 74 children under age 13 in 2007 out of 40,000 total, or one in 542.

That year twice as many infants died of other diseases as the total number of Americans who died of AIDS.

HIV/AIDS gets about $200,000 per patient death in the NIH research budget, according to calculations from the FAIR Foundation (Fair Allocations in Research). We spend 21 times more per AIDS death than cancer death. Pancreatic cancer will strike about 43,000 Americans this year and is essentially a quick death sentence. It gets 1% of the funding per death as AIDS.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are the nation’s sixth and 14th-leading causes of death of death respectively, yet HIV/AIDS gets 34 times and 25 times more per fatality respectively.

The disparity is all the worse when trends are considered. While AIDS cases and deaths remain level, those of Parkinson’s inexorably climb while Alzheimer’s fly off the chart.

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